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The Trojan Horse

But in reality, the so-called “cashless society” is just a Trojan horse for a system in which all financial wealth is electronic and represented digitally in the records of a small number of megabanks and asset managers.

Once that is achieved, it will be easy for state power to seize and freeze the wealth, or subject it to constant surveillance, taxation and other forms of digital confiscation like negative interest rates.

If you say the wrong things on social media, if you oppose mandatory vaccination or criticize government policy, you could potentially end up having your accounts frozen. If you think that sounds unlikely, look at Canada.

You remember the trucker protests against mandatory vaccination earlier this year. They were entirely peaceful. But Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was granted “special emergency powers” to shut them down.

He ordered all banks to freeze the accounts of the protestors, as well as anyone who aided them in any way. He froze over $6 million in private accounts for peacefully protesting against forced vaccinations.

If you don’t think that can happen in the U.S., you’re just naive. We’re on our way to adopting a “social credit system” like China has developed.