szilvatövis Creative Commons License 2021.05.26 -1 0 49965

Viasat beadványt intézett az FCC-hez, hogy állítsa már meg a SpaceX Starlink fellövéseit, mert versenyhátrányt szenved miatta. :-)

Third, Viasat will suffer competitive injury from the agency’s Order. SpaceX intends to
use its environmentally irresponsible constellation to compete directly with Viasat in the market
for satellite broadband services. SpaceX’s current network is insufficient for widespread
commercial availability, but it has explained that once it has enough Starlink satellites in LEO—
and it is launching them at a rapid clip—it will be able to move out of “beta” mode, extend its
reach geographically, and compete with Viasat for customers directly.