seci Creative Commons License 2020.07.21 0 0 2963

Az en gyujtemenyembol :)


Beginning of War
For reason or reasons unknown to members of the Galaxy at the time of the era under
discussion, Intergalactic Standard Time defines its fundamental unit, the second, as the time in
which light travels 299,776 kilometers. 86,400 seconds are arbitrarily set equal to one
Intergalactic Standard Day; and 365 of these days to one Intergalactic Standard Year.
Why 299,776?– Or 86,400?– Or 365?
Tradition, says the historian, begging the question. Because of certain and various mysterious
numerical relationships, say the mystics, cultists, numerologists, metaphysicists. Because the
original home-planet of humanity had certain natural periods of rotation and revolution from
which those relationships could be derived, say a very few.
No one really knew.
Nevertheless, the date on which the Foundation cruiser, the Hober Mallow met the Kalganian
squadron, headed by the Fearless, and, upon refusing to allow a search party to board, was
blasted into smoldering wreckage was 185; 11692 G.E. That is, it was the 185th day of the
11,692nd year of the Galactic Era which dated from the accession of the first Emperor of the
traditional Kamble dynasty. It was also 185; 419 A.S. – dating from the birth of Seldon – or 185;
348 Y.F. – dating from the establishment of the Foundation. On Kalgan it was 185; 56 F.C. –
dating from the establishment of the First Citizenship by the Mule. In each case, of course, for
convenience, the year was so arranged as to yield the same day number regardless of the
actual day upon which the era began.
And, in addition, to all the millions of worlds of the Galaxy, there were millions of local times,
based on the motions of their own particular heavenly neighbors.
But whichever you choose: 185; 11692-419-348-56 – or anything – it was this day which
historians later pointed to when they spoke of the start of the Stettinian war.



Előzmény: Inner Circle (2958)