Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2019.10.19 -3 1 215272

PS.: egyebkent ott van ez a vice com  cikkedben belinkelve >



Department of Homeland Security is finally, officially recognizing white supremacist terror as a major national security threat in the U.S. — a threat that’s coming from the inside.

Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan on Friday unveiled the department’s new counterterrorism strategy, which for the first time places major emphasis on countering the threat of white nationalism coming from inside the U.S.

The news will come as some relief for national security and extremism experts, who for years and with increasing urgency have sounded the alarm about the threat of white nationalist terror. After the Christchurch mosque attacks in March, President Donald Trump himself shrugged off the idea that white nationalist terror posed a major security threat. His administration has also defunded and dismantled DHS programs that were designed to counter violent extremism, including far-right extremism. At a House committee hearing earlier this week, experts stressed that the U.S. was woefully ill-equipped to counter the threat.



Remelem az extremista tartalmakat nyomo es online könyveket  hasonlo tartalommal kiado Unz botjanak a becsukasara is hamarosan sor kerül.



PPS.: Ugy hogy nem kellene itt  Neked tancikalnod egyesek körül, ennel Te Misi azert  sokkal okosabb vagy.


(A DHS az köztudottan nem szokott szarakodni.)

Előzmény: Törölt nick (215262)