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Lehet, hogy csak nekem újdonság az LA Times 1980. nov. 16-i remek Lennon interjúja:


Frappáns és okos, nagyon jól látta a dolgokat:


What does Lennon think would have happened to the Beatles if they hadn't broken up?


"I don't know, it would have probably gone down the tubes and then been resurrected like everything else. I always thought it was best to go out when you're flying high. The popularity was always ebbing and flowing. That's what people forget. It was only during the initial rush where everything we did was right. After that, it was up or down depending on the single or the movie or whatever.

"We could split in 1970 because we were on top. In fact, it was probably the best thing that ever happened to the Beatles myth. I read this book about Mick Jagger where he said after the break-up, 'At last, we're No. 1.' What he didn't realize was that when we split, we created a bigger thing than if we had stayed. He could never catch up with that."