NYUGDIJAS TROTY Creative Commons License 2018.09.25 -1 0 38127

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"If a target is designated to be “distant”, and with either tflight≥ 60 [sec] and H ≤ 20,000 [m] (shallow trajectory) or tflight≥ 70 [sec] and H > 20,000 [m] (steep trajectory), then the missile flies with two discrete control laws applied, one for midcourse flight, the other for terminal homing. The midcourse flight regime control law is a constant lead angle (ε=35º; β=0º or 15º) rule, with the missile switching over to the P-nav control law for terminal homing."



Az az a raketa a cel ele repul folyamatosan. Tehat ha az Izraeli F-16 volt a cepont akkor annak a 15-35 fokos eloretartasi pontja fele repul . Ha meg az IL-20 volt a celpont akkor meg annak az elotte levo eloretartasi pontja fele hogy terminal szakaszban aztan rahuzzon a celra a leheto legkedvezobb helyzetbol. 


Mas szavakkal a raketa helyzete es iranya megmutatja melyik volt a cel. Amelyik gep orra ele mutat a raketa az volt a cel.



Előzmény: molnibalage (38125)