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Itt:  https://archive.org/stream/historyofmongols21howo/historyofmongols21howo_djvu.txt



THE SO-CALLED TAETARS OF RUSSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. Division I. Henry H. Howorth, f.s.a. LONDON : Longmans, Green, and Co. 1880.



"These four thousand Mongols were divided into four Hezarehs, or battahons of a thousand, the first one commanded by the Saljiut Munggur, who commanded the left wing in Batu's army, and was succeeded by his son Jerkes ; the second by Gingetai Kuman Noyan, of the Ginget tribe, whose son Huran was a distinguished prince ; the third by Hushitai, of the Hushin tribe, one of the subjects of Burji Noyan ; and the fourth by Barku, who was attached to the right wing. A portion of these Mongols, in the subsequent civil strife which occurred among the Mongol princes, settled in the territory of the Ilkhans, i.e., in Persia.* Such was the salt of the army ; the main body was composed of Russians, Circassians, Magyars, and Turks, of whom the Turks, as I have said, formed the overwhelming number."



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