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Az Apache 6~8 EW rendszerét felsorolnád?

Gondolom ismeretes, hogy az Apache egy sorozat. Mar valahol röviden leirtam. Egy igen cizellalt upgrade soran egy "nagykarbantartas" kereteben elöall egy minösegileg uj tipus.

Ha az elsö Apache (AH-64A 1990 környeke) harcerteke 1, akkor az upgrade-olt AH-64H kb. 4 (pl. a tetejen levö radar es annak kepessegei miatt). Utana ~2010 körül elkezdtek az AH64D-t is upgrade-olni ... ugy hivtak, hogy Block III. A Block III jelenlegi megjelölese AH64E (amely harcerteke ~10). Ugyhogy nem lehet egyetlen verziorol beszelni (illetve lehet, de nincs ertelme).

Pl. elkeszült az univerzalis Hellfire (különbözö tipusok egybe epitve ... nem kell, csak nehanyat "cipelni" es minden alkalmazas elerhetö ..., thermobaric, HE, panceltörö, ...), elkeszült a 70 mm-es raketa vezerelhetö verzioja, az Apache-rol vezerelhetö drone integralasa ...

A helikopter egyeb reszei is javultak (hajtomü, lapatok, ...). A lenyeg viszont a rendszerkepesseg es integracio folyamatos növelese.

Various sensors and onboard avionics allows the Apache to perform in these conditions; such systems include the Target Acquisition and Designation System, Pilot Night Vision System (TADS/PNVS), passive infrared countermeasures,[58] GPS, and the IHADSS.[51][57] In August 2012, 24 U.S. Army AH-64Ds were equipped with the Ground Fire Acquisition System (GFAS), which detects and targets ground-based weapons fire sources in all-light conditions and with a 120° Visual field. The GFAS consists of two sensor pods working with the AH-64's other sensors, a thermographic camera precisely locates ground-based threats.[59]




Formerly known as AH-64D Block III, in 2012, it was redesignated as AH-64E Guardian to represent its increased capabilities.[262][263][264] The AH-64E features improved digital connectivity, the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System, more powerful T700-GE-701D engines with upgraded face gear transmission to accommodate more power,[265] capability to control unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs), full IFR capability, and improved landing gear.[266][267] New composite rotor blades, which successfully completed testing in 2004, increase cruise speed, climb rate, and payload capacity.[268] Deliveries began in November 2011.[269] Full-rate production was approved on 24 October 2012,[270] with 634 AH-64Ds to be upgraded to AH-64E standard and production of 56 new-build AH-64Es to start in 2019/20.[271] Changes in production lots 4 through 6 shall include a cognitive decision aiding system, new self-diagnostic abilities, and Link-16 data-links. The updated Longbow radar has an oversea capacity, potentially enabling naval strikes; an AESA radar is under consideration.[272] The E model is to be fit for maritime operations.[273] The Army has expressed a desire to add extended-range fuel tanks to the AH-64E to further increase range and endurance.[128] AH-64Es are to have the L-3 Communications MUM-TX datalink installed in place of two previous counterparts, it communicates on C, D, L, and Ku frequency bands to transmit and receive data and video with all Army UAVs.[274]




Az optikai rendszerek lenyege az automatikus kepfeldolgozas. Annak pedig a kulcseleme a megfelelö "signal-processor"-ok (es persze a kepfeldolgozo, kiertekelö software-ek) meglete. Ezen a területen a leggyorsabb a fejlödes ... es lehetöve teszi, hogy akar "egyszerü", de intelligens bombak (pl. JDAM) kepessegeinek dramai tovabbfejleszteset ... valamint a kommunikacio javulasa következteben a "kamikaze" modus lehetöve tetelet. A lenyeg pedig azon van, hogy mindezeket nem megfizethetetlen aron, hanem (majdnem) a "smartphoe"-ok költsegkereteben ...

Es akkor az automatizalt hadviselest meg sem emlitettem (ahol a fegyverek autonom mesterseges intelligencia alkalmazasaval önalloan tenykednek). Ez komoly etikai kerdeseket is felvet. Én elvben ellene vagyok, de nem tartom valoszinünek, hogy ne lenne kiaknazva mindaz, ami benne rejlik ... marpedig az belathatatlan ... es nem a jövöben belathatatlanok a lehetösegek, hanem mar 5-10 eves tavlatban is.




Előzmény: Hpasp (27004)