watch-fire Creative Commons License 2015.04.13 0 0 3543

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sur [BREAD] wr. sur "a bread"
sur [CUT] wr. sur4 "to cut cloth" Akk. nakāsu

sur [DITCH] wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 "canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building" Akk. berûtu; sūru

sur [FORM] wr. sur "to form" Akk. bašāmu

sur [FURIOUS] wr. sur2 "(to be) furious, angry" Akk. ezzu

sur [HALF] wr. sur; sur3 "half" Akk. šinnû; mišlu

sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu

sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu

sur [PLECTRUM?] wr. ĝešsur9 "plectrum?; a musical instrument?" Akk. zannaru

sur [PRESS] wr. sur; sur8 "to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk" Akk. natāku; zanānu; şahātu; şarāru

sur [SMILE] wr. sur "to smile"

sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu

sur [UNMNG] wr. sur3; sur8 ""

sur [UNMNG] wr. sur4 "?; ?" Akk. malātu; šihittu

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