Biga Cubensis Creative Commons License 2014.07.14 0 0 1112

igen, ezt olvastam én is.


"The most stable isotope will probably be 299Uup, with 184 neutrons, a known "magic" closed-shell number conferring exceptional stability, making it (with one further proton outside the "magic number" of 114 protons) both the chemical and the nuclear homolog of 209Bi; but the technology required to add the required neutrons presently does not exist. "

érdekes anyag, meglátjuk, mi lesz belőle. egyelőre ilyen különleges tulajdonságok nem látszanak, amiket Lazar állít, de bizonyára lehet még meglepetés is ebben a témában.


"Element 115 (temporarily named "ununpentium" (symbol Uup)) reportedly generates a minuscule gravity field which can be tapped and greatly amplified because the field happens to extend just beyond each atom's outermost electron shell. Exactly how this field is accessed, however, remains unclear. But the end result is allegedly a highly directional gravity distortion field. Under proton bombardment, furthermore, it is claimed that the atoms of Element 115 produce antimatter particles which participate in a process of extremely efficient energy production for powering any and all systems and subsystems within the craft. The mass of the nuclear fuel aboard each craft was said to be approximately two kilograms and was enough to last for several years before requiring replenishment."

Előzmény: Astrojan (1111)