emem Creative Commons License 2014.06.08 0 0 1712

hát ez tényleg nagyon bátortalan tipp.

valószínűleg az okozza a tőled szokatlan, különösen nagy energiájú (számítások szerint 1,000 1 000 nanotesla) energiájú) bátortalanságot, hogy a topiktárs által linkelt oldal finoman szólva sem a tudomány fellegvárába kalauzol, hanem egy időkapuval és már eszement botorságokkal operáló szennylap oldalaira.




"But the interest around this lake subantartico was caused by the strong magnetic anomaly found in the south-east, during the exploratory flights made since 2001. The energy of the anomaly was calculated in 1000 nanotesla, stretches for 166 km square, and is able to make crazy board instruments.

The causes of this anomaly has not yet been explained. Some researchers have put the subject matter of the metallic nature that was detected at the base of the lake."


a valóság ezzel szemben az, hogy az anomália nem számítások szerint, hanem méresek szerint 1 000 nanotesla eltérést mutat a környezeti átlag 60 000 nanoteslájához képest.

ez persze valóban nagy eltérést jelent a jellemzően 500-600 nanoteslás anomáliákhoz viszonyítva, de semmiképpen nem nagyságrendi különbség, és végképp nem bolondította meg a műszereket.

az eltérés okára természetesen létezik tudományos magyarázat:


"The findings will help scientists decide between two theories for the creation of the lake. One scenario is that the lake was created by erosion. The second possibility, and the one Studinger said preliminary data supports, is that changes in the earth’s crust formed the lake.The evidence is a huge magnetic anomaly on the east coast of the lake’s shoreline. As the first SOAR flight crossed over to the lake’s east side, the magnetometer dial swung suddenly. The readings changed almost 1,000 nanotesla from the normal 60,000 nanoteslas around Vostok. A tesla is standard measure of magnetism.  Studinger typically finds anomalies of 500-to-600 nanotesla in places where volcanicmaterial has poured out of the ground. "When we first saw this huge magnetic anomaly, that was very exciting," Studinger said. Usually magnetic anomalies are much smaller and it takes some effort to distinguish the anomaly from normal daily changes in the magnetic field. In this case there was no confusion. "This anomaly is so big that it can’t be caused by a daily change in the magnetic field," Studinger said. The anomaly was big in another way, encompassing the entire Southeast corner of the lake, about (65 b 46 miles) 105 km by 75 km. The size and extremity of the magnetic anomaly indicated the geological structure changes beneath the lake, and Studinger guessed it might be a region where the earth’s crust is thinner."




The SOAR team loads equipment into a Twin Otter plane. Theequipment is used to measure changes in magnetism, gravity,altitude and ice depth, which will help scientists map andunderstand Lake Vostok. Photo provided by SOAR.





Előzmény: Törölt nick (1711)