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Az Index így tájékoztat Putyin álláspontjáról:


A krími bázisokat elfoglaló katonák szerinte nem oroszok voltak, hanem a helyi önvédelmi erők tagjai. Az új ukrán kormányt legitimnek tartja, de az elnök Janukovics maradt, és ez Putyin szerint csak akkor változik meg, ha lemond vagy meghal. 


Mit mondott a hírügynökségek szerint erről valójában?


The Russian government is currently engaging with the self-proclaimed govern of Ukraine with the goal of preserving economic ties between the two countries. However, any normal relations would only be possible after Ukraine has fully legitimate branches of government, Putin said. He considers that he has no counterpart in Kiev now, so he personally has no partner to communicate with....The resistance to the authorities in Kiev, which is evident currently in the eastern and southern Ukraine, shows clearly that currently Kiev does not have a nationwide mandate to govern the country.

“Frankly, they should adopt a new constitution through a referendum so that all citizens of Ukraine feel engagement in that process, have an input on the formation of the new principles of how their nation should function,” Putin suggested. “That’s certainly not for us, but for the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian authorities to decide this way or another. I believe after legitimate government is formed, after a new president elected, after a new parliament is elected, they should return to this.”


Ezt úgy "fordítani", miszerint Putyin a kormányt legitimnek tartaná - egyértelmű csalás és dezinformáció.