loding Creative Commons License 2014.02.26 0 0 3950


szal igazázából ők rájöttek hogy valójában nem orvosság a depire, meg nincs igazából varázsereje, viszont mint kiderült a jó marketingnek köszönhetően abszolút értékként működött a trade-nél ;-) így vodkára, drogra, fegyverre, nőre :-) cserélhették :-)))

Óriási :-D


"In Inuit legend, the Narwhal tusk made of when a woman with a harpoon rope around her waist was dragged into the ocean after the harpoon had beaten a large narwhal. It was transformed into a narwhal herself, and her hair that she wore in a twisted knot, became the characteristic spiral narwhal tusk. Some medieval Europeans believed Narwhal tusks to the horns of the legendary unicorn. As these horns were considered magical powers, including the ability to cure poison and melancholia, Vikings and other northern traders were able to sell them for many times their weight in gold."