perkelto Creative Commons License 2014.02.25 0 0 3820

Zaporozsjében tegnap molotovkoktélt dobtak egy zsinagógára. Szerencsére csak minimális anyagi kár keletkezett.


“Our synagogue is surrounded by a barrier, the doors are all automatic, and we have round-the-clock security staff,” Chabad Rabbi Nachum Ehrentrau says. “In these uncertain times, we are, of course, even more cautious, doing all we can to ensure the safety of the community center and its visitors.”

Ehrentrau told the Chabad web site that the city’s Jewish residents are confused.

 “On one hand, there are those who are urging people to evacuate. On the other hand, there are those who are minimizing the risks,” he explains. “It is important to remember that the opposition has been in the government for four year, and has kept very good relations with Jewish people and the Jewish community. Yet in a time of chaos and uncertainty, we must keep a low profile and avoid unnecessary friction.”


Fontos megemlíteni, hogy az ellenzék korábban már négy éven át kormányozta Ukrajnát, s akkor nagyon jó kapcsolatot tartott fenn a zsidó néppel és a zsidó közösséggel.

Előzmény: puzdra (3816)