iszilard Creative Commons License 2013.03.16 0 0 963

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There were a couple issues with it. One, we had a major issue that I was just doing too much Perrin stuff, because I’d just come off a Perrin book and I love Perrin, and Harriet’s like, “We’re just doing too much Perrin. Let’s scale back the Perrin.”


And then the other thing was, she’s like, “You don’t quite have the Ways right, so they don’t have the feel Robert Jordan had.” Rather than spend the time getting it right, she just felt the whole section needed to go anyway, for pacing reasons.


Too much Perrin, too much distraction, and Maria made the argument that closing the Waygate wasn’t necessary, because we already had in the plot to have the Trollocs being destroyed another way, so she was like “Why are we closing this 
Waygate, and spending 20,000 words doing it?” The only reason to keep it was the Ogier arrival, which was awesome, and driving off Mashadar. {He meant Machin Shin, and corrected it later.} The Ogier arrival now is much weaker; they show up at the Field of Merrilor, and that was kind of packed into place after we cut out this whole 



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The problem is, the notes weren't as extensive as we were led to believe. For example, Brandon said in the tour that while RJ had said the LB would be long, and take up a significant portion of the book, he didn't leave many details. Except for incorporating a few things RJ had suggested, the entirety of the battle sequences in the last book, from strategy to execution to length, were not from RJ's notes. 


Brandon apparently had RJ's assistant Alan (who's a war buff), and Bernard Cornwell help him in coming up with the overall strategy. Then the portrayal is all his own. So I don't quite see where RJ can be blamed for the tiresome, repetitive nature of the battles in this 
book. We know it is totally not his style. We also know that he didn't leave many notes on it. We've been told that everything from törölve's death to törölve were up in the air. For certain, none of the One Power stuff was from RJ. All of Androl's part was all Brandon, 
though he did say that RJ had planned to have various Asha'man do various things in the Black Tower, and he decided to take all these things and give them to a character of his creation. So how can RJ be blamed for Androl?

Brandon has also revealed that the battle between Rand and the DO wasn't exactly spelled out either. He said that the notes seemed to make it more like a "last conversation", and that Harriet later sent in a suggestion that maybe Rand and the DO could battle it out by creating many possible worlds.


We have also been told RJ had specific numbers for the turned Aiel channelers in the Town (we'll know that number soon enough). We saw all of four, so unless that actually was the number, its pretty clear they were a severely underutilized resource. The numbers of the Aes Sedai, the Wise Ones, the Windfinders, etc. were also completely wrong, and the Black Ajah was totally absent. All these were Brandon and Team Jordan's choices, not RJ's. So again, I don't see how he's the blame for these issues.