magic2 Creative Commons License 2012.04.30 0 0 118138

a leírás szerint rá kellett keresni az upperfilters-re és egyesége lkitörölni a df5 kezdetű filokat, majd az indítási paraméterek közül is.


3. On the Find dialog box type UpperFilters and check only the Values checkbox. Then click Find Next.
4. The program will find a value with the name UpperFilters. Open this value and if there's a line with the name of the Deep Freeze driver (DeepFrz or DepFrzLo) delete it including the return, leaving the rest of the lines intact. Also, if you are using ThawSpace and you want to get rid of it delete that line too (ThwSpace), if you want to keep the ThawSpace leave it there. Press F3 to find the next match and repeat the operation until you have fixed all the UpperFilters values inside the HKLMMySystem key.
5. Navigate to HKLMMySystemSelect and check the value with the name Default. It has the number of the control set key that the system will use when booted. If it is 1 the control set is ControlSet001, if it is 2 the control set is ControlSet002, and so on. We'll assume the control set is ControlSet001 but you should use the one specified by the value Default.
6. Now go to HKLMMySystemControlSet001Services and delete the keys with the name of the Deep Freeze drivers (DeepFrz or DepFrzLo and DepFrzHi). Also, if you decided to get rid of the ThawSpace delete the key with the name of the ThawSpace driver (ThwSpace).