lebben Creative Commons License 2012.03.09 0 0 812



Unenägu on une ajal esinevad nägemused.


...de ki a hunyó?


Uni on omakohtainen, subjektiivinen nukkumisen aikana koettava elämys, jossa esiintyy ajatuksia, tunteita, mielikuvia, ääniä ja muita aistimuksia. Unen sisältö saattaa muistuttaa tarinaa, joka etenee epäloogisesti ja absurdisti; arkielämän ilmiöt näyttäytyvät vääristyneinä ilman minkäänlaisia "rajoja". Unessa on erilaisia vaiheita, joiden aikana herääminen on erilaista.



Rüya, uykunun genel ve karakteristik özelliklerinden[1] biri olup, uykunun hızlı göz hareketi (REM)[1] adlı evreleriyle yakından ilişkili bulunan, görsel ve işitsel algı ve duygulardır.




...az igazi álmos?...Ruga (más nevein Rhuas, Rugila, Rua, ΄Ρούγας, ΄Ρωίλας) (kb. 365-kb. 434/35) 432-ben még hadvezérként egyesítette a hunokat. Nagyjából 425-től (?) 435-ig volt uralkodó....aki nem mehetett be pannoniába...


Ruja-Djurash Masgut (489-505). A son of Kermek from the daughter of the Masgutian Bek Ruji, the reason for him being  named Ruja. He was the governor of Kara-Bershud (Danube-Ukrainian part of realm - Translator's Note), and ruled for 16 years. With the help of the Seberian Beks, he could expand the possession in the West after successful wars with Byzantium. In 492, in the year of the monkey, he occupied all western part of the Danube Bulgaria from the Danube to the Kuba-Dar (Vardar, Macedonia), and in memory of that he founded the city of Bichin - "Monkey" (Vidin). For his successes in the wars he has received a nickname Djurash, i.e. "Warrior, Spirit of War". He has become famous as a wise and fair ruler. He knew his native Oguzo-Bulgarian language, German, Latin, Greek, Danube-Bulgarian ("Slavic-Bulgarian"), Hungarian, Persian languages and the "Kam Tele" (the language of the Bulgarian shamans). He had five famous sons: Bulyak-Bolgar, Kushtan (Birman), Aiyar, Moger, and Bandja-Tatra.

Előzmény: Haralamos (811)