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Én az alábbi listát kaptam tőle, de érdemes rákérdezni bármire amire konkrétan szükségetek van, mert ezeknél még több fajtát termeszt...


African Pequin, Aji Yellow, Atsal, Bhut Jolokia, Bird’s Eye, Carmen, Chile de Arbol, Criolla Sella, Goat Horn, Inca Red Drop, Indian PC-1, Jalapeno, Khorika Jolokia, King of The North, Lemon Drop, Mundu Gundu, Naga Jolokia Purple, Nora, Omnicolor, Patricia’s bell, Red Demon, Schoko Paprika, Tree Habanero, Zimbabwe Bird

1884, African Vinning, Airyleaf, Alladin’s Lamp, Amana Orange, Amazon Chocolate, American Beauty, Amish Cherry, Amish potato leaf, Amish Rose, Amish Yellow, Ananas Noire, Arbuznyi Watermelon, Atkinson, Barne’s Mountain Striped, Becker’s Blave, Belgian Pounder, Black from Tula, Black Zebra, Boloto, Brad’s Black Heart, Britain Breakfast, Burpee Delicious, Burpee Delicious x Evan’s Purple Pear, Capriciosa, Charlie’s Green, Cherokee Purple, Chilo Della Garfagna, Chocolate Stripes, Coeur Boeuf D’ Albenga, Cold Set, Copia, D-Ami Giant, De Berao Orange, Dewese Striped, Dinner Plate, Duggin White, Elbe, Elförmige Dauer, Evan’s Purple Pear, Frisco Cherry, Furry Yellow Hog, Garden Peach Red, Geante D’ Espagnole, German Tree, Giant 11, Giant Tomato Tree, Gigantesque, Gilloghy Pink, Giraffe, Glacier, Gold Stripes, Golden Treasure, Grace Land, Green Gage, Green Giant, Green Pineapple, Green Stripes, Green Wish, Green Zebra, Grosse Hative D’ Orléans, Guido, Harvest, Hawaiian Cherry Orange, Hawaiian Cherry Red, Health Kick, Himbeer Rose, Howard’s paste, Hungarian Giant, Isis Candy, Ivory Egg, Japanese Trifele Orange, Jaune de Thoune, Jewish, Kardinal Tshyorny, Koroleva, Lhemin Hative, Limbaugh’s Potato Top, Lime Green, Lvinoe Serdtse prolific, Maalina Ima, Madara, Malkahitovaya Shkatulka, Manchego, Marianna Hawaiian Pineapple, Marmande Verte, Mélange Du Vieux Fermer, Micro Tom, Monkey Ass, Morado, Morning Dew, Mountain princess, Nineveh, Ola Polka, Orange Caro, Orange russian 117, OSU Blue P20, Pfunds Tomate, Pipo, Plum Tigris, Polish Non Acid, Ponderose Golden, Porkchop, Principe Borghese, Purple Smudge, Purple Smudge Orange flesh, Purple Tomatillo, Puszta Koloss, Qianauhuang, Quisenberry, Red Peach, Red Siberian, Rose, Rose De Amagu, Rozovi Izumnyi, San Marzano Lungo, Sara Black, Striped Roman, Striped Turkish, Sungella, Sweet Million, Teton de Venus, Thai Pink, Tiger Paw, Tiny Tim, Tomaat Oranje Vian Goeijen Bier, Vallim Orange, Vb Russia, Vidoje’s Surprise, Viva Lindsey’s White Kentucky, Wapsipinicon Peach, Weeping Charlie, White Beauty, White Zebra, Wickling Cherry, Yellow Brandywine, Yellow Giant Belgium, Zakopane, Zeltij Giant, Zunami

Dark Opal Purple, Blue Spice, Green Ruffle, Mrs. Burns Lemon Scented, Italian Genovese, Siam Queen, Lettuce Leaf

Adapazari, Black Futsu, Butternut, Chicago Warted Hubbard, Galeux D’ Eyesines, Grey Crown, Jumbo Pink Banana, Marina de Chiogga, Red Kuri, Sweet Dumpling

Előzmény: BAttila1964 (4711)