emem Creative Commons License 2010.11.17 0 0 19

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"In this report we see that one length of 265 base pairs from the Starchild Skull’s nuclear DNA matches perfectly with a gene on human chromosome 1. This verifies that at least some of the nuclear DNA from the Starchild is from a human being."


"In the next screen shot (below) a string of 342 base pairs recovered from the Starchild Skull was analyzed. This time the result reads: "No significant similarity found. For reasons why, click here.” Those “reasons why” are an automatically generated list of possible procedural errors designed to help geneticists check all possible flaws in their testing techniques. Our geneticist has verified his procedures and replicated his results, indicating that no such mistakes were made.  

To have recovered a string of base pairs 342 nucleotides long with NO reference in the NIH database is astounding because it means there is NO known earthly corollary for what has been analyzed!"

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