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Rendkívül érdekes indián mítoszok a Vénuszról:

“Once there was a bachelor. Every night when he lay down to sleep he wished he had a beautiful wife, a fair-skinned wife. Lying in bed at night he would see the star called
Iozly [Venus]…Then the star came…She said: ‘Don’t be afraid. Because you have been
looking at me year after year I have now come to sleep with you. I want to be your

“When she lay down with him there was a light emanating from her, illuminating
everything…By now the other people and some girls were very envious of the young
man’s family because they looked so fair and beautiful. The man used to be dark and
ugly, but when he slept with Iozly every night he grew better and better looking until he was fair and handsome, with smooth, fair hair.”

In order to keep their affair secret from the other tribesmen, Star Woman asks her mortal lover to find her a gourd so she can enter into it and remain concealed from sight.
Eventually, following further adventures—one of which found Star Woman forced to
reconstitute her dismembered lover’s body—“she took him with her to the sky where she lives.”

“The morning star is an old man who has a big fire. His fire is cold. The star-woman
was the daughter of the morning star.”

Azért elképesztő, hogy Amerikáig kell menni, hogy némely görög furcsaságra több fény vetüljön... rendkívül érdekes párhuzamok, amiről érdemes lesz majd bővebben is szólni.

Úgy látom, Ev Cochrane is egyike Schenouda ismeretlen szerzőinek.