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Y3K Creative Commons License 2001.09.21 0 0 4
Itt a valasz:

CNN statement about false claim it used old video
Brazilian university statement says no fact to original claim

(CNN asks that you copy and e-mail this statement to whomever asks about it.)

There is absolutely no truth to the information that is now distributed on the Internet that CNN used 10-year-old video when showing the celebrating of some Palestinians in East Jerusalem after the terror attacks in the U.S. The video was shot that day by a Reuters camera crew. CNN is a client of Reuters and like other clients, received the video and broadcast it. Reuters officials have publicly made the facts clear as well.

The allegation is false. The source of the allegation has withdrawn it and apologized. It was started by a Brazilian student who now says he immediately posted a correction once he knew the information was not true. This is the statement by his university -- UNICAMP -- Universidad Estatal de Campinas-Brasil.

Again, please read this -- and copy it -- and send it to anyone you know who may have the false information. Thank you.

OFFICIAL STATEMENT by Universidad de Campinas-Brasil

UNICAMP (Universidad Estatal de Campinas-Brasil) would like to announce that it has no knowledge of a videotape from 1991, whose images supposedly aired on CNN showing Palestinians celebrating the terrorist attacks in the U.S. The tape was supposedly from 1991, and there were rumors that the images were passed off as current.

This information was later denied, as soon as it proved false, by Márcio A. V. Carvalho, a student at UNICAMP. He approached the administration today, 17.09.2001, to clarify the following:

-- the information he got, verbally, was that a professor from another institution (not from UNICAMP) had the tape;

-- he sent the information to a discussion group e-mail list;

-- many people from this list were interested in the subject and requested more details;

-- he again contacted the person who first gave him the information and the person denied having the tape;

-- the student immediately sent out a note clarifying what happened to the people from his e-mail list.

The original message, however, was distributed all over the world, often with many distortions, including a falsified by-line article from the student. He affirms that a hacker attacked his domain. Several E-mails have been sent on his behalf and those dating from 15.09.2001 should be ignored.

Among the distortions is the fact that UNICAMP would be analyzing the tape, which is absolutely false. The administration considers this alert definitive and will be careful to avoid new rumors.

Előzmény: nurej (-)
swatswat Creative Commons License 2001.09.21 0 0 3
Én meg olyat kaptam, hogy Nostradamus megjósolta. Persze...

Ennyire a CNN sem lehet hülye. Főleg, hogy az akkori felvételek megtalálhatók még ma is, így ha ez igaz, arra még aznap rájöttek volna.

Szóval én így írnám: Csal a CNN???

De mint tudjuk, az a baj a hülyékkel, hogy mindenben olyan biztosak. (Idézet.)

Előzmény: nurej (0)
Alan Shearer Creative Commons License 2001.09.21 0 0 2
Lehetséges, de még ha nem is csal a CNN, azt akkor sem mondhatjuk, hogy egész Palesztína ünnapel. A legtöbb palesztin iskolában megemlékeztek a halottakról. Fanatikus, buta ünneplők pedig mindenhol vannak.
Előzmény: nurej (-)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2001.09.21 0 0 1
Tenyleg nem 0 ha igaz.

De megtudnad mondani Bano hol hasznalt fel regi anyagot riportjaiban hamisitasra ???
Szerintem Te itt az ominozus skin-head-es ügyre gondolsz, ahol elvileg JOGERÖSEN igazat adtak neki. De azert jo egy kicsit csusztatni, igaz ??

Előzmény: nurej (0)
nurej Creative Commons License 2001.09.21 0 0 0
nem 0, ha igaz.
Mindenesetre ilyen levek keringenek a neten
nurej Creative Commons License 2001.09.21 0 0 topiknyitó
Mint annak idején Bánó.

Állítólag előkerültek azok a kazetták, amelyeken a palesztinok ünneplik az iraki kuvaiti bevonulast. Ugyanazok a snittek, amiket a CNN a WTC támadás napján mutatott be.

Mit tudtok róla? Igaz vagy kamu?


"CNN showed Palestinians cheering the death and destruction of 11 September. The scenes were repeated throughout the day and around the world to sow hatred against the "callous" Palestinians. Now it turns out that it used footage from 1991 and just claimed that it was today's footage. A contributor to CounterPunch (edited by Alexander Cockburn) reports that he and his colleagues had compared this tape with one from 1991 showing Palestinian cheering, and found them to be identical. Here are excerpts from that letter by Marcio A.

V. Carvalho at State = University of Campinas - Brazil:

All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news distributors, and one of them - as you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess all of you have been seeing (just as I've been) images from this company. In particular, one set of images called my attencion: the Palestinians celebrating the bombing, out on the streets, eating some cake and making funny faces for the camera.

Well, THOSE IMAGES WERE SHOT BACK IN 1991! Those are images of Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! It's simply unacceptable that a super-power of communications as CNN uses images which do not correspond to the reality in talking about so serious an issue.

A teacher of mine, here in Brazil, has videotapes recorded in 1991, with the very same images; he's been sending emails to CNN, Globo (the major TV network in Brazil) and newspapers, denouncing what I myself classify as = a crime against the public opinion. If anyone of you has access to this = kind of files, search for it. In the meanwhile, I'll try to 'put my hands' on a copy of this tape.

But now, think for a moment about the impact of such images. Your people are hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind of broadcast have very high possibility of causing waves of anger and rage against Palestinians. It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those."

Marcio A. V. Carvalho State University

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