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Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
More than 500.000 already infected!
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Szvsz az elővigyázatosság a legjobb,meg a biztonságosbb levelezőprogik.Az a szemét klez úgy szét tud dúródni a winyón,hogy sokszor érdemesebb formatálni,mint javítgatni...
Hello A 6-os tudja, van benne a beállitások között rá opció. Plusz sp1-el tudja azt is hogy mindent txt-ként jelenit meg, igy az iframe virusok kilöve. N.T.
biztosan, mert nekem nem nyitja meg :)
hogy hol, azt most nem tudom megmondani, mert másik gépnél vagyok.
egyébként érdemes letölteni az ajánlott frissítéseket a -ról (azt hiszem, hogy az egyik ilyen telepítése után már nem nyitogatta a csatolt fájlokat, de nem tuti).
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Nyilvános weboldalról gyűjtött -
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NAME:Az Én Nevem ami meg van adva aál! Nem
ami az Outlookban.
Sőt, egy másik hasonló is. Csak nehogy divatot csináljanak! Emberek, ne válaszoljatok nekik!!!
Subject: Oktatási tájékoztató
Tisztelt Internet felhasználó!
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Nem kérem
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Kedves Topiclakók!
Beleolvasgattam a "kukacos" kezdetbe és a többibe. Egész jó. Így én is gazdagítom a gyűjteményt.
Hát ehhez a szösszenethez mit szóltok?
Esetleg vannak itt "befektetők"? :-)))))))))))))))
" 0031655913262
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me
since you do not know me personally. I am osima nkono, the first son of Sominu Nkono,the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who was murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got your contact
through network online hence decided to write you.
Before the death of my father, he had taken me to
Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US8.5 million
(Eight million, Five Hundred thousand United States
dollars), in one of the private security company,
as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe this money was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from security company. This amount was
meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and establishment of new farms in
This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.
Robert Mugabe introduced a new Land Act Reform
wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some
few black farmers, and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact a lot of people were killed because of this Land reform Act for which my father was one of the victims.
It is against this background that, I and my family
fled Zimbabwe for fear of our lives and are
currently staying in the Netherlands where we are
seeking political asylum and moreso have decided to
transfer my father’s money to a more reliable
foreign account. since the law of Netherlands
prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any
bank account or to be involved in any financial
transaction throughout the territorial zone of Netherlands, As the eldest son of my father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking everything we have got. The South African
government seems to be playing along with them.
I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of
money out of South Africa for fear of going through
the same experience in future, both countries have
similar political history. As a businessman,I am
seeking for a partner who I have to entrust my
future and that of my family in his hands, I must let you know that this transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I want you to do for me, is to make an arrangements with the security company to clear the consignment(funds) from their afiliate office here in the Netherlands as i have already given directives for the consignment to be brought to the Netherlands from South Africa.But
before then all modalities will have to be put in
place like change of ownership to the consignment
and more importantly this money I intend to use for
I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose
to have certain percentage of the money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your country. Whichever the option you want, feel free to notify me. I have also mapped out 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses incurred in the process of this
If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing to
give you 10% of the money while the remaining 85%
will be for my investment in your country. Contact me
with the above telephone number or my E-mail address
while I implore you to maintain the absolute
secrecy required in this transaction.
A Norton 2002 beengedte, de nem nyitom meg ;-)
(Ya meg a KAV is)
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