Looking for a native englishman/yankee, with excellent writing skills. Also with some time to work, pref. located in Budapest/HUN. slide@vipmail.hu Sorry for disturbing. slide
This topic don't make no sense.
There is a topic "Chat in English" in Tasztal if you want to exchange messages in a civilized way. If you don't wish to get into politics in this forum, what's the point of having it? To have a chance to correct others' mistakes? Or to play at being a great scholar?
Get a life.
There are 3 choices left:
1. a topic whithout any message. It does not make any sense.
2. a profound analysis about the english grammar. Who cares?
3. let us rather create a "Daily News" with the Hungarian Public Opinion: an early bird assigns the news of the day and the others react to that during the day. F.e.: the news of the day on 5 Sept 2000:
" Verhaugen suggest that a referenda should be held in Germany about approving the joining of East Europe to the EU."
And now the Hungarian Public Opinion which can be read all over the world:
I condemn this discrimination and I would be happy if Mr Verhaugen were removed immediately from his position. He should work about a quick enlargement which makes an end to the historical separation of the continent.
And I don´t remember that Hungarian citizens ever had the idea to hold a referenda about allowing the rejoining of the splitted Germany 10 years ago. Or about letting out the East-Gremans to the West.
If you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe the American Heritage Dictionary....
ver·min (vűrąmîn) noun
plural vermin
1. Various small animals or insects, such as rats or cockroaches, that are destructive, annoying, or injurious to health.
2. Animals that prey on game, such as foxes or weasels.
3. a. A person considered loathsome or highly offensive. b. Such people considered as a group.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *verměnum, from Latin vermis, worm.]
Your bookish English comes from Jorgos Travel. Vermin can be put in the plural if it is about different sorts of vermins. Haraszti and Bauer are one type of vermin, but Horn is of a different sort. The two together are two kinds of vermins. As to capitalization: there is a recent tendency practiced mostly in the US academe not to capitalize bad "isms."
(vermin is vermin in the plural, not vermins, and may I suggest that you also study the rules of capitalization, as well as the rules for the use of hyphens)
Listen, nitwit. If the Gefillte fisch topic is not about gefillte fisch, then this topic can be about everything and everybody that sucks. Like Ms. Revai.
"Wrong topic, sweetheart! This one's about English, not about politics! "
IMHO there are weveral ways to look at this problem:
If we want to speak about politics in English, the topic belongs here.
If we wand to speak about English in English or in any other language, the topic belongs to Kultúra.
If we want to speak without any particular reason or just throw insults at each other, do some hair splitting, the topic could stay as is or should be merged with any other topic.. :))))
Appledrink has retreated. Which is very understandable. However I think it should'nt be a reason for blame him. If the topic is really about English we'd better to ask the moderator to put the whole thing into "Törzsasztal" or somewhere else. (Methinks rulez)
The following things or persons suck. Please expand on the list:
The Bauers
The Eörsis
Left liberal journalists who hate their homeland
Soros and his political supportees
Goncz "the faultless"
Those vermins who attack their opponents by calling them antisemites, fascists, or nazis for lack of any rational argument
Haraszti who killed his mother and is killing the reputation of Hungary (not his birthplace).
My one sufficient obiect was to greet that pious friend o` mine, the Apostle Appledrink, and rejoice with hym/her ouer the many precious souls hee/shee hath won from heathendom!
Methkins, Appeldrinke seemeth to vnderstande onely those thinges hee is closely associat`d with. All-too closely.
What art thou, worshipfull Appeldrinke, I praie? What are thy goales in thy life, in uery truth?
To change any ones point of view throy the internationall networke? Whence didst thou come? I beliue not thou art treading vpon the rite path. Neuer the lesse, I giue thee a peece o` aduice fortwith. Thou must bee needs of yt. Beholde, uerily! There hath bin some trouble conserning thee of late alonge with thine ignorant friend, Lil`HedgehogR.
A not too uery longe tyme agone there wert a little quarell betwixt mee and thee, learn`d Appeldrinke.
Take heed to my wordes; Euille-doers and double-dealers wilt alwaies bee sett vp to publick shame, sooner or later.
Which one dost thou prefer? What yt bee lyke being an euille-doer of a double-dealer politickall partie. Ay, could yt euer bee thine, lil` fidelito?
Thou shalt haue no more unnecessarie slandering before mee.
Thou shalt not make vnto thee any grauen image of thy beloued prime minister
Thou shalt not take the name of mine in vaine;
Honour our fathers and our mothers: :))))
Remember the sabbath daie, to keep yt holie. (most important vnto thy kindred)
Thou shalt not piss vpon others for the ioy of pissin`.
Thou shalt not commit meane topick submissions.
Thou shalt not steale ideas. (ie. plagiarize) Tell thy friend!
Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agaynst thy politickall aduersarie.
Thou shalt not couet thy neighbors howse, thou shalt not couet thy neighbors wife, nor his manseruant, nor his maidseruant, nor his ox, nor his asse, nor any thinge that is thy neighbors.
And now, I would ask of my well-skill`d Appeldrinke, whither, in goode sooth, hee deemeth mee to haue profited by his kindly care of this short speech o` mine?