Ebben a topikban a vívás harcművészeti aspektusait szeretnénk megvitatni. Elsősorban a történelmi európai vívással, ezen belül szablyavívással szeretnénk foglalkozni, de minden más vívás képviselője is szívesen látott vendég a topikban.
SabreSlash 2023 organizers are proud to announce that this year we are going to have a pretty international crowd of historical sabre fencing stylists attending from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Canada and USA to enjoy the weekend in Prague with a sabre in hand.
And there is one more thing to look forward to a brand new Polish Hussar practice sabre made by Swordsmithy is waiting for the winner of „Zablocki Sabre“ tournament 2023." (FB)
"Kimondottan szomorúnak tartom, hogy rengeteg HEMA-vívó valahogy nem érti, hogy a FB túlzott használatával egyszerűen megsemmisül a vívótörténelmünk egy jelentős szeletje. Érdekes hozzászólások, ötletek, elemzések ezrei tűnnek el a semmiben... :-((((
Egy érdekes hibrid megoldás: szolgálati markolat + könnyű (könnyebb) penge.
"Długość całkowita: 101 cm.Długość głowni: 84,5 cm. Szerokość głowni przy nasadzie: 14 mm. Grubość głowni przy nasadzie: 5 mm. Sygnowana u nasady: "WEYERSBERG & STAMM solingen". Uchwyt drewniany pokryty skórą węża z 8 -ma karbami bez oplotu. jelec stalowy z łezkowatą tarczą. Masa szabli: 0,51 kg."
Egy könnyű gyakorlóról (0,51 kg) van szó, 84,5 cm hosszú, 14 mm-es solingeni pengével (a markolatnál).
Date: Saturday September 30 2023 Place: Náměstí Svobody, 930/3, 160 00 Prague 6 Bubeneč
10:00 – 10:15 opening ceremony. 10:15 – 12:15 “Raddopio Made Easy: How to chase that springy bastard all the way to the end of the strip”, workshop led by Russ Mitchell, from Winged Sabre Historical Fencing, Texas, USA 12:15-13:00 free fencing
13:00 - 14:00 lunchbreak
14:00 – 15:30 “Beyond the counter-riposte”, workshop led by Pedro San Miguel, Schola Gladiatoria, London, United Kingdom.
15:30 – 16:30 “Feints in Barbasetti fencing system”, workshop led by Leonid Křížek, Barbasetti Military Sabre (since 1895), Prague, Czech Republic.
16:30 – 18:00 “Thrusts in Barbasetti´s fencing system, controlled and conserved strength for thrusts”, workshop led by Michael Kňažko, Barbasetti Military Sabre (since 1895), Prague, Czech Republic. Workshop combined with “SabreSlashing with light sabres”, test-cutting workshop.
20:00 – 23:00 „ Sabres & Beer are inseparable“, good food and beer as well as chat about sabres in the pub “U Topolů”.
Date: Sunday October 1 2023 Place: Náměstí Svobody, 930/3, 160 00 Prague 6 Bubeneč
Workshops and tournament requirements: -complete protective sabre fencing gear (mask, jacket, a pair of gloves, throat and groin protectors – all compulsory), own sabre for workshops -sabres for „ Zabłocki Sabre 2023 “ tournament are provided by the organizers
SabreSlash 2023 Prague Czech Republic September 30 - October 1“workshops, tournament, moustache challenge”
SabreSlash 2023 is an annual event established with the aim of promoting the art of sabre fencing in its various historical forms. It is open to all historical sabre fencing stylists of all levels and will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 30 - October 1 2023.
The organizers, Barbasetti Military Sabre (since 1895) and Ars Dimicatoria Prague, are proud to announce that this year we will host a dear guest from overseas, Russ Mitchell from Winged Sabre Historical Fencing, Irving, Texas, USA, who will lead a workshop “Raddopio Made Easy: How to chase that springy bastard all the way to the end of the strip“.
Russ has been involved in fencing for thirty years and specializes in Austro-Hungarian and Italo-Hungarian sabre. He is an avid historical fencing researcher and has edited and published numerous books, including Fencing at the Theresian Academy, Hungarian Hussar Sabre and Fokos Fencing, and Basic Body Mechanics For Martial Artists. Russ is a Feldenkrais Method Practitioner who brings a keen focus on developing sound body mechanics to his teaching, and has a proven track record of helping "stuck" students make significant performance improvements.
The organizers are also very proud that this year we will host our first guest from the United Kingdom, Pedro San Miguel from Schola Gladiatoria based in London, who will lead a workshop “Beyond the counter-riposte.”
Pedro has been fencing since 2013 and is currently an instructor with Schola Gladiatoria. He focuses on 19th-century sabre and foil, with his main sources of study including the works of John Musgrave Waite, Captain Alfred Hutton, Louis Rondelle, George Chapman, and Camille Prevost, while also having a keen interest in Italian authors such as Luigi Barbasetti and Masaniello Parise, among others. Pedro also trains longsword according to Fiore dei Liberi and is a senior student with The Renaissance Sword Club, where he studies rapier & dagger. Pedro is currently ranked #1 in sabre in the UK. He teaches at two branches of Schola Gladiatoria, runs private lessons in sabre and foil and teaches internationally.As every year we will also have a test cutting workshop for you. This year light sabres will be used for test thrusting and heavier sabres for test cutting.
SabreSlash 2023 program: - “Raddopio Made Easy: How to chase that springy bastard all the way to the end of the strip”, workshop led by Russ Mitchell, from Winged Sabre Historical Fencing, Irving, Texas, USA - “Beyond the counter-riposte”, workshop led by Pedro San Miguel, Schola Gladiatoria, London, United Kingdom. - “Feints in Barbasetti fencing system”, workshop led by Leonid Křížek, Barbasetti Military Sabre (since 1895), Prague, Czech Republic. - “Thrusts in Barbasetti fencing system, controlled and conserved strength for thrusts”, workshop led by Michael Kňažko, Barbasetti Military Sabre (since 1895), Prague, Czech Republic. - “SabreSlashing with light and heavy sabres”, test-cutting workshop. - “SabreSlash Moustache Challenge”. All gentlemen are encouraged to attend the event wearing a fully grown 1900´s style moustache. The wearer of the most classical moustache will be awarded a very special prize. - „Zabłocki Sabre 2023“. The biggest Barbasetti sabre fencing tournament since the legendary 1895 Prague military fencing tournament organized by k.u.k lieutenant Dominik Riegel. The winner of the tournament will receive a brand new Swordsmithy practice sabre.