
Részletes keresés

gitana19 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34180

Én is úgy gondolom, h van elég ember, aki ingyen és bérmentve is szívesen... 

Előzmény: Antisystem (34171)
Antisystem Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34179



Egyébként megfejtődött, rá kellett kattintani az első mondatban lévő linkre:


KIEV, Ukraine — A Russian online marketing firm’s covert American trolling campaign to create a tidal wave of Kremlin-approved online comments is more ambitious than previously thought, new leaked documents show.....


Most, hogy az EUROMajdan PR szembesült vele, hogy mások nem hülyék a neten, és sorba bukják be az ostobábbnál ostobább hazugságaikat, most megpróbálkoznak a "legjobb védekezés a támadás"-sal... hátha méég sikerül egy kis ideig védeni az eget verő ostobaságaikat...



Előzmény: Sir Balamber (34174)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34178

Érdemes megnézni az egészet.


emp Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34177

téged se zavarjon, hogy az űrversenyről volt szó :)


minden téren folyt a verseny a két világhatalom között.

az egyik fejreállt, életképtelennek bizonyult szerencsére.

ezt merészeltem jelezni.

Előzmény: Sir Balamber (34159)
Tzp12345 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34176

"Minden nap,amit a nyugat ukrajnaiakat lövik és bombázzák közelebb hozza az elválás napját."


Hát ha nem is az elválásét, de azért jó kérdés, hogy ukrán győzelem esetén is milyen viszony alakulhat ki egyáltalán ennyi halott után.

Előzmény: Törölt nick (34084)
szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34175

Ezt a cirkuszt a Guardian kezdte. Nem emlékszem pontosan a krízis mely pontján, de lezárták a kommentelést az ukrán témában, mert 'trollok' elárasztották anti-nyugat propagandával.

Előzmény: Antisystem (34171)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34174

Lehet nekünk is vannak bérelt trolljaink :)


Hm, kellene erről írni egy haikut. 


Előzmény: Antisystem (34171)
emp Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34173

itten te ugatérozol.


szó szerint ezt írták az előzményben:

Akkor most kezdjünk el vitatkozni az amerikaiak

esetleges kamu Hold-videóiról..?


aki a kamu videókrók ír, az azt az elméletet emlegeti, miszerint a Holdra szállás meg sem történt.

ezt állítja arra, hogy esetleg nem Gagarin volt fenn.


kettőnk közük most éppen te buktál meg szövegértésből :)

Előzmény: Vremja Giroji (34127)
szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34172

Dugin orosz történész megoldja: a diktatórikus liberalizmus.

Előzmény: Sir Balamber (34170)
Antisystem Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34171

Fizetett orosz trollok gyalázzák Obamát

Kiszivárgott dokumentumok szerint egy Putyin-közeli médiaügynökség trollokat bérelt, hogy a neten támogassák a Kremlt és gyalázzák Amerikát. Tovább »



Ez egyre szánalmasabb.... komolyan, mint ha legalábbis nem arról az országról lenne szó, aminek politikáját és politikai elitjét a Föld lakossága cirka fele rühelli, és mint ha ne lett volna még a szövetségesnek számító EU-ban is olyan nagy közvéleménykutatás az elmúlt években, ami sokkal veszélyesebbnek tartotta a világ békéjére az USA-t, mint Oroszországot...

Ennek a hírnek legfeljebb úgy lenne realitása, hogy mennyit hajlandók fizetni azért az emberek, hogy jól odasercinthessenek az USA politikának...



Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34170

Ez így elég pikáns.Aszongyák Lengyel önkéntesek érkeztek kelet ukrajnába, hogy a szakadárok oldalán harcoljanak. 

Az a retorika, hogy ez egy antifasiszta harc. 


Elképzelem a magyar belpolitikát, mennyire zavaró lehet, hogy a nálunk náci orosz párti jobbik támogatja az antifasisztákat és a globalista antifasiszta baloldal az ukrán nácikat.


Az idézőjeleket mindenki tegye ki a saját ízlése szerint.


Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34169

Közben már donyeck ostromára készülnek és önkénteseket toboroznak a szakadárok

szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34168

Next month, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) will publish a new estimate of US shale deposits set to deal a death-blow to industry hype about a new golden era of US energy independence by fracking unconventional oil and gas.

EIA officials told the Los Angeles Times that previous estimates of recoverable oil in the Monterey shale reserves in California of about 15.4 billion barrels were vastly overstated. The revised estimate, they said, will slash this amount by 96% to a puny 600 million barrels of oil.


Industry lobbyists have for long highlighted the Monterey shale reserves as the big game-changer for US oil and gas production. 

The EIA's revised estimate was based partly on analysis of actual output from wells where new fracking techniques had been applied. According to EIA petroleum analyst John Staub:
"From the information we've been able to gather, we've not seen evidence that oil extraction in this area is very productive using techniques like fracking... Our oil production estimates combined with a dearth of knowledge about geological differences among the oil fields led to erroneous predictions and estimates."The Intek Inc study for the EIA had relied largely on oil industry claims, rather than proper data. 


A spokesman for the Institute, Tod Brilliant, told me:
"Given the incredible difference between initial projections of 15 billion barrels and revisions to 600 million, does this not call into account all such global projections for tight oil?"As I'd reported earlier in June last year, a wider PCI study by Hughes had come to similar conclusions about bullish estimates of US shale oil and gas potential, concluding that "light tight oil production in the USA will peak between 2015 and 2017, followed by a steep decline", while shale gas production would likely peak next year. In that post, I'd pointed out previous well-documented, and alarmingly common, cases of industry over-estimates of reserve sizes which later had been questioned.

Analysts like Jeremy Leggett have said, citing exaggerated oil industry estimates, that if reserve and production reality are indeed significantly lower than industry forecasts, we could be at risk of an oil shock as early as within the next five years.

Despite the mounting evidence that the shale gas boom is heading for a bust, both economically and environmentally, both governments and industry are together pouring their eggs into a rather flimsy basket.
According to a secret trade memo obtained by the Huffington Post, the Obama administration and theEuropean Union are pushing ahead with efforts to "expand US fracking, offshore oil drilling and natural gas exploration", as well as exports to the EU, under the prospective Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement.

Előzmény: szerda7 (34165)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34167

Megy a számháború.

Azt mondják krasznij limanyban az ostrom során az ukránok légicsapást mértek a kórházra. Több mint 25 halott van. Korábban 10 polgári áldozatról és 8 szakadárról beszéltek. Megsebesült a kórház sebészetének a vezetője is. Megrongálódott a sebészet a klinikai részleg és a sürgősségi ellátás is. 


Korábban az ukrán híradások szerint a keddi harcokban 300 felkelő valamit 2 ukrán katona halt meg. 45 ukrán megsebesült.


és ez reális? Tisztára olyan, mintha az ukránok fejenként legalább 150 felkelőt tudnának likvidálni.. Vagy valaki kapitálisakat hazudik.

Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34166

lehet kannibalizálni, de egyébként marha drága/nehéz a reptechnikát harci körülmények közepette működésben tartani még úgy is, ha van alkatrész. 

Előzmény: szerda7 (34163)
szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34165

Sokkal kevesebb van, majd megkeresem mindjárt, mert emlékszem, hol olvastam.

Előzmény: Tzp12345 (34161)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34164

de.. olyan ukrán bajnai :)

Előzmény: messzehordó mordeháj (34113)
szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34163

Ennyi az ukrán légierő. (volt, veszteségeket nem tudni pontosan)




"Ukraine obtained 92 Su-25s of differing variants following the country's independence in the wake of the break-up of the USSR. Currently, the Ukrainian Air Force operates approximately 60 Su-25, Su-25UBs, and Su-25UTGs" 


 AFM May 2014:


"However, according to recent Ukrainian Ministry of Defence (Ministerstvo Oborony Ukrayiny) figures, only 160 combat aircraft remain in service, with roughly a third believed to be fully operational. These comprise 15-20 MiG-29 Fulcrums, 10-12 Sukhoi Su-24M/MR Fencers1, 14-18 Su-25 Frogfoots and 16 Su-27 Flankers."


"Reports indicate that from the 80 Su-25s that Ukraine inherited, 36 aircraft remain in service. At least 14 of these are known to be operational, as that is how many performed a fly-by at Kul’bakino on December 5, 2012". Between 2010 and today at least 8 Frogfoot have been slightly upgradred to the Ukrainian Su-25M1 standard.


1 - azt hiszem ezek eltűntek a Krímmel

Előzmény: Sir Balamber (34156)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34162

Tegnap 2 mi-24-et is lelőttek, és ezt már megerősítették az ukránok is. Csöves légvédelemmel.

Tzp12345 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34161

"az usákoknak nincs is gázuk. Elszámolták magukat. Túlbecsülték a gázkészletet, de nagyon.


Erre van forrásod. Eddig csak olyat hallottam, hogy valójában nem tudni, hogy tényleg annyi gázuk van-e, mint ahogy remélik.

Előzmény: szerda7 (34065)
szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34160

Ráadásul nincs is gáza, mint azt nem győzőm mondani. Azt hitte azonban, hogy van...

Előzmény: Tzp12345 (34158)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34159

téged se zavarjon, hogy az űrversenyről volt szó :)

Előzmény: emp (34120)
Tzp12345 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34158

Az USA eredetileg nem is akarta exportálni a gázt, tehát nem vádolható azzal, hogy rá akarja tukmálni az EU-ra a gázt. Ráadásul nem is olyan drága lenne az.

Előzmény: messzehordó mordeháj (34060)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34157

Igen, :))) ráadásul ott fent az űrben a régi technika sokkal megbízhatóbban működik.

Előzmény: Antisystem (34154)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34156

Szlavjanszkban 2 nap után megadta magát a határőrség ostromlott laktanyája. Mindenkit hazaengedtek. A tisztek már korábban titokban leléptek.


Itt épp leszedik a zászlót.

Előzmény: szerda7 (34131)
Antisystem Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34154

Ugye ebben az a vicc, hogy nem vicc... a 486 DX4-100 is nagy kincs ipari berkekben manapság:)))



Előzmény: Sir Balamber (34150)
szerda7 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34152

A teljes itt :


Russia and China Do Pipelineistan


HONG KONG -- A specter is haunting Washington, an unnerving vision of a Sino-Russian alliance wedded to an expansive symbiosis of trade and commerce across much of the Eurasian land mass -- at the expense of the United States.


And no wonder Washington is anxious.  That alliance is already a done deal in a variety of ways: through the BRICS group of emerging powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa); at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Asian counterweight to NATO; inside the G20; and via the 120-member-nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Trade and commerce are just part of the future bargain.  ...


This week should provide the first real fireworks in the celebration of a new Eurasian century-in-the-making when Russian President Vladimir Putin drops in on Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing.  You remember “Pipelineistan,” all those crucial oil and gas pipelines crisscrossing Eurasia that make up the true circulatory system for the life of the region.  Now, it looks like the ultimate Pipelineistan deal, worth $1 trillion and 10 years in the making, will be inked as well. 


Gazprom may still collect the bulk of its profits from Europe, but Asia could turn out to be its Everest. The company will use this mega-deal to boost investment in Eastern Siberia and the whole region will be reconfigured as a privileged gas hub for Japan and South Korea as well. If you want to know why no key country in Asia has been willing to “isolate” Russia in the midst of the Ukrainian crisis -- and in defiance of the Obama administration -- look no further than Pipelineistan.



Exit the Petrodollar, Enter the Gas-o-Yuan


And then, talking about anxiety in Washington, there’s the fate of the petrodollar to consider, or rather the “thermonuclear” possibility that Moscow and Beijing will agree on payment for the Gazprom-CNPC deal not in petrodollars but in Chinese yuan. One can hardly imagine a more tectonic shift, with Pipelineistan intersecting with a growing Sino-Russian political-economic-energy partnership. Along with it goes the future possibility of a push, led again by China and Russia, toward a new international reserve currency -- actually a basket of currencies -- that would supersede the dollar (at least in the optimistic dreams of BRICS members).


Right after the potentially game-changing Sino-Russian summit comes a BRICS summit in Brazil in July. That’s when a $100 billion BRICS development bank, announced in 2012, will officially be born as a potential alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank as a source of project financing for the developing world.


More BRICS cooperation meant to bypass the dollar is reflected in the “Gas-o-yuan,” as in natural gas bought and paid for in Chinese currency. Gazprom is even considering marketing bonds in yuan as part of the financial planning for its expansion. Yuan-backed bonds are already trading in Hong Kong, Singapore, London, and most recently Frankfurt.


It’s common knowledge that banks in Hong Kong, from Standard Chartered to HSBC -- as well as others closely linked to China via trade deals -- have been diversifying into the yuan, which implies that it could become one of the de facto global reserve currencies even before it’s fully convertible. (Beijing is unofficially working for a fully convertible yuan by 2018.)


The Russia-China gas deal is inextricably tied up with the energy relationship between the European Union (EU) and Russia. After all, the bulk of Russia’s gross domestic product comes from oil and gas sales, as does much of its leverage in the Ukraine crisis. In turn, Germany depends on Russia for a hefty 30% of its natural gas supplies. Yet Washington’s geopolitical imperatives -- spiced up with Polish hysteria -- have meant pushing Brussels to find ways to “punish” Moscow in the future energy sphere (while not imperiling present day energy relationships).


There’s a consistent rumble in Brussels these days about the possible cancellation of the projected 16 billion euro South Stream pipeline, whose construction is to start in June.  On completion, it would pump yet more Russian natural gas to Europe -- in this case, underneath the Black Sea (bypassing Ukraine) to Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Austria.


Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic have already made it clear that they are firmly opposed to any cancellation.  And cancellation is probably not in the cards.  After all, the only obvious alternative is Caspian Sea gas from Azerbaijan, and that isn’t likely to happen unless the EU can suddenly muster the will and funds for a crash schedule to construct the fabled Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, conceived during the Clinton years expressly to bypass Russia and Iran.


In any case, Azerbaijan doesn’t have enough capacity to supply the levels of natural gas needed, and other actors like Kazakhstan, plagued with infrastructure problems, or unreliable Turkmenistan, which prefers to sell its gas to China, are already largely out of the picture. And don’t forget that South Stream, coupled with subsidiary energy projects, will create a lot of jobs and investment in many of the most economically devastated EU nations.


Nonetheless, such EU threats, however unrealistic, only serve to accelerate Russia’s increasing symbiosis with Asian markets. For Beijing especially, it’s a win-win situation. After all, between energy supplied across seas policed and controlled by the U.S. Navy and steady, stable land routes out of Siberia, it’s no contest.


Pick Your Own Silk Road


Of course, the U.S. dollar remains the top global reserve currency, involving 33% of global foreign exchange holdings at the end of 2013, according to the IMF. It was, however, at 55% in 2000. Nobody knows the percentage in yuan (and Beijing isn’t talking), but the IMF notes that reserves in “other currencies” in emerging markets have been up 400% since 2003.


The Fed is arguably monetizing 70% of the U.S. government debt in an attempt to keep interest rates from heading skywards. Pentagon adviser Jim Rickards, as well as every Hong Kong-based banker, tends to believe that the Fed is bust (though they won’t say it on the record). No one can even imagine the extent of the possible future deluge the U.S. dollar might experience amid a $1.4 trillion Mount Ararat of financial derivatives.  Don’t think that this is the death knell of Western capitalism, however, just the faltering of that reigning economic faith, neoliberalism, still the official ideology of the United States, the overwhelming majority of the European Union, and parts of Asia and South America.

As far as what might be called the “authoritarian neoliberalism” of the Middle Kingdom, what’s not to like at the moment? China has proven that there is a result-oriented alternative to the Western “democratic” capitalist model for nations aiming to be successful. 


Keep in mind that, if no bubbles burst, China is about to become -- and remain -- the number one global economic power, a position it enjoyed for 18 of the past 20 centuries. But don’t tell London hagiographers; they still believe that U.S. hegemony will last, well, forever.


Take Me to Cold War 2.0


Despite ...  Now that the ungrateful Russians have spurned what “the West has been offering” -- that is, “special status with NATO, a privileged relationship with the European Union, and partnership in international diplomatic endeavors” -- they are, in his view, busy trying to revive the Soviet empire. Translation: if you’re not our vassals, you’re against us.  Welcome to Cold War 2.0.   


The Pentagon has its own version of this directed not so much at Russia as at China, which, its think tank on future warfare claims, is already at war with Washington in a number of ways. So if it’s not apocalypse now, it’s Armageddon tomorrow. And it goes without saying that whatever’s going wrong, as the Obama administration very publicly “pivots” to Asia and the American media fills with talk about a revival of Cold War-era “containment policy” in the Pacific, it’s all China’s fault.


Embedded in the mad dash toward Cold War 2.0 are some ludicrous facts-on-the-ground: the U.S. government, with $17.5 trillion in national debt and counting, is contemplating a financial showdown with Russia, the largest global energy producer and a major nuclear power, just as it’s also promoting an economically unsustainable military encirclement of its largest creditor, China.


And there’s another “thermonuclear” gambit in the making: the birth of a natural gas equivalent to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries that would include Russia, Iran, and reportedly disgruntled U.S. ally Qatar...


The (unstated) BRICS long-term plan involves the creation of an alternative economic system featuring a basket of gold-backed currencies that would bypass the present America-centric global financial system. (No wonder Russia and China are amassing as much gold as they can.) The euro -- a sound currency backed by large liquid bond markets and huge gold reserves -- would be welcomed in as well.


It’s no secret in Hong Kong that the Bank of China has been using a parallel SWIFT network to conduct every kind of trade with Tehran, which is under a heavy U.S. sanctions regime. With Washington wielding Visa and Mastercard as weapons in a growing Cold War-style economic campaign against Russia, Moscow is about to implement an alternative payment and credit card system not controlled by Western finance. An even easier route would be to adopt the Chinese Union Pay system, whose operations have already overtaken American Express in global volume.


I’m Just Pivoting With Myself


No amount of Obama administration “pivoting” to Asia to contain China ...


On the other side of the Atlantic, President Obama and his top officials show every sign of becoming entangled in their own pivoting -- to Iran, to China, to Russia’s eastern borderlands, and (under the radar) to Africa. The irony of all these military-first maneuvers is that they are actually helping Moscow, Tehran, and Beijing build up their own strategic depth in Eurasia and elsewhere, as reflected in Syria, or crucially in ever more energy deals. They are also helping cement the growing strategic partnership between China and Iran. The unrelenting Ministry of Truth narrative out of Washington about all these developments now carefully ignores the fact that, without Moscow, the “West” would never have sat down to discuss a final nuclear deal with Iran or gotten a chemical disarmament agreement out of Damascus.


When the disputes between China and its neighbors in the South China Sea and between that country and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyou islands meet the Ukraine crisis, the inevitable conclusion will be that both Russia and China consider their borderlands and sea lanes private property and aren’t going to take challenges quietly -- be it via NATO expansion, U.S. military encirclement, or missile shields. Neither Beijing nor Moscow is bent on the usual form of imperialist expansion, despite the version of events now being fed to Western publics.  Their “red lines” remain essentially defensive in nature, no matter the bluster sometimes involved in securing them.


Whatever Washington may want or fear or try to prevent, the facts on the ground suggest that, in the years ahead, Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran will only grow closer, slowly but surely creating a new geopolitical axis in Eurasia. Meanwhile, a discombobulated America seems to be aiding and abetting the deconstruction of its own unipolar world order, while offering the BRICS a genuine window of opportunity to try to change the rules of the game.


Russia and China in Pivot Mode


In Washington’s think-tank land, the conviction that the Obama administration should be focused on replaying the Cold War via a new version of containment policy to “limit the development of Russia as a hegemonic power” has taken hold. The recipe: weaponize the neighbors from the Baltic states to Azerbaijan to “contain” Russia. 


Yet as much as the U.S. may fight the emergence of a multipolar, multi-powered world, economic facts on the ground regularly point to such developments.  The question remains: Will the decline of the hegemon be slow and reasonably dignified, or will the whole world be dragged down with it in what has been called “the Samson option”?


While we watch the spectacle unfold, with no end game in sight, keep in mind that a new force is growing in Eurasia, ...


In his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski argued that “the struggle for global primacy [would] continue to be played” on the Eurasian “chessboard,” of which “Ukraine was a geopolitical pivot.” “If Moscow regains control over Ukraine,” he wrote at the time, Russia would “automatically regain the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.”


That remains most of the rationale behind the American imperial containment policy -- from Russia’s European “near abroad” to the South China Sea. Still, with no endgame in sight, ...

Antisystem Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34151

Nincs egy szemernyi kétségem se, hogy tovaris Medvegy ezt le is fogja reagálni... és lesz S-400-asa Szíriának, Iránnak...



Előzmény: Tzp12345 (34149)
Sir Balamber Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34150

azért azt képzeld el, hogy már jó ideje (szó szerint) úgy vadászták össze a cserélendő elektronikai alkatrészeket az űrsikló rendszereibe, mert a 70-es évek technikai szinvonalán gyártott chippeket már rég nem gyártotta senki 20 évvel később. El tudod képzelni, hogy a NASA elekto mérnökei a körmüket rágva az ebazen licitálnak egy 7474-es chipre? :)

Előzmény: Tzp12345 (34139)
Tzp12345 Creative Commons License 2014.06.04 0 0 34149

"Ukrajna és az USA közös hadgyakorlatra készül"


A Sas körbepisili a terület határait, hogy a Medve is érezze.

Előzmény: messzehordó mordeháj (34028)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!