
Részletes keresés

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.06.01 0 0 38
Nem tudom Jenő miért egy brow tongue a Kamruniak felé.

Szereti a nagy, izmos, kisportolt fekete sportolókat ?:))))

Az ÍREK európa egyik legszerényebb >>> csóróbb szövetsége.

Az egész VB mezőny leglepusztúltabb pályáján edzenek odakint is.
Épp ez volt Keane baja is.

Ehhez képest kivertek majdnem mindekit aki az útjukba került.

A Kameruniak nyilvánvaló testi fölényét pedig szívóssággal ellensúlyozták.

A póklábú 2 méteres körzetben minden labdát elhalászó négereket, az átlag 1,6- 70 magas "törpehad" Matt-olta :)))

Bezzeg, majd hallhatjuk Anglia micsoda istenekből áll.

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.06.01 0 0 37
Írország - Kamerun meccs:

06-01 10:22:33 95. perc: Kamikawa lefújja a mérkőzést. Mindkét csapat nyert ugyan egy félidőt, a végeredmény azonban döntetlen: Írország - Kamerun 1-1.

06-01 10:18:21 90. perc: az ír szabadrúgásból 25 méterről Reid bombázott, Alioum fölé ütötte a labdát.

06-01 10:17:20 89. perc: Duff lerántásáért Kalla kapott sárga lapot.

06-01 10:12:18 83. perc: A kameruni kaputól 18 méterre Robbie Keane elé került a labda, aki gyönyörűen csavart - a kapufára!

06-01 10:10:30 82. perc: nem túl szerencsés dolog csereként pályára lépni az íreknél... Reid is sárga lapot kapott ugyanis.

06-01 10:08:54 80. perc: Tchato ajándékozta oda a labdát Robbie Kane-nek a saját tizenhatosán belül, a leges-legutolsó pillanatban azonban javítani tudott, és szögletre mentett.

06-01 10:05:54 78. perc: az íreknél a sérülés-gyanús Harte helyén Reid a pályán.

06-01 10:03:20 75. perc: Harte-lövésecske 30 méterről - veszélytelen.

06-01 09:58:30 70. perc: Suffo egy 20 méteres lövéssel mutatkozott be, nem túl sikeresen.

06-01 09:56:50 69. perc: Mboma helyére Suffo állt be a kameruni csapatba.

06-01 09:55:26 67. perc: Eto'o ugrott ki, de 18 méterről mellé gurított.

06-01 09:52:42 63. perc: Alioum fantasztikus! Egy visszafejelt labdát követően Robbie Keane fejjel 2 méterről veszélyeztetett, a kameruni kapus azonban szenzációs repüléssel még a gólvonalon megállította a labdát.

06-01 09:45:47 57. perc: húúú, de felpörgött a meccs! Mindkét csapat nagyon küzd az újabb gólért.

06-01 09:42:29 53. perc: Holland-góllal egyenlítettek az írek! A kihagyott kameruni helyzet után az ellentámadásból Holland a középre adott labdát 22 méterről, kapásból védhetetlenül zúdította Alioum kapujának jobb alsó sarkába. 1-1.

06-01 09:39:57 52. perc: Geremi lopta el a labdát 20 méterre az ír kaputól, lövése azonban mellé szállt.

06-01 09:38:48 51. perc: a frissen beállt Finnan is sárga lapott kapott, mert nem hagyta elvégezni a kameruniak szabadrúgását.

06-01 09:36:53 49. perc: Harte beadását Kilbane fejelte alig mellé.

06-01 09:34:06 2. félidő
Szünetben cserélt az ír válogatott: McAteer helyére Finnan állt be.

06-01 09:18:23 48. perc: vége az első félidőnek. Kamerun tehát
1-0-ra vezet.

06-01 09:16:28 45. perc: Harte szöglettel felérő szabadrúgása Song lábáról saját kapuja felé perdült, Alioum azonban káprázatos reflexszel megfogta a labdát.

06-01 09:12:52 42. perc: Foé szerzett labdát, egyből középre adott, Mboma azonban húszról, kapásból fölé-mellé durrantott.

06-01 09:11:15 39. perc: megvan a kameruni vezetés! Geremi ugratta ki a jobb szélen Eto'ot, aki már sokadszor kavarta meg Stauntont. Középre gurított, Mboma pedig egy kis igazgatás után 8 méterről megszerezte a vezetést a kameruniaknak. 0-1.

06-01 09:08:20 37. perc: a szögletet követően némi kavarodás után Song elől rúgták ki a labdát a védők.

06-01 09:06:59 36. perc: Eto'o és Mboma bolondította meg az ír védelmet - az utolsó pillanatban azonban az írek tisztázni tudtak.

06-01 09:05:31 35. perc: Eto'o három védő gyűrűjéből gurított vissza, Foé 30 méterről a kapu mögötti kamerát találta telibe.

06-01 09:03:23 32. perc: ha két kameruni találkozik... Tchato és Kalla fejelt össze - az eredmény: kettős ápolás.

06-01 09:01:35 30. perc: McAteer kapta a mérkőzés első sárga lapját Foé visszahúzásáért.

06-01 08:59:20 29. perc: a harmadik ír szögletet követően Holland fejelt fölé.

06-01 08:58:00 27. perc: Kalla jó, de középre tartó 25 méteres lövését könnyedén fogta Given.

06-01 08:52:52 22. perc: gyors ír szöglet után Robbie Keane 8 méterről fejelt nem sokkal a kapu mellé.

06-01 08:49:33 19. perc: Eto'o ugrott ki, de Given hihetetlenül jól jött ki a kapujából - kimaradt a mérkőzés eddigi legnagyobb helyzete.

06-01 08:48:36 18. perc: Robbie Keane lövése - Alioum másodjára fogta.

06-01 08:44:08 13. perc: Mboma úgy 40 méterről akarta átemelni Givent - ez inkább a felejtsük el kategóriába tartozott...

06-01 08:41:15 11. perc: Wome szögletét Given húzta le.

06-01 08:40:18 10. perc: eddig nem sok minden történt... Ahogy mondani szokás: a küzdelem dominál.

06-01 08:33:44 3. perc: eljutott a labda a kameruni kapuhoz: Geremi tisztázott Robbie Keane elől

06-01 08:22:44 Íme, a kezdőcsapatok:

Írország: Given, Harte, Staunton, McAteer, Holland, Duff, Robbie Keane, Kilbane, Kinsella, Breen, Kelly
Kamerun: Alioum, Tchato, Wome, Song, Kalla, Geremi, Eto'o, Mboma, Lauren, Foé, Olembe

Jó kis meccs vót!

ElitJaszub Creative Commons License 2002.06.01 0 0 36

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.06.01 0 0 35
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.06.01 0 0 34
Mboma gól!

1-0 Camerunnak!

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.06.01 0 0 33
Keane n;lk#l legal'bb X !!!!!
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.27 0 0 32
Nem megy bolt?

Monday, 27 May, 2002, 14:38 GMT 15:38 UK
Keane to clarify outburst

Keane was sent home by manager Mick McCarthy

Roy Keane could use an interview on Irish television later on Monday to apologise for the outburst that saw him sent home from the World Cup.
But it remains doubtful that any form of apology would persuade the Republic of Ireland manager, Mick McCarthy, to allow the midfielder back into the squad.

The former Republic captain will make his statement on RTE at around 1800 BST.

It is thought that the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) and Keane's lawyer Michael Kennedy are behind the move.

'Slanging match'

However, McCarthy and some senior players have already made it clear they will not bow to any pressure from officials and the Irish public to take Keane back.

"Either way, it is a pretty untenable situation that Mick will find himself in if Keane does apologise and ask to be taken back," a source close to the player told the Evening Standard newspaper.

"Mick will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't."

In an earlier interview, Keane told the Daily Mail newspaper that McCarthy had been right to send him home.

But he also insisted that he did not regret his row with McCarthy and took a swipe at team-mates Niall Quinn, Steve Staunton and Alan Kelly.

"I don't regret what I said, but at the same time I agree that Mick had to send me home," said Keane.

"A player cannot speak to a manager like that and continue to work under him. Of that charge, I am guilty."

Keane: McCarthy right to send me home
McCarthy sent Keane home last Thursday after the two clashed in front of the rest of the squad at a fiery team meeting that descended into a slanging match.

Keane, who admitted he had insulted McCarthy, said he had been provoked after getting angry by the training facilities on the Pacific island of Saipan.

The midfielder also claimed McCarthy had accused him publicly of faking an injury before the World Cup play-off against Iran.

He was also unhappy that rather than talking to him "man-to-man," McCarthy had called a team meeting to discuss the issue with Keane.

"I waited eight years to play in another World Cup and I'm sacrificing that dream because of something I believed in."

McCarthy hits back at Keane

Előzmény: lao-ce (30)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.27 0 0 31
off bajnok!:)
Előzmény: lao-ce (30)
lao-ce Creative Commons License 2002.05.27 0 0 30
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.27 0 0 29
Ireland Boss Heaps Praise On Striking Duo

Robbie Keane (R) could shine in this WC
Republic of Ireland boss Mick McCarthy believes that his strike force of Robbie Keane and Damien Duff could be the surprise package of the World Cup.

The Leeds and Blackburn pair are starring in the first finals and McCarthy feels that the duo will be a major force.

He said, "I don't know anybody who would be happy to play against Robbie Keane and Damien Duff at the moment. They will cause problems for every team and they could be the stars of the World Cup if they don't get injured. Together they are a real threat to any defence."

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.27 0 0 28
BREAKING NEWS: Roy Keane Set For Sensational World Cup Return?

Roy Keane could yet appear in the WC (Allsport)

Ireland captain Roy Keane could be set for a sensational return to the World Cup after it was revealed that he is set to be interviewed on Irish TV later today.

It is being rumoured that Keane, who was sent home from the tournament after a massive bust-up with boss Mick McCarthy, will apologise for his actions and open the door for a potential return to the Far East, although the final decision will ultimately be down to McCarthy.

So far, Keane has remained defiant over his outburst, which included calling McCarthy `a w****r`, and refused to offer any apology.

More on this breaking story as we get it.

mi van most?

real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.24 0 0 27
Ez nevetséges. Nem hiszem, hogy csak a körülmények miatt jött el, elég gyenge indok, valszeg összeveszhetett McCarthyval. Ha csak az állapotok lennének ótvarok, egész Írország meg tudta volna győzni ezt a két keményfejűt, hogy béküljenek ki. Mit kell itt szórakozni?? Nem értem Keane-t. Majd ír róla egy könyvet.

Így a továbbjutás kissé nehéz lesz. Bár egyre erősödik az az érzés bennem, hogy a németek gyengusok lesznek nagyon - akkor egy lelkes csapat elkaphatja őket.

De remélem, hogy a csapat lelkes. Nem lehet felhőtlen a hangulat. Egyrészt, mert a legjobb hagyta ott őket, másrészt, biztos van egy-két "Keane-párti" is a keretben.

Tegnap éjjel láttam a BBC-n erről egy riportot, McCarthy teljesen nyugodtan jelentette ki, hogy Keane-nek haza kell mennie. Mintha azt mondta volna, hogy igen, ma sült csirkét ebédelt a csapat.
Hihetetlen ez az egész.

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.23 0 0 26
Houghton played at the World Cup for the Republic

By Paul Fletcher
BBC Sport Online

Former Republic of Ireland international Ray Houghton has defended Roy Keane's decision to criticise the team's World Cup preparations.

Roy Keane sent home from World Cup
Keane has been sent home following comments he made about the state of the team's facilities.

If the facilities are not up to scratch Roy has a right to complain about them. He was standing up for the whole side

Ray Houghton

But Houghton - who scored the Republic's winner against Italy in the 1992 World Cup - said that Keane was within his rights as the team's captain to demand the best for his team-mates.

"Roy was standing up for the whole side," Houghton told BBC Sport Online.

"He doesn't need money - it had nothing to do with that. This was about the lads and their preparations for the World Cup.

"If the facilities - the pitch, buildings, equipment - are not up to scratch, he has a right to complain about them.

Roy Keane criticises the facilities
"If someone in radio has a dodgy microphone and cannot get their levels right they would complain - and it is the same for footballers.

"What I would say is that he probably went a little bit overboard in saying he wanted to leave."

Houghton - who won more than 70 caps for the Republic between 1986 and 1997 - said that the facilities provided by the Football Association of Ireland were modest during his career.

Roy is irreplaceable - but the Republic have won without him before and will have to do it again

Ray Houghton

"The quality of the facilities during my career did bother me in some respects.

"We would not necessarily go by the cheapest method but, if you like, the easiest way.

"We should have put our foot down when we had the chance. We were a successful side and could have done it but we missed the opportunity."

"Roy has probably been on the phone to his Manchester United team-mates who play for England, listening to them saying where they are staying and how well they are being treated."

Houghton is also quick to recognise that Keane's absence is a massive blow for the team's chances of qualifying for the second phase.

Photo Gallery: Roy Keane's international career in pictures
"He is irreplaceable - but the Republic have won without him before and will have to do it again.

"He must be very frustrated and there must be something we don't know about for him to quit just before a World Cup.

"I was surprised but he must have been very frustrated and in an untenable position."

A másik oldal:

McCarthy said sending Keane home was a relief

McCarthy backed: Watch reaction

Republic of Ireland manager Mick McCarthy has launched a bitter attack against Roy Keane after sending his captain home from the World Cup.

Reports on Thursday evening suggested that Manchester United were set to charter a private jet to Saipan to bring Keane back home to England.

Explaining his actions, McCarthy branded Keane a "disruptive influence" and said the midfielder showed "an utter disregard and disrespect" for him.

The Football Association of Ireland has fully backed the decision to send Keane home, after the Manchester United star publicly complained about training facilities on the Pacific island of Saipan.

Keane sent home
McCarthy said he called a team meeting on Thursday to clear the air, but that it had turned into a "slanging match".

The FAI has made every effort to provide the best facilities for Mick McCarthy and his squad

Football Association of Ireland

"I asked anybody to air any grievances among the players or staff," he revealed.

"I cannot and will not tolerate being spoken to with that level of abuse being thrown at me so I sent him home."

In a news conference held later on Thursday in Dublin, the FAI backed McCarthy's decision and defended the facilities in Saipan.

"We view the events with great regret but the manager is fully supported by the association," said FAI treasurer John Delaney.

"The wellbeing of the squad is our interest and now we must put this unfortunate affair behind us and get on with the job as best we can.

"We believe the Association provided the best facilities."

FAI statement in full
McCarthy added he had become increasingly irritated at having to field press inquiries about comments made by Keane, who had maintained his "sanity is more important" than staying with the squad.

"There has been an uneasy feeling around the place for a few days," he said.

"I was asked about remarks he made in a newspaper article and I don't want to be doing that throughout the whole World Cup because doing tit-for-tat in the media is not my way.

"We all know his ability but when he makes a public and open show of his opinions and makes such public criticisms everybody starts talking about it.

"He is one of the best players in the world but he is a disruptive influence."

Houghton defends Keane
Former Republic of Ireland manager Jack Charlton backed McCarthy's stance, adding that Keane's behaviour would incur the anger of the fans.

"Roy's made a mistake and has got to live with the consequences. He's got to face the anger of the fans, " he said.

"I have to back Mick in that situation. I don't understand why Roy has done this.

"Mick will have his reasons for what has happened and you can't have players dictating what happens just days before the tournament starts."

No complaints

McCarthy, who was flanked at the news conference by new captain Steve Staunton along with Alan Kelly and Niall Quinn, added that no-one else in the squad had complained about the conditions.

How Keane landed himself in hot water
"You don't see too many complaints from anyone else here. But sometimes Roy sees the world through his eyes only," he said.

"I did it with the best interests of the team at heart when I said he should go home.

"This is a weight off my mind. I came here to enjoy the World Cup and I was stopping enjoying it. But from tomorrow I am going to start enjoying it again.

"This is a huge decision but I am happy to go to the World Cup one man down rather than with a man who shows utter disregard and disrespect for me."

Irish national broadcaster RTE reported on Thursday evening that Manchester United were set to charter a private jet to Saipan to transport Keane back to England.

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.23 0 0 25
Nem kérdés, állítás:

Republic of Ireland captain Roy Keane has been sent home from Japan after falling out with manager Mick McCarthy.

A rossz körülmények miatt veszekedett az edzővel.
Megjegyzem otthon az USA elleni meccsen is helyenként bokáig ért a víz a pályán...
Csóró csapat.

Roy Keane ettől már elszokott a Manchesternél.

De állítja ő nem primadonna.

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.23 0 0 24
Keane hazamegy ?

The real reason Keane wanted to go home May 23 2002, 3:04 PM

Apparently the real reason that Roy Keane wanted to go home from the tournament was not because of a training ground argument, or facilities but the fact that the English tabloids are preparing to run a "kiss & tell" story on the married father of four. It'll be in News Of The World on Sunday. His wife told him
to go back to the World Cup because going home would not keep the marraige together. He's been shagging around for years. Latest girl claims that she is

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 23
Ja stadion a cserepadok felöl nézve első ránézésre olyan volt mint a soproni /?/ házak, mellékutca, óvoda, iskola, gyógyszertár:)))

Aztán a másik oldalról már normális kinézete volt lelátók terasszal...

Habár lehet hogy a büfét láttam:DDDDDD

Előzmény: nhlfan (22)
nhlfan Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 22
Írországban én is jártam és a futball tényleg nem a csúcs hanem:gaelic football,rugby,és van egy érdekes játékuk aminek nem tudom a nevét.
Előzmény: fcf (5)
real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 21
Kösz az élménybeszámolót! Jókat kacagtam. Elképzeltem Okocháék egyedi mozgáskultúráját&link fociját a szigorú tekintetű ír védők körében. Hehe.
Előzmény: ChrisRea (20)
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 20
Na jó, gonosz voltam.

Nem voltak idétlenek a nigériaiak. Csak a stílusuk olyan.

De a 2. góljuk klasszikus volt.

Szöglet, Kanu megált a 5 sarkában (derékig érő írek erdejében:) mögötte akárki / West? ja látom Sodje/ és simán bebólintja, - a kapus meg körbe táncikája őket égnek emelt kézzel.

Előzmény: ChrisRea (19)
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 19

Agilisek voltak, Nigéria meg a gólokat rúgta a szokásos "higanytestü négerfocista orromról bepattan a gól" esetlen módra:))

De, jól játszottak mindkét oldalon /össz 50 percet néztem /.

háttér infó:

McCarthy urges caution for friendly

Mick McCarthy is preaching "an air of caution" to his Republic of Ireland squad, ahead of Thursday's final pre-tournament friendly against Nigeria.

Roy Keane will link up with his Republic team-mates following treatment for a non-specific injury.

He pulled out of Niall Quinn's benefit last night, but McCarthy is adamant Keane will be fit to face Nigeria.

With Ireland's opening match against Cameroon now just 16 days away, McCarthy said: "I really don't want injuries. It might be wise to give one or two of the players a full game anyway, or as much as they possibly can. I'll have a look at it and see how they all are.

"But obviously, I'm taking this game seriously. It's our last game before we travel out to play in a World Cup, and although it's a friendly, I really don't think there's any such thing.

"Ahead of last night's game I told the players I would accept them pulling out of a 60-40 ball because it might get them injured, but I would not accept them pulling out of a 50-50 if the ball is there to be tackled.

"But there is also an air of caution because I don't want anybody going clattering into a 50-50 or diving head-first into something, which I would expect them to do in a competitive game.

"So with the World Cup so close I will accept a couple of concessions - but not many, and they know that.''

McCarthy concedes he will not be fielding two teams in either half against Nigeria, as he did for Quinn's benefit, although will attempt to use as many players as he can.

"There's one or two players with stiff legs - there's no injuries - but I won't finalise the team until tomorrow morning," added McCarthy.

Előzmény: real magpie (18)
real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 18
Hol nézted a meccset? Milyen volt? A csapat?
Előzmény: ChrisRea (17)
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 17
Hááát... Kamerun ellen ?

Azon röhögtem milyen töpörödöttek:)

Amikor Kanu lehajolt megkötni a cipőjét az egyik ír meg elszaladt mellette kb akkor voltak egy magasságban...

real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 16
Vége a meccsnek. Meg a két éves Lansdowne Road-i veretlenségnek.

Sebaj, csak a vébén domborítsunk:)

real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 15
Azóta 1-2, Reid ballal a jobb fölsőbe.
real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 14
Úgy tűnik megszakad a hazai sorozat: már 0-2 (Sodje '46)...
real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 13
Félidőben visznek a nigériaiak 1-0-ra, Aghahowa góljával. A tudósítása szerint nyomunk, mint állat, különösen Duff, McAteer, Holland és Robbie Keane lehet elemében, na meg Shorunmu, a nigériai kapus.

Így állt fel a CSAPAT:

IRELAND: Given; Finnan, Cunningham, Staunton, Harte; Roy Keane, McAteer, Holland, Kilbane; Duff, Robbie Keane

Nagyon úgy tűnik, hogy ez a csapat kezd Kamerun ellen is. Nem is nagyon tudok vitatkozni McCarthyval.

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.16 0 0 12
Ki nézi a meccset? :)))

/Most szünet van + Frends /

real magpie Creative Commons License 2002.05.14 0 0 11
Irtó kemény ez a csoport, sztem a németekkel vívunk a második helyért. Sikerülni is fog: csodálatos védelme van a csapatnak.
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2002.05.10 0 0 10
Jó hogy nem válaszoltam mi ( I )

A Kilkenny-t én is szeretem. (Meg a legtöbb belga sört:)
De Dánia nem se nudli!!! Tuborg...
Szerintem az egyik meglepetés csapat lehetne a VB-n, de nem hiszem hogy a spanyolokat kivernék /bár, esetleg tizikkel/.

E csoport


/szerintem a gólarány dönt majd az első helyről ahol a Németek az ő szokásos 7-1 -el/


B csoport

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.05.10 0 0 9
nem értem!
sztem egy idő után feltűnik,hogy nagy,és lekicsinyítik!:)
Előzmény: lao-ce (8)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!