
Részletes keresés

BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.15 0 0 184
Hmmmmm... még a végén újra lesz futójáték Tennesseeben...:-))
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.08.15 0 0 183

Dallas jól kezdte a szezont!:)))))))))


De aminek még én is örülök Julius Jones former Irish 8 carries 57 yard rushing!


Ja és Drew Henson former Michigan qb, akit a Yankees is draftolt, úgy tünik inkább a focit választotta és a Dallasban második QB lesz Testaverde mögött, aki ugye már 40 éves!

lelkesz g Creative Commons License 2004.08.13 0 0 182
tegnap lattam a falcons-ravens preseason meccset... Vick-kel es Ray lewis-szal reklamoztak... na mindketten csak 1, max 2 percet nyomtak azt kesz. ebben persze benne volt Vick kb15 yardos zsakolasa is, aminek persze nem orult.
Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.13 0 0 181

ja persze :-)


a lenyeg kb az hogy ennek a Dorsey gyereknek, aki Rattay mogött a deep charton 2.szämu qb. egy 96´os Honda Accordja van ami qrvära szet van mar esve, es a többi jatekos nem engedi hogy a Cadi Escaladeek meg Mercik melle alljon vele, mert felnek hogy felrobban.- meg hasonlo sztorik a kocsival kapcsolatban

Előzmény: Big Head (180)
Big Head Creative Commons License 2004.08.13 0 0 180

fordítsd le lécci!

köszi :)

Előzmény: Nym (178)
BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.13 0 0 179

Boxuccában vmi pre-season meccs?


Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.12 0 0 178
aki ezt olvasta esetleg, az ugorjon. de szvsz nagyon aranyos

"Ken Dorsey loves his car. He calls it "my baby" and uses the feminine pronoun when discussing her many attributes. When Dorsey shows off his car, he does so with barely contained pride, prowling around the four doors and running his fingers lovingly along the hood.

Asked what other types of cars he likes, Dorsey drops his voice to a near whisper and explains that he can't answer such a question while standing too close to Baby. "She gets a little temperamental," he said. The last time Dorsey expressed his admiration for another automobile, he returned to find Baby's battery dead.

But when Dorsey, 23, arrives each day at 49ers training camp, where he is a groin pull away from assuming the No. 1 quarterback job, he is forbidden from taking his car into the players' lot. Baby sleeps on the street.

That is because by NFL standards, Dorsey's car is an astonishing piece of rubbish. The man who might hold the keys to the 49ers' future drives a 1996 Honda Accord with faulty air conditioning, faded silver paint, busted power locks, a broken antenna and a dent so cavernous that his girlfriend asked whether an elephant stepped on Baby.

Dorsey's car is such a travesty that his teammates ban him from parking it next to their own, fearing what might happen if the battered Accord mingled, if only for a few hours, among their Escalades and Mercedes.

So, after a recent workout, Dorsey headed out to the sidewalk like a front-office intern. As he pulled away in his car, the potential heir to Joe Montana honked twice, as if to demonstrate yet another astounding feature of his '96 Honda Accord.

"I love my car. I mean, it starts up perfectly," Dorsey said after explaining why the radio sometimes fizzles out. "It's just a matter of being proud to own it. It's literally the first significant thing I ever bought and owned. Before that, I think the biggest thing I ever purchased in my life were golf balls.

"It's something I can point to and say, `That's mine.' "

He smiled.

"Some guys just do it up a little nicer," he said.

The shabby treatment Baby gets at 49ers headquarters is no different than at home, where Dorsey likes to torment his girlfriend, Jordan Sims, by asking which car they should take when they head out. His? Or her Lexus? "He loves to ask that question," she said. "It drives me crazy. He doesn't seem to like my car; it's too fancy for him."

Dorsey's affection for his automobile is a trait common among athletes, and while it is unfair to judge a man solely by the metal he steers, cars, like uniform numbers, are part of a player's identity. Kevan Barlow, the confident, headstrong running back, drives a Hummer mammoth enough to wipe out a defensive line. Terrell Owens, the neon light receiver traded to the Philadelphia Eagles, used to drive up in a flashy Volkswagen bug with his No. 81 displayed in roughly 81 places. Scott Gragg, the lunch-pail offensive lineman, has a plain pickup truck.

So that Dorsey drives, with apologies to Baby, a junker, reveals something about what drives him. It is a metaphor on four wheels. Those close to Dorsey say the car reflects his modesty, a down-to-earth persona that, despite two top-five finishes in Heisman Trophy voting, remains in accord with the Accord. "It wouldn't matter if Ken was making millions," starting quarterback Tim Rattay said. "Money wouldn't change him."

But Dorsey's almost eccentric loyalty to his Honda reveals more than humility. It exposes his fear: Dorsey isn't about to splurge on a new car when there is no assurance those NFL paychecks will keep coming. Dorsey, who has yet to take a regular-season snap, enters his second pro season No. 2 on the depth chart behind Rattay. There is a chance to move higher. Unlike in previous 49ers seasons, the line that distinguishes quarterback from understudy is almost too fuzzy to see. Rattay has just three career starts and is easing his way back into action after May surgery on a torn left groin.

That means more early action for Dorsey, providing a chance to show how close he is to starting, or, conversely, to unveil the reasons teams passed on him 240 times in the 2003 draft.

"To be perfectly honest, the reason I didn't buy a new car was job security. You just never know," Dorsey said. "I try to make sure to hang on to every penny. I make sure not to keep the money in my checking account. I have it all in investments."

After the 49ers selected Dorsey in the seventh and final round, they gave the quarterback a $30,000 signing bonus. (Left tackle Kwame Harris, the team's first-round pick that year, got a $3.6 million signing bonus).

Dorsey had no choice but to use his bonus money pragmatically, paying off the insurance he had taken out while at the University of Miami, a policy he secured in case he suffered an injury that prevented him from turning pro. He made $225,000 last season, which allowed him to make the final payment on Baby.

Dorsey will make $305,000 this season, but the Honda, with a Blue Book value of about $4,300, is no closer to trade-in time. "There is some strange pride he takes in still owning it," said his brother, Adam, 26.

It was Adam who first delivered Baby in 2000, helping with his parents to pick her out of a used-car lot in Dublin before driving her to Miami. Ken, who was a sophomore, got the Honda sight unseen. He notes that the used Accord never raised suspicions with the NCAA that a booster bought it for him.

During his cross-country ride, Adam became the first to discover the Honda's many quirks, a list of flaws that could fuel a mechanic's second home. And now Adam, like others who have been in the car, tries to ensure that Dorsey has divulged Baby's full medical history.

"Did he tell you about the driver's seat?" Adam asked. He has not. It turns out that a quarter is wedged in the rail that allows the seat to slide back and forth and adjust to the driver's height. "He probably took it to someone who said it would be a few hundred bucks to fix so he said forget it," Adam said.

The seat works fine for Dorsey, who is 6-foot-4. But if Sims, who is 5-6, drives the car, "I have to sit on my boots, my backpack, my purse -- anything that's in the car so my feet can get to the pedals."

Sims, the niece of vice presidential candidate John Edwards, met Dorsey when she was a center midfielder for the Hurricanes soccer team. They started dating in the summer of 2001, which is to say that the car has seniority, and it's clear by her tone that the Honda's 84,488 miles have delivered some wear and tear.

"Did he tell you about the coin jar?" Sims asked. He has not. It turns out that Dorsey keeps a glass jar in his car for storing coins, or at least the ones that don't slip into the rail and jam the driver's seat.

Sims said that Dorsey has promised to take her on vacation when the jar fills up, a vow that prompts her to wonder what kind of romantic trip springs from a container of clattering nickels and dimes.

Did he tell you about the muffler? He has not. While in college, Dorsey smacked the bottom of his car against a speed bump, damaging his muffler. When he rode around town after that, the Accord's engine roared like a Harley. This prompted a rarity: Dorsey paid to have the car fixed, if only because of the imposition it placed on his Coral Gables neighbors.

Such is the nature of what drives Dorsey to dust the cobwebs from his wallet. He opens it only for others. His girlfriend and brother say he annually goes all out on Christmas gifts.

"He'll get whatever anybody might want and he'll go out of his way to make it meaningful," Sims said.

But no one can get him to spend on himself. He arrives for 49ers games wearing jeans, a sweater from Target and hand-me-down shoes. He ignores the nightlife available to a young NFL quarterback. Dorsey spends most of his time at his Santa Clara apartment, just a few out patterns away from the 49ers practice field, playing video games or studying his playbook.

"He's an old man trapped in a 21-year-old's body," Adam said.

Dorsey will occasionally spring loose to visit his parents in the East Bay, but such a treacherous journey requires borrowing his girlfriend's Lexus. He's not sure Baby is up to the trip.

His reluctance to push it too far also hinges on his desire to make the car last. Sims said Dorsey already dreams of bequeathing Baby to the children he might someday have. "He'll say, `My kids aren't getting a new car. They're getting the Honda.' "
BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.12 0 0 177
Ez egyébként tényleg érdekes és csak megerősíteni tudom, mert Tennessee-ben is a védelem hullik (eddig egy kezdő LB - tavaly a csapat második legtöbb, 141  szerelésével - egy újonc DE/DT - kapcsiból nem t'om pontosan - hagyja ki tuti a szezont; meg egy CB minimum a fél szezont, mert ő még idejében sérült meg...)
Előzmény: fighting (176)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.08.12 0 0 176

S még el sem kezdödőtt a preseason igazából.:((((


De úgy látszik a Madden átok fog, mert ugye idén a védelemre van kihegyezve a játék.

Előzmény: MacPhisto (175)
MacPhisto Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 175

Ennyit Boss Bailey breakout seasonjáról.


Jobb esetben novemberig, rosszabb esetben egész szezonra out...



Előzmény: Nym (137)
JAX Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 174

Soldier Field, Chicago, 1926
Soldier Field in Chicago is packed with 110,000 spectators to watch an Army-Navy football game, November, 1926.
The game ended in a 21-21 tie.


BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 173
Hmmm David Boston miért nem SD játékos:-? Azért mert ahogy az elmúlt napokban emlegették Miamiban lement IR-re erre az évre...? Hát akkor ez nem jött be, de ettől még nem tartom elfogadhatónak a lépését.
Előzmény: BéKa_d2 (172)
BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 172

Lehet, hogy hüle vagyok, de ez nekem nem olyan kevés , amiből egy jó QB-vel, jövőre ugyebár a NYG 1st pickjével meg a sajátjukkal ne lehetne 2-3 éven belül egy play-off esélyes csapatot csinálni... Tomlinson 5.3 yd/carrie-jében azért szvsz keményen benne van az OL, amelyik azért össz 29 sack-ot engedett (miközben védelmük 30-at csinált...) én a David Bostont is egy jó WR-nek tartom, sz'al nem látom be, hogy miért kellene ezt a csapatot nagy ívben elkerülni...


Ez nekem olyan, mintha vki az 1-15-ös Carolinat nem vállalta volna be... aztán azóta...


persze mind 1, csak tényleg nagyon szemét lépésnek tartom és kívánom neki, hogy bánja meg.



Előzmény: Nym (170)
Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 171
olvastam is valahol hogy a Lions HC es QBC arrol suttognak hogy ez az utolso eselye Harringtonnak+ a közönseg is kikezdte "kicsit"
Előzmény: MacPhisto (168)
Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 170
Gates(TE), Tomlinson, Edwards (OLB),a 2 CB (Jammer es Davis), illetve par ev mulva talan Olshansky. ennyit er valamit szvsz az egesz SD-bol.
ez meg az utolso helyhez is keves...
Előzmény: BéKa_d2 (169)
BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 169

Juteszembe... bizonyára abban bízik, hogy majd év közben FA-ként elkel valahova, ahol season ending a kezdő (amire persze van esély - rosszabb esetben meg ott van a jövő évi FA bekerülési lehetőség) a fő kérdés nekem az egészből csak az, hogy a salary cap-es időkben melyik csapat fog neki olyat ígérni (amit egyrészt most megkapott volna SD-ben), amit ő elfogad illetve 2-3 év múlva is teljesíteni tudják, mert vajon egy ilyen ember 2-3 év múlva hajlandó lesz-e átstruktúrálni a szerződését a cap alá kerülés érdekében....?


Egyébként vki mondja már meg, hogy a SD miért olyan rossz?

Előzmény: Nym (167)
MacPhisto Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 168
Hát, frász se tudja. Én azt nem mondom, hogy nálunk olyan hajj de jó volna az offensive line, mégis alig volt sack, ennek dacára Harringtoin nem úgy fejlödik, ahogy kéne...jó mondjuk ohne running game...idén elvileg mindene megvan, ha nem domborít, sztem buktázta a melóját...
Előzmény: Nym (167)
Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 167
a hozzäszoläsod egeszevel teljesen egyetertek :-)
az ideälis az lenne egy top QB prospectnek, hogy egy jo O-line-al rendelkezö csapat draftolja, ahol az addig kezdo star 34-35 eves QB a camp vegen season ending injury-t szed össze :-)
Előzmény: BéKa_d2 (166)
BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 166

Carr szerintem sokkal többet profitált abból, hogy egy kutyaütő csapatnál tanult bele az nfl-be, mint hogy pihizett volna egy-két évet, aztán várt volna még valami nevesebb QB mögött 2-3 évet és 27-29 évesen vagy még később megkapta volna első csapatát...


Egyébként is, akinek nem tetszik a draftolási rendszer, az menjen labdarúgónak...

Egyébként főleg azért nem tetszik az eljárás, mert ezzel pont a kiegyenlítési rendszert buktathatják be... Az SD ezt a bukott pick-et hol kapja vissza?

Előzmény: Nym (164)
gumbo Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 165

nem veletlen, hogy az Eli semmikeppen nem akart odamenni hozzajuk..

Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 164

ja meg lesz az eredmenye, 1-2 evvel rovidebb karrierben megmutatkozik mondjuk...



Előzmény: BéKa_d2 (162)
snoopy_beagle Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 163
én már ott is mondtam, hogy tavaly októberi az újság, de ez még nem azt jelenti, hogy Brettet és a GB-t agyon kéne ajnározni. amennyire tavaly rezgett nekik a léc a rájátszásra szerintem annyira idén is fog.
BéKa_d2 Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 162

szvsz ez kötschögség... 2-3 évet bárkinek ki kellene bírnia bármely kutyaütő csapatban, ugyanis ez ígyisúgyis tanulóév.


Carr kibírta a rekordot jelentő sack-számmal a Houstonban és szvsz meg is lesz az eredménye... Tomlinson képes ott maradni SD-ben, akkor egy 0km-es 4. pickes újonc, akinek a 2.3. picknél jobb ajánlatot tesznek le ne ugrándozzon, hanem örüljön, hogy lik van az orrán...

Előzmény: fighting (161)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.08.11 0 0 161
Persze ez igaz, csak azt nem tudom, hogy ilyenkor mi a történet, ha egy frissen draftolt nem ír alá.
Előzmény: Nym (160)
Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.10 0 0 160
hat azt nehezen is tudom elkepzelni hogy egy epeszü QB a chargersben akarjon jatszani/pepessre veretni magat
Előzmény: fighting (159)
fighting Creative Commons License 2004.08.10 0 0 159

Mit szóltok Philipp Rivers nem írt alá a San Diego-hoz.

Lehet, hogy a Wolves az álma.:))))))))

fighting Creative Commons License 2004.08.10 0 0 158

Zsolt dobd el azt a gagyi újságot, ami szerint Brett papa több IT-t dobott,  mint TD.

A hiv. honlap szerint 32-21 volt a TD-IT arány.

Az idei cél 35-10!:)

Nym Creative Commons License 2004.08.10 0 0 157
hat nem zsenikböl all az NFL :-)

"Tattoos are everywhere in the NFL, as you well know. Standing on the sidelines of Packers practice with visiting unemployed former Cardinal quarterback coach Geep Chryst, I spot the oddest one I have ever seen. Standing in front of us is a backup cornerback from Louisville, Chris Johnson, facing the field. On the back of his spindly left calf is a five-inch "4." On the back of the right calf, "18" is tattooed.

Try as I might, I cannot figure out 4.18.

"Maybe it's a Bible verse," Chryst says. "You know, John, 4.18."

Then he laughs and says maybe it's his time in the 40-yard dash. Can't be, I thought. No one runs a 4.18, especially an unknown guy like Chris Johnson.

"Yup," Johnson says later. "It's my 40 time. I was really proud of it. I ran it at the University of Louisville. I think like 18 scouts had me at 4.18, and the Packers had me a little slower, maybe 4.23."

But why the tattoo? Isn't it enough to just know you ran it? Now everyone's going to ask you about the weird calf tattoos for the rest of your life.

"Whatever happens in my career, I want people to know I ran a 4.18. It's something to be proud of."

Once, when I was playing high school baseball back in Connecticut, I got two triples off a tough pitcher from East Hartford High. Silly me. All these years I've missed the chance to brag about it. When I get home, I'm going to get a "2 3B" tattoo."
lelkesz g Creative Commons License 2004.08.10 0 0 156

tegnap lattad a redkins broncost?

latom mar az oreg bruce smith 78 asat mas hordja...

viszont a kozepso linebacker jo kemeny gyerek...

Előzmény: hosszu78 (154)
gumbo Creative Commons License 2004.08.10 0 0 155
Hosszu kollege, ne szomorkodj! egy par meccset igy is nyertek!

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!