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Twins Creative Commons License 2005.01.16 0 0 6



Két éve ültetett ananászom ösz végén elkezdett virágozni!

Sajnos az eredmény még várat magára, de a kicsi termés már jól látható!!


1 hónapja készített kép!



Üdv mindenkinek!!

Kiskertész Creative Commons License 2005.01.16 0 0 5

Én is kipróbáltam.

1992-ben vágtam le egy ananász felső részét. Beletettem egy tálkába, sima csapvízbe. Néhány hét múlva gyökereket eresztett. Földbe raktam, és elkezdett növekedni. Eddig még soha nem virágzott, így aztán nem is termett. Tavaly aztán már meguntam egy kicsit, és elajándékoztam. De biztos, hogy így szaporítható, mert már ismerősöknek is szaporítottam, és sikerült.

A könyv is azt írja, hogy a termés csúcsán lévő sarjhajtást szaporítják, (termesztéskor is) mert alul nem hoz ilyet. Ezek az ananászgyümölcsök, amiket a boltban lehet kapni, kb. 1,5 m átmérőjű, 40 leveles növényen fejlődnek ki. A könyv azt írja még, hogy szobanövénynek nem alkalmas, mert a tűző napfényt, párás forró trópusi klímát kedveli. De van egy cserepekben termeszthető törpe változat is, mely lakásban tartva is fejleszt gyümölcsöt.

hadria Creative Commons License 2005.01.15 0 0 4


Működik a dolog, én már kipróbáltam két éve, azóta is megvan. Növöget szép lasssan. Mondjuk én nem használtam gyökereztető hormont sem, és csak mezei tőzegbe ültettem.

Előzmény: ChrisRea (3)
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2005.01.15 0 0 3
ja a foldet is nedvesen lehet tartani - bar homok foldnel erdekes ....

es honapkig tart mig uj levelet latsz rajta de akkor mar sinen vagy.
Előzmény: ChrisRea (2)
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2005.01.15 0 0 2
3 oldalt nem volt kedvem, magyarul is kb 3 sor a limit nalam :)

Egyszeruen akkora b*tt nagy hajtasa van a bolti anansznak amit vettem hogy gondoltam nem letezik hogy ne lehessen meggyokereztetni. (a datolyaval is igy voltam modjuk anyamnak 10/9 sikerul nekem 6/1 :-)

szal a neten hirtelen ezt talaltam....

A kepek 90%-ban elmondnak a lenyeg:

Csonkolas utan az 1-2 -napos( estleg hetes ) kiszaritas a dominans modszer, majd homokos /konnyu (tapos) folbe ultetve a leveleket tapos vizzel locsolgatva gyokeret ereszt.

Csak a leveleket szabad locsolni nem a foldet.

Napos ablakba tev 2-3 !! alatt mar teremore fordulhat (?)

ott lattam ellentmondast hogy valaki aztatni akarja 1 hetig tapsos vizben, de 4 bol 3 azt modja hogy szaritani kell a a hajtas veget es aztan ultetni....

Előzmény: Bardock (1)
Bardock Creative Commons License 2005.01.15 0 0 1
Űdv! Ezt asszem ki fogom próbálni. amugy szerintem ha azt akarod hogy valaki hozzászologasson a topichoz nem ártana lefordítani mivel szerintem a többségnek vagy nincs ideje/kedve fordítgatni vagy nem tud angolul.
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2005.01.15 0 0 0
Pofatlanul copyzok :) a lenyeg:

Ugy tunik az 1-2 napos kiszaritas a dominans modszer, majd homokos /konnyu folbe ultetve a leveleket tapos vizzel locsolgatva gyokeret ereszt.

Napos ablakba tev 2-3 !! alatt mar teremore fordulhat (?)

* Cut off the top leaving about a half inch to an inch of the fruit on the green part of the top. Let this dry for about 24 hours.
* Fill a pot with a good houseplant mix and pre-moisten with water.

* If you happen to have some rooting hormone put some on the bottom. If not don’t worry about it. Set the pineapple top in the soil and be sure to cover up the fruit.

* Place the pot in a warm area and sunny window. Keep moist but be sure to mist the leaves every day. The plant will be absorbing water through the leaves rather than the soil.


After a couple months you will see new leaf growth. Yeah! You’ve done it. Then several months after that, the plant will grow and before you know it, will produce a little pineapple of its own. Like this one.

How can I grow pineapple? I have tried several times with little success.

A. First of all you need to buy a pineapple because it takes one to grow one. The easiest way to grow the plant is to cut off the crown (the leafy top). Strip a few of the basal leaves from the crown. Turn it upside down and let it dry for about a week so that the cut end and the leaf scars can harden before planting.

Plant the crown in an 8-inch porous pot using a good light garden soil with a 30% blend of organic matter. Tamp the soil firmly around the base of the crown and try not to get any soil in the leaves. You should fertilize the pineapple when planted and every two or three months thereafter with a good household plant food.

Patience is the key to successfully growing a pineapple plant. It often takes two years or more for a plant to bear fruit in peak growing conditions. The pineapple is a tropical plant so it can be severely damaged by freezing temperatures. During the summer months, the plant can be placed outdoors without too much worry. During the winter, keep the plant indoors near a sunny window. Water the soil lightly once a week.

Many people have had success with a pineapple house plant. One of the biggest problems is getting the plant to produce fruit. If the plant is two years old and has not flowered (the flower precedes the fruit), you can force fruit the plant by putting the plant and pot into a plastic bag with an apple. Move the bag to a shady spot and leaves it for three or four days.
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2005.01.15 0 0 topiknyitó
Probalta mar valaki ?

A bolti ananasz hajtasabol elvileg lehet de a hogyan-ja nem tiszta.

It is easy to grow pineapples in your own backyard. Here is how:
1. Get your favorite pineapple from the grocery store. Cut or twist off the crown from the top of the fruit and set aside. Eat the rest of the fruit as you normally would.
2. Allow the bottom of the crown to dry out for a day or two.
3. Plant in sandy well-drained soil.
4. Water weekly. Pineapples, like most Bromeliads, prefer water in their vase-like tops.
5. Once the young plant is established, pour a cupful of well balanced diluted water soluble liquid fertilizer into the top of the plant Monthly. Avoid getting dirt or sand into the buds at the top of the plant as it may kill it.

Ez maskep kepzeli:

How to Grow:

Take a whole pineapple and cut off the top. Remove any excess fruit and skin from around the leaves. Put the top in a small bowl containing water and a little epsom salt. Keep the water level just 1/8 to 1/4 inch above the bottom of the leaves. Check frequently, and add water as needed. Put the plant and bowl in a sunny window for two weeks.

Transplant the pineapple into a pot filled with potting soil. A sandy mixture is best as they like dry, well drained soil. The soil should be kept moist to allow the new roots to develop and grow.

As your Pineapple begins to grow, new leaves will come out from the center of the plant. Remove unsightly old leaves as they die off to provide more light and air to the new leaves. Once your plant is established, the soil should be allowed to dry out a bit between watering. Water plants from the top, including the leaves. Kept in a warm sunny window, it will grow all winter long.

In the spring, your pineapple plant can be brought outside. Set it out in a container, or plant it directly into your garden after all risk of frost has past. Pineapples, like warmth and sunshine.

Forcing Blooms and Fruit:

Mature plants can be forced to bloom. Place your plant and a couple of apples or other fruit in a plastic bag for a couple of days. Unfortunately, you won't know right away if it worked. The bloom will appear a couple of months later.

As pineapples have a long growing cycle, home gardeners and houseplant lovers often grow them for the fun of it. Getting a fruit from your pineapple plant is an pleasant, but unexpected benefit!

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!