
Részletes keresés

mondial Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 76
Csak viccesen próbáltam megmagyarázni, hogy nem vagyok brazildrukker, habár szeretem a focijukat.

Nem vagyok se nagy, se kicsi divatdrukker.

Előzmény: Kis_Joe (75)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 75
mér' kis divatdrukker vagy?:))
ha nem nagy akkor csak az marad.... :-))
Előzmény: mondial (74)
mondial Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 74
Na azért akkora divatdrukker még én sem vagyok, hogy az olaszok és az angolok után még a braziloknak is odaadjam a vb trófeát.:))
Előzmény: Kis_Joe (73)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 73

A lényeg az,hogy VÉGRE!! egy csapatnak drukkolunk,és ilyenkor nem kell vita!

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 72

de ha egy csapatról szól a topik,akkor oda,még jó hogy rakok be képeket!nem?

Amúgy ez a Pat vagy akárhogyis hívnak duma nem teccik rohadtul,because már kitiltottak arról a névről!!!

Eccerűen Kis Joe aki Kis Joe,és nem pedig más,KIS JOE!!!!!!!

Előzmény: mondial (71)
mondial Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 71

Idefigyelj Kis Joe(Pat vagy akárhogyis hívnak). Ez egy fórum, ami topicokból áll. Minden topic szól valamiről. Egy bizonyos mennyiségű kép még elfogadható, de a fórum lényege nem ez akar lenni, hanem, hogy különböző emberek kicseréljék egymással a gondolataikat, vitázzanak, érveljenek stb.. Amit te itt(is)művelsz az topicrombolás, mivel szinte követhetetlen lesz tőle a topic. Ha nincs értelmes hozzáfűzni valód, akkor inkább maradj csendben. De. Ez a te dolgod, én nem mondhatom meg neked, hogy mit csinálsz, csak kérlek gondolkodj egy kissé(ha lehetséges).


Előzmény: Kis_Joe (66)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 70
Săo Paulo
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 69
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 68
a Brazil bajnokság hivatalos címere!

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 67

Ez jó!

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 66
Már az is baj,ha képeket rakok be?
Nem rég tanultam meg,és szerintem idevág,mind1ik!
Előzmény: mondial (62)
Riquelme Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 65
A Gremio a klubbcsapat világranglistán a 6.(!!!) helyen áll!
Előzmény: mondial (64)
mondial Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 64
Ha jól tudom a brazil bajnokság lebonyolítása egy alapszakaszból és egy rájátszásból áll. Az alapszakaszban mindenki játszik mindenkivel 1 meccset(most nem emlékszem, hogy van e visszavágó)és az így kialakult sorrend után az első 8 helyezett folytatja egyenes kiesésben.

A Sao Caetano 2000-ben tűnt fel, ha jól emlékszem a másodosztály akkori bajnoka is indulhatott a rájátszásban és így meneteltek el a döntőig, ahol a Gremio vagy a Vasco?, de lényeg az, hogy a Romario féle csapat egy megismételt meccsen(mivel az első félbeszakadt)legyűrte őket. A döntő meccset már 2001-ben játszották.

Egy kissé kaotikus a tán ez adja a szépségét!:))

Előzmény: The Evil (60)
Riquelme Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 63
Jövő héten:

Portugália - Brazília

Ez a topic a Brazil válogatottról szól,legalábbis az volt a célom,de felőlem a Brazil bajnokságról is szólhat.A képek királyok,de az a Romario kép kicsit nagyra sikeredett!:))

Remélem megverjük Figoékat!

mondial Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 62
Én sem értem...engem is idegesít. Lehet, hogy ez a brazilok topicja, de nem hiszem, hogy ilyen mennyiségű és nagyságú kép hiányozna innen. No mindegy...

Persze, hogy érdekelnek a becenevek, de ha lehet nyomhatnál melléjük fordítást is, mert pl az, hogy Timao, nem mond nekem semmit.:))

Egy újabb ismerettel gazdagodtam, miszerint az azonos nevű csapatokat úgy lehet megkülönböztetni egymástól(erre még sosem figyeltem fel, érdekes:))), hogy az állam rövidítése a csapat után következik. Tisztára azt hittem, hogy a Gremio carioca, míg a Cruzeiro paulista csapat. Na akkor ez is tisztába van téve.:))

Az Atletico PR számomra egy kissé ismeretlen, jó lenne ha mondanál róluk ezt azt.:)) Jó ez az évi 100 meccs, a szurkolók biztos megőrülnek, annyi focit látnak, de mit gondolsz, nem lehet ez káros egy fárasztó (fél)idény után a világbajnokságon szereplő brazil csapat számára?

Előzmény: The Evil (56)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 61
Infókat a Libertadores kupa topicba nyomj,ha lehet!
A képeket azért rakom be,mert a BRAZIL VÁLOGATOTT TOPICJA,és anak a bajnokságáról szóló a topic!
Előzmény: The Evil (60)
The Evil Creative Commons License 2002.04.10 0 0 60
Na nyert a Gręmio is a Libertadores Kupaban 1-0-ra.

Holnap (ma) jatszik a Flamengo es a (ujra) a Săo Caetano.

Az Atletico PR-nek sajnos gyakorlatilag mar nincs eselye tovabbmenni a csoportbol.

The Evil Creative Commons License 2002.04.09 0 0 59
Egy-ket kepet meg talaltam roluk, az Atletico PR weblapjan.

Nem tudom mennyire latszik a kepeken de az egesz stadion viselkedik ugy mint nalunk a szuken vett szurkolotaborok. Az also karejon asszem azert eleg jol kiveheto a kep teljes hosszaban. A hangerot es a latvanyt (ugralas, forrongas, stb.)nektek kell elkepzelnetek hozza.

Na, itt mar font is. Ami kulonos, hogy nem is latni senkit a palyan. ennyire fanatikusak lennenek? :)))

Megjegyzem, a Gręmio fanok sem egyszeruek, ok is deliek, gaúchok, szoval nem oly meglepo, majd keresek roluk is kepeket.

The Evil Creative Commons License 2002.04.09 0 0 58
Ime az Arena da Baixada, Del-Amerika legmodernebb stadionja. Csapat: Atletico Paranaense, 32.000 ferohely, epult: nem egeszen 3 eve.
A tavalyi ev egyik legjobb meccset szamomra ott jatszottak, Atletico PR - Săo Caetano 4-2 a brasileiro dontojenek elso meccsen.

Szurkoloikat (Atletico PR) meg a Regiăo Sul (Deli korzet) legfanatikusaibbnak tartjak; errol magam is meggyozodhettem sajnos nem eloben csak a teven keresztul. Fanatikus vadallatok, a szo leheto legjobb ertelmeben. Oriasi lehet kozejuk tartozni. Plane ertuk futballozni.
Emlekszem a meccs vege fele ujra meg ujra mutattak egy lanyt, a boldogsagtol bogve szurkolt, hogy ilyen kozel kerult a bajnoki cim. Plane olyan dramai meccsen, ketszer is vezetett a Săo Caetano. (A visszavagon idegenben is gyozni tudott az Atletico 1-0-ra)

The Evil Creative Commons License 2002.04.09 0 0 57
Hey mondial talaltam neked egy jo kis linket, pofonegyszeru rajta minden:

Raklikkelsz a terkepen az adott allamra es hopp! ott a bajnoksag.

Azon ne lepodj meg, hogy majd' minden allamnak van Botafogo, Internacional, Atletico, stb. nevu csapata (sot gyakran Săo Paulo is!!!)

The Evil Creative Commons License 2002.04.09 0 0 56
Kezdesnek annyi hogy Kis Joe miert illik ide az olasz focirol szolo elemzes, ill. szerintem tok ismert emberek pl. Romario, R. Carlos stb.-rol szolo feloldalas fotok sem hianyoznak, nekem legalabbis semmikeppen (sot kifejezetten zavar), de ahogy gondolod. Ha a tobbseg akarja am legyen.

kiralysag, a Săo Caetano egy harmast hintett Lima-ban a Libertadores kupaban, pedig nem megy nekik olyan jol mint osszel.

Mondial meglepo de ahany brazil allam annyi bajnoksag :)) Persze a tobbseguk fika (iiletve lehet hogy tevedek, de orszagosan ismert csapataik nincsenek).
Tehat vegyuk pl. a Corinthians-t (becenevuk Timăo igy rovidebb - apropo erdekelnek a becenevek?).
Egy szezonban jatszik:
- Brasileiro (orszagos bajnoksag) - kb. 46 meccs
- Paulista bajnoksag (csak paulista csapatok) - kb. 25 meccs)
- Torneio Rio-Săo Paulo (paulista+carioca csapatok) - 28-30 meccs
-Copa do Brasil -ameddig eljut, ez is jo par osszecsapas azert.
Ezen felul pl. az elmult szezonban meg a Mercosul Kupa (elodonto)
Tehat a 100 meccs megvan szezononkent, ha jo a csapat. Nem semmi. Nalunk sirnak 44 bajnoki miatt. Igaz itt nincs nagyon teli szunet, csak nyari, januarban 1 honap kb. a brasileiro dontoje utan.

Jelentosebb meg a Copa Sul-Minas, ami a Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa Catarina es a Rio Grande do Sul allam osszevont bajnoksaga (a la Torneio Rio-SP), ott is nagyon jo csapatok nyomulnak, ugymint Gręmio, Atletico MG, America MG, Cruzeiro, Atletico PR (orszagos bajnoki cimvedo), Juventude, Coritiba, Paraná, Internacional, Figueirense, stb.

Az America MG-rol jut eszembe, igy unnepli egy brazil csapat a masodosztalyu bajnoki cimet (Brasileiro, Serie B, 1997)

Mara ennyi, elalmosodtam. Holnap folytatjuk :)

mondial Creative Commons License 2002.04.09 0 0 55
Arra kiváncsi lennék, hány állami bajnokság van Brazíliában és melyek a jelentősebbek a cariocán és a paulistán kívül. Egyébként milyen volt a Vidit látni Brazíliában?:))Hallottam, hogy jól megizzadtak a srácok.:))
Előzmény: The Evil (33)
Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 54
Rochemback(miért bőg?):)

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 53

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 52
Serie A In Crisis: Analysis And Perspectives Of An Isolated League
News Archive

Editor's Spotlight

In Depth Analysis: Calcio In A Crisis

Zidane And Rivaldo Heat Up La Liga...(Allsport)

04/04/2002. SERIE A EDITOR Andrea Rosselli believes boardroom strategy and an inherent desire to win at all costs put the Italian game out of touch with more entertaining European leagues:

For the second straight season, there won't be an Italian team among the Champions League quarter-finalists. Serie A is balanced, but there are few attractive matches anymore and a number of highly-rated Italian players are expected to move to Spain during the close which begs the question: Is "Il Calcio" in crisis? Most likely, the answer is yes.

This is a real slump, and not only a bad juncture: Italian soccer is bothered by plenty of problems, both on and off the pitch and these issues inevitably affect the teams.


First of all, the naked truth - Serie A is no longer the "best league in the world". In the nineties, the Serie A teams dominated the European Cups, and this gave everybody the illusion that things would have continued this way. But what really happened was that the huge pressure brought by these results pushed the boards of the Serie A giants (Juventus, Lazio, Roma, Inter, Milan, Parma) on the wrong course.

Indeed, the wealthy owners thought that the only way to keep on staying at the top was spending as much as possible and boardrooms started building the rosters with only one word in their minds - winning. Not playing good football or entertaining the fans, which should be the foundation of a winning team. Find the way to multiply the income from the TV and the merchandising, and spend the money to purchase expensive (and often disappointing) foreigners: dating from the mid 90s, this became the rule.


The consequences? Here they are. First of all, a huge financial crisis: TV revenue was not the milk cow everybody expected and those enlightened chairmen spent more than they could afford. But unfortunately the bad result of this incorrect mentality came on the sporting side as well. Italian teams simply killed the pleasure of good soccer, filling their rosters with plenty of "ball winners" specialising in only one thing - committing fouls. The average number of fouls in Serie A is around 50 per match, which is clearly unacceptable.


So it seems that calcio is centred around getting the three points at all costs. Losing is not the other side of winning, losing becomes a drama. In the other countries, the fans want their team to play an attractive game and winning is often a consequence of that. If an English or a Spanish team lose after playing a good match, the fans cheer at them. In Italy, this team would be booed, because only the win counts.


So meanwhile, the rest of the European countries, especially Spain and England, figured out what they needed to do in order to fill this gap and thanks to a better solution, they gave confidence to their nursery-grown youngsters and the expensive purchase was an exception, not the rule like in Italy. Now they are meeting with the deserved success of this wise work.

What to do now? The Italian game needs to rebuild itself. No more unknown and expensive foreigners, but confidence in the youngsters, possibly after having taught them how to stop and launch a ball, and not how to break the opponent's legs. And please, stop with this annoying defence and counterattacking mentality - it doesn't pay anymore. An example? In their Champions League key match against Liverpool, Roma knew that a draw would have been enough to qualify and played in Anfield with only one striker, while all of their most convincing outings of the season came with the 3-4-1-2 line-up. There is no need to recall how the match ended.


LIGA EDITOR Stewart Coggin cites the Italian media as a cause of the malaise and argues that although Italy boasts the best defensive players, Spain hosts the most exciting attackers.


Many believe the single biggest factor in Serie A's recent European slump is a lack of continuity. The likes of Lazio have undergone overhaul after overhaul in the last two years so no wonder their recent record in the European Cup leaves so much to be desired. And should they qualify for it again next season, can president Sergio Cragnotti really expect it to improve? The club will undergo yet another transitional period over the summer with numerous comings and goings set to take place. This would surely make the likes of Arsene Wenger cringe. For the Arsenal coach preaches team continuity and at the Rome giants there is a distinct lack of it. Lazio are by no means the only culprits but they are without doubt the main ones.

And does the intense media criticism really help the players? The Italian press scrutinises every aspect of their teams' tactical game to the point of obsession. Although Serie A coaches would claim not to be influenced by the press, such pressure must have an effect. Perhaps it's time for the the likes of the Gazzetta dello Sport to give the Italian game a break.

Can we also not just accept that Spain currently has four very good sides who rank amongst the top six or seven in the world at the moment? In terms of counter-attacking, there are few better than Valencia, Deportivo and Barcelona. Valencia, especially, tend to soak up pressure for long periods and then break with such pace that opposition defences are left wondering what has hit them. Witness the Ches' recent Uefa Cup semi-final first-leg clash with Inter Milan. A goal down and a man down after the sending-off of Kily Gonzalez, Valencia appeared to be posing little threat when a swift move up field resulted in one killer ball from Miguel Angulo and an instinctive finish from Francisco Rufete. Bang, 1-1.

Serie A may still boast the best defenders in the world but when it comes to the leading midfielders and strikers, they have fallen behind. The likes of Luis Figo, Zinedine Zidane, Rivaldo, Juan Veron, Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry, Patrick Kluivert, Ruud Van Nistelrooy and Diego Tristan have all either played or been linked with moves to Serie A but the fact is that they all ply their trade in Spain and England. Serie A of course, still has it's attractions (Francesco Totti, Andriy Shevchenko and Manuel Rui Costa to name but a few) but the days when it attracted the world's very best, are well and truly gone.


Could it also not be that for some Italian clubs, Serie A is simply more important? For Real Madrid and Barcelona the Champions League is an obsession, but the feeling is that Serie A's finest regard the Scudetto as top priority. Hector Cuper's Inter have not won the title for 13 years, and there is little doubt that if you put the Champions League and Scudetto trophies in front of them, they'd choose the latter. It may just be that to Serie A's top brass, the honour of being the best team in Italy, outweighs that of being the best in Europe.

Despite Serie A's woeful recent record in the Champions League, there is no reason to believe that Italian football won't emerge from this current slump and return to their former glories. The current trend seems to be to kick Serie A while it's down. Everyone from Ivan Helguera to Patrick MBoma have stuck the knife in of late, criticising what they perceive not to be the best league in the world but the most arrogant. However, it is surely a little early for the Premiership and La Liga's finest to start celebrating the demise of Serie A and crowning their own championship as the world's best. The tide could soon turn.




Montero - Possibly to Real Madrid.

Thuram - Perhaps more likely to some EPL team, but Spain is a definite chance and in any case he's expected to leave Juve.

Davids - Probably to Barcelona.


Mendieta - Back to Valencia?

Nesta - Most likely he will stay at Lazio but everybody
knows that Real want him...


Shevchenko - Same thing as Nesta, he should stay but Real want him

Josč Mari and Javi Moreno - both didn't get fully accustomed to the Serie A and should be back in the Liga.


Batistuta - most likely to the EPL, in any case he should leave Roma, especially if they buy Tristan, and some Liga team might be interested in the veteran.


Zinedine Zidane - The mercurial Frenchman took a couple of months to settle into La Liga and Real Madrid's style of play after a Ł48 million move from Juventus, but since then he has returned to his bedazzling best. He may have some of the world's best round him but the fact that he has already scored as many league goals for Real this year as he did in any season at Juventus would suggest that he is finding goals a lot easier to come by.

Although he excelled in Serie A, people often tend to forget his lacklustre, lethargic performances where he contributed very little to the team cause. These displays were the exception to the rule, but one rarely leaves a Real match these days without feeling that the Frenchman has given them their full money's-worth.

Vagner - the Brazilian has excelled for Celta Vigo this season, with he and Peter Luccin forming one of the best midfield partnerships in La Liga. The 29-year-old had a desperately disappointing time of things at Roma after failing to fit into Zdenek Zeman's disciplined team formation. He played just 11 league games for the Giallarossi before being shipped out to Vasco da Gama and Sao Paulo on loan. He moved to Galicia in 2000 and is now flourishing in the less pressured surrounds of La Liga. He's a player who likes to express himself and has actually scored three goals in his last two games.

Savo Milosevic - The Yugoslav striker has returned to former club Real Zaragoza after a miserable 18 months in Serie A with Parma. He scored nine goals in a season-and-a-half with the Giallorossi compared to 37 in 72 league matches with Zaragoza in the previous two campaigns. Here is a player who basks in the penalty box freedom that he never really got in England and Italy.

Darko Kovecevic - Milosevic's fellow-countryman is in the same boat. After scoring an impressive 41 goals in three seasons with the modest Real Sociedad, he earned himself a move to Juventus where he found the net just 11 times in two seasons. In his defence he found it difficult to secure a regular starting place with the likes of Alessandro Del Piero and David Trezeguet preferred. After a terrible spell at Lazio -he featured just seven times- he has returned to Sociedad where he's scored five times in 12 games to help the Basques move away from the relegation zone.

Roberto Ayala - Last season, the Valencia defender was named as the best defender in the Champions League as the Ches took Europe by surprise for the second time in two seasons and reached the final. The Spanish League has been the making of the Argentine international and he is now rated as one of the top five or six defenders in the world.


There is little doubt that La Liga, along with the Premiership, is the world's most attractive league. Few other countries are treated to the mesmeric skills of Djalminha, the cunning of Luis Figo and the brute power and force of the world's best left-back Roberto Carlos. But why is it that La Liga is now such a haven of attacking football?

Well, for a start, despite Spain's fine recent record in Europe, many of the sides still trail behind their Italian counterparts when it comes to the art of defending. Valencia, apart, La Liga's finest still have a lot to learn about the defensive aspects of the game. While the Spanish League can boast the likes of Roberto Ayala and Patrik Anderson, this pair are very much the exception to the rule. Alessandro Nesta, Fabio Cannavaro, Walter Samuel, Lillian Thuram and Ivan Cordoba are amongst the top six or seven in the world and all choose to ply their trade in Italy. La Liga simply isn't getting the cream of the crop when it comes to world class centre-backs.

Real Madrid, Deportivo La Coruna and Barcelona have all been found wanting at the back at regular intervals over the last 18 months. Real's 'if they score three, we'll score four' attitude may be easy on the eye but is unlikely to be found in the Serie A book of coaching. Barca, meanwhile, conceded an amazing 57 goals last year under Lorenzo Serra Ferrer, although they found the net 80 times- one less that champions Real Madrid. Serra Ferrer is, in many ways, a symbol of Spanish football- entertain at all costs and worry about the consequences later.

On a regular basis we are treated to some of the most appalling defence cock-ups that you just don't see in Italy. Italian goalkeepers like to punch but at least they do it to good effect. Earlier this season Las Palmas' Nacho Gonzalez somehow managed to punch the ball into his own net from a Deportivo La Coruna corner when under no pressure whatsoever. The Argentine has not been the only keeper guilty of such a lapse. This type of thing is seen all to often within the confines of La Liga. Young Iker Casillas at Real has found himself out in the cold in recent matches due to some increasingly error prone performances. This was a young man who was dubbed as the best goalkeeper in the world just a year or so ago.

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 51
Da Silva Roberto Carlos

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 50

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 49

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 48

Kis_Joe Creative Commons License 2002.04.08 0 0 47

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!