Well, it looks like Trump voters decided they wanted to live! Good thinking. You can’t vote for Dear Leader in November if the virus gets you first!
Careful, fellow lefties or liberals or Democrats — don’t gloat for too long over the stinkin’ rotten dripping egg on Trump’s face tonight.
Like the victory dance you did the night of the Billy Bush tape, don’t think that Trump tonight just spontaneously combusted. Trump survives all his own disasters. So stay humble, because the fight ahead is intense, vicious and fraught with the possibility of another electoral college debacle. The only way to guarantee Trump’s removal is for all of us to be very busy for the next 105 days. And the Democratic candidate has to bust his ass and earn it. We learned in 2016, if you, the candidate, won’t show up, the voters you need won’t show up either. Trump’s hugely-promised crowd tonight didn’t show up. It looked like a Hillary rally. That’s right Donald — you’ve now been reduced to a Hillary comparison! That’s gotta sting. We all need to leap on the wounded Trump and ride him like a skunk until November. But if you think it’s over and we’re going to win because he has been humiliated in front of the whole world tonight, your hubris is the recipe for our defeat. He fell hard tonight. Now let’s drag this bronze statue through the streets and put him back where he belongs — on some shitty beachfront property in the state known as America’s hanging chad — or inside a criminal courtroom called the Southern District of New York.
Concluding his ruling on Bolton’s book, Judge Lamberth wrote that the former adviser had “gambled with the national security of the United States. He has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability."
Tja, öcsisajt, csakhogy Trumpi 19 ezer résztvevö elött fog beszélni Tulsa-ban (jóval 100 ezer volt a bejutni akarók száma). Mikor is látták utoljára a pincéjében bújkáló szenilis Joe-t a nép (az istenadta nép) között megjelenni? Kíváncsian várok az elsö nyilvános vitára Trumpi és a szenilis Joe között. Valószínüleg igen jól fogunk szórakozni Joe makogásán. Trumpinak meg valószínüleg elég lesz csak megemlíteni, hogy senile Jou új hangyája, a Green New Deal kb. 600 ezer dolcsijába kerülne MINDEN usák állampolgárnak az elkövetkezö 10 évben a dem-ek által eröteljesen tolt liberónáci sötétzöld rablóhorda extraprofitjának a finanszírozására.
Donald Trump's re-election campaign is bleeding votes. A new book adds fresh paper cuts
The forthcoming tell-all book from John Bolton will likely not rattle Donald Trump's base of supporters. But the problem for Trump is that there aren't enough of those voters to guarantee his re-election in November. He needs swing voters.