
Részletes keresés

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"Így került látókörömbe az 1980-as években Mainz központjában (a Hilton hotel mellett) talált öt hajó roncsa, amelyet a rómaiak akkor építettek, amikor még azok óramű pontossággal járőröztek a folyón. Egymástól 20 mérföldnyire felállított állomások közt közlekedtek, reggel lefelé hajóztak a folyón, délután pedig felfelé. A barbároknak nehéz volt meglepetésszerű támadást indítani ezen ősi vízirendőrség vigyázó tekintete közepette.


Dr. Olaf Höckman archeológus megállapította az egyik hajóról, illetve az ahhoz felhasznált tölgyfáról, hogy CE 376-ból származik, és két részletének alapos vizsgálatából kiderült, hogy javításuk két különböző alkalommal, történt, először CE 386-ban, azután CE 394-ben. Mind az öt hajó békésen végezte be vízi pályafutását, egymás mellett, egy kikötőben leltek békésen megöregedve menedéket, miután a Rajna szép lassan megváltoztatta medrét. Én hiszek a dendrokronológusoknak, tehát a datálás dátuma jó! Csak akkoriban Septimius Severus, és Caracalla voltak a császárok!


A hagyományos AD 386 táján már más – nem békés – idők jártak a  Rajna vidéken; mindennapos volt a barbár betörés, Rando alemann herceg AD 368-tól folyamatosan fosztogatja Mainz vidékét…


  Tehát nincs értelme a vízirendőrségnek. Ha meg lett volna, akkor ezeket a hajókat felgyújtják, és nem maradtak volna fenn korunkig."   

(2006-07-21 hozzászólás)

Előzmény: H. Bernát (177)
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Előzmény: Gojira (180)
Gojira Creative Commons License 2018.08.08 0 0 180

Nagykaresz 1004 januárjában halt meg (AD 814) amikor egy napfogyatkozás is volt Aachenban.)


Ezt meg honnan veszed? Nagy Károly (N.B. így kell írni) halálakor nem volt napfogyatkozás, Einhard se említi. És mint már említettem, ha a fejed tetejére állsz, akkor is.

Előzmény: grálizidor (179)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2018.08.08 0 0 179

Egyszer csak vesznek belőle mintát, aztán megbeszéltetik. Lehet, hogy Pippint is látta ..." 


Már vettek, 980 körül kivágott tölgyből készült... 


Nagykaresz 1004 januárjában halt meg (AD 814) amikor egy napfogyatkozás is volt Aachenban.)

Előzmény: H. Bernát (176)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2018.08.08 0 0 178

Olvasási, értési nehézségeid vannak, fussál neki mégegyszer; a dendrot válaszd szét a hurrikántól az időcsúszás pedig 1600-ban ér véget... 

Nem mindenhol persze, de mondjuk Aragóniában biztos. 

Nálunk 1160 körül véget ért, amikor a türk magyarok beleolvadtak a hungárokba, elveszítve törökös nyelvüket. 

Előzmény: H. Bernát (175)
H. Bernát Creative Commons License 2018.08.08 0 0 177

Láthatod, mint oly gyakran, a magyar tudomány csak követő.


De van egy rómais régész ismerősöm, meséli, hogy az egykor volt Római Birodalom területén már régen egyeztetnek a kutatók a dendrokronológiai adatbázis szélesítéséről. És az északibb egykor volt provinciáknak fontos szerep jut ebben, az itt erőteljesen tapasztalható évszakváltások mián. És előbb-utóbb "össze fognak érni" az évgyűrűk ...


Aztán a KM-ben/sztyeppén, beszállnak majd a népvándorlás kor kutatói, és Csernobilig tágítják ki az időt ...

Az utolsó másodperccel is elszámolva ...

Előzmény: grálizidor (174)
H. Bernát Creative Commons License 2018.08.08 0 0 176

Kár, hogy az Aacheni Dom tölgyfaajtaja nem tud beszélni, mert akkor elmondhatná, hogy én sokszor láttam a Nagykareszt...



Egyszer csak vesznek belőle mintát, aztán megbeszéltetik. Lehet, hogy Pippint is látta ...

Előzmény: grálizidor (173)
H. Bernát Creative Commons License 2018.08.08 0 0 175

Claudia Mora és Henri Grissino-Mayer kutatásukban azonban öreg fák évgyűrűinek elemzésével kitolták a hurrikánok történelmét 220 évre. "Úgy gondoljuk, hogy kutatásaink fényt deríthetnek arra, mivel állunk szemben: egy hosszú távú ciklikus ismétlődéssel vagy valami emberi tevékenység által előidézett okkal" - nyilatkozta Mora, a Tennessee Egyetem Föld- és Bolygótudományok tanszékének vezetője." 


Az időcsúszás 1600 körül ért véget, a 220 év nem ér semmit...



És, gondolod, 220 évvel ezelőttig, a fák még nem növesztettek évgyűrűket?

Előzmény: grálizidor (172)
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Az új csodafegyver virtuális kronológiánk megmentésére a hurrikán! 

Hanti-manysi zakamédiánk biztos le fog csapni rá...

Előzmény: grálizidor (172)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2018.08.07 0 0 173

Mk: A dendrokronológiai vizsgálatok mennyire igazolják Illig eltüntetett időre vonatkozó elméletét?

GA: Semennyire. Sőt egyértelműen cáfolják. Sajnos erre nem lehet egy mondatban válaszolni, ezért javaslom az érdeklődőknek, hogy nézzék meg az e kérdésre pár évvel ezelőtt írott összefoglalásomat


Kár, hogy az Aacheni Dom tölgyfaajtaja nem tud beszélni, mert akkor elmondhatná, hogy én sokszor láttam a Nagykareszt...

Előzmény: H. Bernát (171)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2018.08.07 0 0 172

Claudia Mora és Henri Grissino-Mayer kutatásukban azonban öreg fák évgyűrűinek elemzésével kitolták a hurrikánok történelmét 220 évre. "Úgy gondoljuk, hogy kutatásaink fényt deríthetnek arra, mivel állunk szemben: egy hosszú távú ciklikus ismétlődéssel vagy valami emberi tevékenység által előidézett okkal" - nyilatkozta Mora, a Tennessee Egyetem Föld- és Bolygótudományok tanszékének vezetője." 


Az időcsúszás 1600 körül ért véget, a 220 év nem ér semmit...

Előzmény: H. Bernát (171)
H. Bernát Creative Commons License 2018.08.07 0 0 171

Minden külön értesítés helyett:



Mk: A dendrokronológiai vizsgálatok mennyire igazolják Illig eltüntetett időre vonatkozó elméletét?

GA: Semennyire. Sőt egyértelműen cáfolják. Sajnos erre nem lehet egy mondatban válaszolni, ezért javaslom az érdeklődőknek, hogy nézzék meg az e kérdésre pár évvel ezelőtt írott összefoglalásomat!

grálizidor Creative Commons License 2018.07.16 0 0 170

Kukoricát, aloe verát ábrázoló faragványok[szerkesztés]Az egyesek szerint kukoricát ábrázoló faragványok

Az egyik ablak fölötti boltívet olyan faragványok díszítenek, melyek kukoricára hasonlítanak, ám a faragványok erősen megrongálódtak, így lehetetlen bizonyosan megállapítani. Néhány boltívet pedig aloe vera motívumok díszítenek. Mind a két növény Amerikából származik (s jóval a kápolna építése után terjedt el Európában), így felvetődik a kérdés, hogy hogyan kerültek be a kápolna faragványai közé. Egyesek úgy vélik, hogy a templomosok 1307-es bukásukat követően Amerikába menekültek, s a velük kapcsolatban álló William St Clair így ismerte meg ezeket a növényeket.[7] Az elmélet nem nyert bizonyítást, az sem kizárt, hogy a faragványok jóval a felépítés után, valamely felújítás során készültek el.

Előzmény: grálizidor (169)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2018.07.16 0 0 169

Kukorica, aloa vera a 15. századból; 




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Írország 14. század, angol megszállás kezdetétől; 



An Outline of the Irish Time-Slip


It is not my will and I am hardly able to tell you anything stiff on your history and my intention is also far from doing this of course but still I hope my chronological corrections may make you pore over the subject. In case of the history of Ireland this time-slip is 190 years, the same as in the case of the history of England and France (1 AD = CE 191).                        

Because of exiguous time and due to the importance of the matter I would like to start enlightening the events from the traditional middle of the 12th century, i.e. from the middle of the 14th century by/of the astronomical calendar.

I would like to start with the year 1348 when, according to the SPDV (the School Professing the Dominant View) “the Black Death” arrived in the Isles. Briefly: it devastated the English and Norman population, but not the indigenous Irish.

As a result Celtic language and culture became dominant on the Isles again.

CE 1352/1162 AD Lorcán Ua Tuathall, also known as Saint Laurence O’Toole (1128- 1180) was Archbishop of Dublin at the time of the Norman invasion of Ireland.

CE 1356/1166 AD the high-king Muirchertach MacLoclainn died.

CE 1361/1171 AD; Henry landed with a large fleet at Waterford in 1171, becoming the first King of England to set foot on Irish soil. Both Waterford and Dublin were proclaimed Royal Cities.

CE 1362/1172 AD; Pope Alexander III, ratified the grant of Irish lands to Henry in 1172. Henry awarded his Irish territories to his youngest son John with the title “Lord of Ireland” (Dominus Hiberniae).   

CE 1370/1180 AD Lorcán Ua Tuathail died in office on 14 November 1180.

CE 1371/1181 AD John Comyn was Archbishop of Dublin (1181-1212)

He was elected on 6 September 1181.

CE 1375/1185 AD; John visit in 1185 in Ireland.  

CE 1379/1189 AD; In 1189, Archbishop Comyn assisted at the coronation of King Richard I.  

CE 1397;    Thomas Cranley (1337-1417) Archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1400/1210 AD; John’s visit in 1210 in Ireland.  

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Írország, 15. század; 



CE 1400/1210 AD; John’s visit in 1210 in Ireland.  

CE 1402/1212 AD; Archbishop Comyn died in office in November 1212 and was buried in Christ Church Cathedral, where a marble monument was erected to his memory.  

Ebben az évben Thomas Cranley a Lord Chancellor of Ireland.

CE 1403/1213 AD; Archbishop Henry de Loundres 1228-ig

CE 1406/1216 AD; On 18 October John Lackland died.

According to the SPDV he was succeeded by his nine year old son Henry III (1216-1272).

In my opinion a nine year old little boy is not fit for a king’s role in the turmoil of a civil war. In my opinion it was another Henry Plantagenet that set up an army against the Capeting Luis (Lion) and later sent him packing from England. His name was Henry IV!

Henry lived between 1366 and 1413 mostly as a royal prince and from 1406 as a king. 

CE 1407/1217 AD; In May Lion Louis was defeated at Lincoln and in September disclaimed his rights on the English throne.

CE 1410/1220 AD;  on the 17th of May Stephen Langton cardinal archbishop crowned the child Henry III   the king of England.

Thomas Becket’s mortal remains were   buried in an ornate tomb in the Canterbury Cathedral in the presence of Henry III.

CE 1411; A decree was made to oust the adherents of the child Henry III crowned the King of England the previous year from the government.

CE 1412; Henry IV wages a war in France.

CE 1413; King Henry IV dies on the 25th of March, at the age of 45. On the 9th of April  Henry V is crowned king. As King he declares an amnesty.  (Henry III,  who was  crowned this year, is 16 years old…)

Henry V presented Thomas Cranly as the Chancellor of Ireland.

CE 1415;  on the 15th of August Henry V invades Normandy with his army of 10,000 men.

CE 1417/1227; Thomas Cranley died at Faringdon in Berkshire on 25 May. He was buried in New College, Oxford.  

In October Henry III of England reaching his years of discretion takes over the power in his countryside. (Henry V   is busy with reconstructing Plantagenet power in France).

Richard Talbot   is the Archbishop of  Armagh.  

CE 1418/1228 AD;    Henry de Loundres dies.  Luke Leck is the new archbishop? 

CE 1419; According to some sources Richard Talbot (1419-1449) becomes the Archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1420/1230 AD; Luke Leck (1230-1255) is the Archbishop of     Dublin.

CE 1421; on December the 6th Catherine of Valois (1401-1437) gave birth to a boy, who later became                 the King of England Henry VI.

CE 1422; the King of England Henry V dies. According to the SPDV Henry VI (1422-1427) begins his reign. It is his uncle prince of Bedford and the Parliament who rule for the one year old king.

Beginning with March the 19th Henry VI is the Lord Chancellor of Ireland (seemingly)…

The 25 year old English Henry III leads a campaign in France (Bretagne) which was a failure.

CE 1423; Richard Talbot Primate of Ireland (1423-1426).

CE 1426/1236 AD; On the 14th of January, the 29 year old    the King of England Henry III marries Eleonore of Provence. The court is inundated by French courtiers.

The uncrowned Henry VI is 4 years old now…  

Richard Talbot’s position seems to waver?   

CE 1427/1237 AD; In the agreement of York the English Henry III (AD 1206-1272) and Alexander II (AD 1214- 1249) marked the borders to separate Scotland and England more or less in the lines existing today.. 

CE 1429/1239 AD; On the 17th of June Henry III the 32 year old Edward’s I (1272-1307 AD) son was born.  

Richard Talbot is accused of treason in London?

On the 6th of November the 8 year old Henry VI (1422-1471),   is crowned King of England who was labelled as insane by historians.


CE 1431; on the 16th of December, in the Notre Dame of Paris the child Henry VI was crowned the King of France.  

CE 1434/1244 AD; John of Turril was archdeacon of Dublin. 

CE 1439;  Richard Talbot’s positions weaken in Dublin.

CE 1440/1250 AD; Luke Leck organizes a Holy-land expedition.

CE 1442/1252 AD; Luke Leck is a confidante of Henry III.

CE 1443/1253 AD; the King of England  Henry III negotiates with the barons and the Church.  

CE 1445/1255 AD; the death of Luke Leck, the archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1446/1256 AD; Fulk Basset (1256-1271) is the new archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1447/1257 AD; the seven prince-electors of Europa elect a German King, where one of the victors is John Lackland, Richard’s son. The other one was Alphonse X, the King of Castile.  

CE 1448/1258 AD; On the 12th of June, the armed English Barons appear in Oxford and make the English King to accept Oxford provisions.



CE 1449; the death of Richard Talbot, the former Archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1451/1261 AD; The Battle of Callan was fought in August 1261.

CE 1453/1263 AD; in April Simon de Monfort comes back to England where there is a total chaos.

Michael Tregury, the archbishop of Dublin (upto 1471?)

On October the 13th , Edward, the  only child of Henry VI, the Duke/Prince of Westminster was born.

The French re-occupied from the English the city of Bordeaux, so it was only the Calais countryside that remained in the hands of the English.   At hearing the news of defeat King Henry VI got a mental breakdown. He managed to recover a several years thereafter. 

So a Duke/Prince of York who said he was Richard Plantagenet appointed himself the Regent with the support of the strong Northern lords.    

CE 1454/1264 AD; Simon de Monfort defeats his king, Henry III and also Edward, the heir apparent of the throne, and took them prisoner.  

The Irish parliament met in a number of locations both inside and outside Dublin – the first place of definitive date and place was Castledermot, County Kildare on 18 June 1264 some months earlier than the first English Parliament containing representatives of towns and cities.

CE 1455/1265 AD; Edward flees from his captivity,  and with the help  of his supporters conquers and kills Simon de Monfort.


megszökik a fogságból és támogatói segítségével legyőzi és megöli Simon de Monfortot.    

CE 1456; Michael Tregury is the Archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1460; Plantagenet Richard is killed in the battle of Wakefield.  

Henry III is very ill.   His supporters marked out Richard Cornwall for his successor.

CE 1461/1271 AD; On 28 June Plantagenet Richard’s son is crowned King of England. According to the SPDV he is Edward VI (1422-1483).  Richard Cornwal gets a brain haemorrhage.  

The death of Fulk Basset (1256-1271), the former Archbishop of Dublin.

CE 1462/1272 AD; Richard Cornwal dies on 2 April.   

Henry III dies on 16 November.

CE 1464/1274 AD; Edward I (1274-1307), Henry’s III son comes back from the Crusade in August.  On 19 August he is crowned by the Bishop of Canterbury, Robert Kildware.

CE 1467/1277 AD; Edward’s I campaign against the independent Wales.

 CE 1469/1279 AD; Edward I marks his confidante John de Derlington (1279-1284) for the Archbishop of Dublin..


CE 1470;   Edward IV flees from England into France.

CE 1471; Edward IV comes back and wins a victory with the support of the Burgundians in the Battle near Barnett.


CE 1472/1282 AD; the second campaign of Edward I against Wales.

According to the SPVD no military activity of Edward’s I was observed in Ireland.

John Walton is the elected Archbishop of Dublin, but he was ordained/consecrated only in 1478 in London! 


CE 1474/1284 AD; The death of John de Derlington, the Archbishop of Dublin.


CE 1476/1286 AD; Edward I leaves for  Gascone for three years!   

The new Archbishop of Dublin – John de Sandford – is ordained (anointed) on 7 April.

CE 1478/1288 AD; Edward I in Gascone.  

This is the year of the anointment of   John Walton to become the Archbishop of Dublin..

From 1288 to 1290, during a time of great confusion, the Archbishop (John de Sandford) acted as governor of Ireland. In 1290 he resigned and returned to England.


CE 1483/1293 AD; On 9 April Edward IV died, and left   behind two minors, Edward V and Richard. Richard III was crowned on 6 July.

The King of France Philippe looked at Edward I as a vassal.

CE 1484/1294 AD; the English Parliament held a meeting in Westminster Abbey between 23 January and 22 February. .

This year John Walton, the Archbishop of Dublin resigned because of his blindness and bad health.


John de Sandford died at Yarmouth on 2 October. His body was brought to Ireland and buried in his brother’s monument at St. Patrick’s.

According to the SPDV Walter Fitzsimon was appointed on 14 June and consecrated on 26 September 1484 as the Archbishop of Dublin.

Since Edward I was not willing to appear before his lord, the King of France Phillipe, war flared up between England and France (1294-1303).

CE 1485; Henry, the Tudor, who married Edward’s IV daughter Elizabeth and stepped up as pretender (to the throne) on 22 August conquered in a battle the 32 year old Richard III. According to the SPDV he will be Henry VII (1485-1509).


CE 1486/1296 AD; English defeats at Gascogne.  

On the 30th of March Edward launched an open war against the Scotts.

The Archbishop of Dublin, William Houghton, appointed on 24 April 1296 and consecrated circa November 1297, died in his office on 27 August 1298. 


CE 1487/1297 AD; the Scotch liberty of war was begun against the English.

The Irish Parliament was formally founded in 1297 by the Justiciar, Sir John Wogan, to represent the Irish and Anglo-Norman population of the Lordship of Ireland.

CE 1489/1299 AD; Richards de Ferings, the Archbishop of Dublin, appointed circa June and consecrated before 1 July 1299. Died in office on 17 October 1306.

CE 1492; Walter Fitzsimon was Lord Deputy of Ireland 1492-94.

CE 1493/1303 AD; Edward’s attack against Scotland..

CE 1495/1305 AD;    Arrest and then the execution of   William Wallace in London.  

CE 1496; Walter Fitzsimon was Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1496-98.

CE 1497/1307 AD; At the age of 67 Edward I became demented and died on 7 July. He was buried in a church in a country-side. His successor, Edward II was born in Wales.  

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Irország kronológiája, 16. század; 



CE 1497/1307 AD; At the age of 67 Edward I became demented and died on 7 July. He was buried in a church in a country-side. His successor, Edward II was born in Wales.  

CE 1501/1311 AD; John de Leche Dublin Archbishop, appointed on 16 May and consecrated before 18 May 1311.

 He obtained a charter for the earliest University in Dublin in 1311 but his death, which seems to have been sudden, in 1313 greatly hampered the establishment of the university, which never flourished.

CE 1507/1317 AD; Alexander de Bicknor Dublin Archbishop   was appointed on 20 August and consecrated on 25 August 1317, and died in his office on 14 July 1349.   

CE 1510/1320 AD; One of the more positive achievements of de Bicknor’s tenure was the founding of the first new colonial Irish University at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in 1320, based on a charter obtained by his predecessor, Archbishop Leche.

CE 1511; Walter Fitzsimon died at Finglas, on 14 May.

According to the SPDV Walter Fitzsimon made efforts to revive the “moribund” Medieval University of Dublin, by levying a contribution on the clergy to provide salaries for the lectures.

On grounds of the 190 time-slip the University is not dying, but is being organized…

William Rokeby Bishop of Meath.  

CE 1512; William Rokeby became Arcbishop of Dublin

William Rokeby was Lord Chancellor of Ireland from 1512 to 1513.  

CE 1515/1325 AD; Alexander de Bicknor was Lord Chancellor of Ireland from 1325 AD to 1343 AD = CE 1533.

CE 1516; William Rokeby was Lord Chancellor from 1516 to 1522.  

CE 1517/1327 AD; he crowning of Edward III was on the 1st of February, the death of his father Edward II - on 21 September.

CE 1520/1330 AD; Edward coming of age expelled his mother, and made his father’s killer, Mortimer executed.   


CE 1521; William Rokeby’s health impoverished, he retired to Kirk Sandall and died there on 29 November.

CE 1523/1333 AD; Victory over Scotland.  

Hugh Inge the Archbishop of Dublin, translated from Meath on 27 February. Also  was Lord Chancellor of Ireland (1523-1528). Died in office on 3 August 1528.

CE 1528; John Alen, the Archbishop of  Dublin; appointed on 3 September and consecrated on 13 March 1530. Also was Lord Chancellor of Ireland (1528-1532)   

CE 1532; George Cromer (died 1543) was Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland (1532-1534)

CE 1534; John Alen died on 28 July 1534.   

Thomas FitzGerald, 10th Earl of Kildare (1513-1534-1537), also known as Silken Thomas, was a leading figure in 16th century Irish history.


CE 1536; George Browne (1536-1556), Archbishop of Dublin: Nominated by King Henry VIII on 11 January, and consecrated on 19 March.   

CE 1539/1349 AD; John de St Paul (1349-1362) Archbishop of Dublin:  appointed on 4 September and consecrated on 14 February 1350. Died in office on September 1362.   

CE 1542;  The Crown of Ireland Act 1542 is an Act of the Parliament of Ireland which created the title of King of Ireland for King Henry VIII of England and his successors, who previously ruled the island as lords.  

CE 1548/1358 AD; In 1358, on the petition of the Irish clergy, King Edward III established a chair of theology in Medieval University of Dublin.


CE 1553/1363 AD; Thomas Minot, Archbishop of Dublin:   appointed on 20 March, and consecrated on 16 April. Died in office on 10 July 1375.  

CE 1554/1364 AD; Lionel of Antwerp, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, founded another lectureship, but in the absence of sufficient funds the University of Dublin continued to languish.

CE 1555; Hugh Curwen (1555-1567), Archbishop of Dublin:    was appointed by Pope Paul IV on 21 June 1555 and consecrated on 8 September 1555.  

CE 1556/1366 AD; The Statutes of Kilkenny were a series of thirty-five acts passed at Kilkenny in 1366, aiming to curb the decline of the Hiberno-Norman Lordship of Ireland.

CE 1559; Hugh Curwenis is confirmed in his position.  

CE 1565/1375 AD; Robert Wikeford (1375-1390), Archbishop of Dublin, appointed on 12 October, died in office on 29 August 1390.


CE 1567; Adam Loftus (1533-1605) was Archbishop of Armagh, and later of Dublin, and Lord Chancellor of Ireland from 1581. He was the first Provost of Trinity College, Dublin after 1592.    

CE 1567/1377 AD; The crowning of the 10 year old Richard was on 16 July.

CE 1570/1380 AD;  the Parliament declared Richard a major  at the age of 13.


CE 1575/1385 AD; According to the SPVD between 1385-1388 AD  Alexander de Balscot, Bishof of Ossory the Lord Chancellor of Ireland.

CE 1578/1388 AD; This year Robert Preston, 1st Baron Gormanston was the Lord Chancellor of Ireland for some time

CE 1580/ 1390 AD; Robert Waldby  was the Archbishop of Dublin from November  upto October, 1395.  As to some of the sources Richard Plankett (1388-1393) was  the Lord Chancellor of Ireland..

CE 1581; Adam Loftus the Lord Chancellor of Ireland (1581-1605).

CE 1585/1395 AD; Richard Northalis from 25 October was Lord Chancellor of Ireland and Dublin’s Archbishop upto his death ((20 July, 1397). Hardly two years.   


CE 1589/1399 AD; the death of Richard II.


CE 1592; I would like to close the time-slip felt by me with the year when the Trinity College, Dublin, was founded. My supposition is that beginning with this period of time parallel persons, or events may hardly occur in the Irish history. 

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Ibn Saraf   írta;  


"Taszítóan hat rám Andalúzia földjén 

Mu'tasim és Mu'tadid neve 

E királyi melléknevek nincsenek a helyükön, 

Mint a macska, mely felfújván magát, az oroszlánt utánozza." 


Bevezetés a történelembe, Osiris 1995, Simon Róbert 1995 (175. oldal)






grálizidor Creative Commons License 2015.06.02 0 0 163

Amikor a vandálok Rómában pusztítottak

A vandalizmus szó alapjául szolgáló fosztogatás 1560 éve történt. Tovább »


grálizidor Creative Commons License 2014.11.06 0 0 162


IV. (Luxemburgi) Károly által 1356-ban, a tartományurak nyomására kiadott okirat. Az irat meghatározta a német-római császár megválasztásának módját, kijelölve hét választófejedelmet - három egyházit és négy világit: (trierimainzikölni érsekekszász fejedelemcseh királybrandenburgiőrgrófrajnai palotagróf).  


Ezek alapján a cseh király 1257-ben nem választhatta német-római császárrá Richard Cornvalli grófot...

grálizidor Creative Commons License 2014.09.23 0 0 161

gugli angol, a jövő nyelve.) Az EU komisszárjai sem beszélnek jobban... 


Vagy meg szokod, vagy megszöksz...

Előzmény: Gojira (160)
Gojira Creative Commons License 2014.08.22 0 0 160

Honnan vetted ezt a sok sületlenséget? És milyen nyelven van írva? Angolnak látszik, de nem teljesen az...

Előzmény: grálizidor (158)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2014.08.21 0 0 159

Mások szerint a Hungár naptár azt állítja, hogy sajtból van a Hold.


Ha ezt megcáfoljuk, akkor annyi a Hungár naptárnak...

Előzmény: Törölt nick (156)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2014.08.21 0 0 158

For a change I offer you the lunar eclipse which followed the death of Augustus Caesar.


 Its traditional date is the night of 26-27 of September in AD 14. (The more detailed studies tell us that it was more likely on an early morning.)

Before giving by me the date of the genuine lunar eclipse let us here the opinion on the basis of the earlier research. Let us point out the most important fact: 

  The above identification has been accepted!

   Despite of its problematical character. I dare to say, despite of the tremendous problems which are connected to it!

Schove is quite laconic when he tells about the problem that “The eclipse occurred fairly soon after the death of Augustus, as the Pannonian legions mutined in the hope of extorting better pay and conditions of services from the new emperor, Tiberius, or, alternatively, deposing him.”

On the basis of the traditional chronology this lunar eclipse obviously forcibly important, since there is no any other one available after the death of Augustus on 19th of Aug.The researchers were forced to use what they had at hand…

The one who knows a bit about the Roman history, can easily imagine what was involved when the Pannonian legions (in our case three of them) had mutinied. It meant generally the saluting of a new emperor, followed by a ceremonial marching in Rome.

In our case it is a bit different,we can have from the records of Tacitus the following happenings:


Junius Blaeseus on hearing of the death of Augustus and the accession of Tiberius, had allowed his men a rest from military duties, either for mourning or rejoicing.

Percennius, who had once been a leader of one of the theatrical factions, and learnt from his applause of actors how to stir up a crowd,”in conversations at night or at nightfall, gradually influenced” one part of the soldiers.

After some time this former leader of one of the theatrical factions gathered round him all the worst spirits. (XVI)

At last, when there were others ready to be abettors of a mutiny, he called on a gathering for discussion about their demands.(XVII)

At the same time they piled up turf and raised a mound, that they might have a more conspicuous meeting-place. (XVIII)

After the intervention of tribune Blaesus with the consummate tact of an orator, the turbulent soldiers decided on sending the son of Blaesus as an envoy to the emperor in order to obtain the solution of their demands. (XIX)

Meanwhile the companies which previous to the mutiny had been sent to Nauportus to make roads and bridges, also started to revolt, and plundered the neighbouring villages and Nauportus itself…(XX)

Hearing about the mutiny, Tiberius sent to Pannonia his son Drusus accompanied by chief officials of the Empire and with two praetorian cohorts, in order to take the necessary measures according to the situation. (XXIV)

Drusus had arrived…(XXV)

The night which was threatening with the outbrake of the violence, was quietened by an accidental event: in the clear sky the moon was suddenly darkened. (XXVIII) 


   The question was raised very early whether the interval of about 39 days between the death of Augustus on Aug.19. and the eclipse on Sept. 27. is sufficient to accommodate the events which have to occur:news of the death of Augustus travels fron Nola and Rome to Pannonia, the revolt occurs, a messenger travels from Pannonia to Tiberius, Drusus and his cohorts make their way to Pannonia, presumably from Rome.

Schove laconically decides this question:”Ginzel 1899(197) considers the time be sufficient.


                     I declare on the contrary that the time is not enough !


                                  But I declare a lot more serious things!


    As an example I declare that the mutiny of the “leader of one of the theatrical factions” is simply a literary work which was written by Poggio Bracciolini (the great son of Firenze) at the beginning of the 15th century, and on the basis on the Roman History of Dio Cassius.


   I do not wish to deny the possibility of a revolt in Pannonia following the death of Augustus, I only exclude the possibility of such an early (as September) lunar eclipse connected to it.

The author who uses the pseudonym of Tacitus knows very well the traditional chronology, that is why he is forced to mention an early starting winter and the winter campus of soldiers, because his source is containing the hint about a lunar eclipse of certain winter-time.

 He is quite aware of the fact that his literary retrocalculated lunar eclipse for AD 14 got a late September date, while in his source the winter would be mentioned. Naturally the winter is completely different in Rome than it is in Pannonia.

And beyond the above said, in connection with this mistaken lunar eclipse there is another very big deficiency, which was already offered to the researchers for consideration by Struyck and Stockwell also. Since the middle of the eclipse according to their calculation was at 6h30m, the soldiers could not be impressed with an especially large-scale effect, considering the fact that the bigger part of the eclipse occurred in daylight.

Briefly saying, I can examine this early morning lunar eclipse of 27th Sept. in AD 14 from every corner, I can get the same result all the time, namely I can only state that this eclipse is bleeding from many wounds…


We have a considerably different picture when using the Hungarian Calendar we look around at an about 198 years of time-distance, namely at the time which is after the death of emperor Augustus by five months.

My offer as the date of the genuine lunar eclipse is 24th January in CE 213! 

  In January the sun rises considerably later in the morning, so the middle of the total lunar eclipse calculated to happen at 6h34m of local time, could be a lot more attractive than the other one, which happened at dawn in AD 14.   

Előzmény: grálizidor (157)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2014.08.21 0 0 157

Olyan is volt, csak Augustus halála után. Tiberius uralkodása kezdetén a színházi bértapsolók vezetője - Percennius -fellázadt Pannoniában.

 Akkor volt a holdfogyatkozás.)

Előzmény: Gojira (155)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2014.08.20 0 0 156

van aki szerint a nap az a hold :DDD

Előzmény: grálizidor (153)
Gojira Creative Commons License 2014.08.20 0 0 155

Ennek itt semmi jelentősége nincs. Tacitus és Cassius Dio is egyértelműen holdogyatkozásról ír. S

Előzmény: grálizidor (150)
Gojira Creative Commons License 2014.08.20 0 0 154

Akkor miért csinálod?

Előzmény: grálizidor (151)
grálizidor Creative Commons License 2014.08.20 0 0 153

“During a horse-race at the Augustalia, which were celebrated in honour of his birthday, a madman seated himself in the chair which was dedicated to Julius Caesar, and taking his crown, put it on. This incident disturbed everybody, for it seemed to have some bearing upon Augustus, as, indeed, proved true. For in the following year, when Sextus Apuleius and Sextus Pompeius were consuls, Augustus set out for Campania, and after superintending the games at Neapolis, passed away shortly at Nola.

Indeed, not a few omens had appeared, and these by no means difficult of interpretation, all pointing to his fate for him. Thus, the sun suffered a total eclipse and most of the sky seemed to be on fire: glowing embers appeared to be falling from it and blood-red comets were seen. When a meeting of the senate had been appointed on account of the emperor`s illness, in order that they might offer prayers, the senate-house was found closed and an owl sitting on it hooted. A thunderbolt fell upon his statue that stood upon the Capitol and blotted out the first letter of the name “Caesar”. This led the seers to declare that on the hundredth day after that he should attain to some divine state. They deduced this from the fact that the letter “C” signifies “one hundred”among Latins, and the remainder of the word means “god” among the Etruscans. Now these signs appeared beforehand while he was still alive: but people of later days were struck also by coincidences in the case of the consuls and of Servius Sulpicius Galba.”


Eusebius/Jerome (ed/Schoenr,II 1866,147 or ed.Fotheringham,1923,253)

“Defectio solis facta et Augustus…moritur.”


“Obscuration of the Sun happened and Augustus…died.”




I do not wish to illustrate and to compare with the above genuine one any of the solar eclipses which are situating in invented, imagined times and oriented badly, since the comparison does not make sense. Naturally this my statement relates also to the event of Schove (Schove, p.5) which is indicated as “S.17, Feb.15 FALSE YEAR FOR ECLIPSE OF AUGUSTUS SOLAR ECLIPSE AFTER HIS DEATH”.


Strictly speaking, after the above analysis of this solar eclipse   I would end here my study, since in my opinion such an unlucky coincidence must be considered impossible, when the solar eclipse what was looked for during the last 400 years, suddenly appears exactly at that place where we need it, as compared to the calendar beginning determined by retrocalculation. Augustus Caesar did not live up to his 76th birthday (autumnal equinox,23rd of September),and just a bit earlier of that date we have an observable total solar eclipse in the area of Rome, Naples and Nola. 


     By the way, my version of identification of this eclipse is praising the scientists who are studying the ancient world. They reconstructed carefully and very well the ancient relative chronology, and very rightly did not allow to disturb their well established system by an indeed false solar eclipse which is in 3 year long distance from the right place.


Előzmény: grálizidor (150)

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