
Részletes keresés

crack Creative Commons License 2001.09.08 0 0 1593
Szép volt fiúk!!!
Mirrmurr Creative Commons License 2001.09.08 0 0 1592
Nem tudom, megér-e ennyit egy modell. Barthez felőlem távozhat, helyére Király Gabi jöhet. Ha mégsem, szívesen látnám van der Saart, de legnagyszerűbb Peter Schmeichel lenne. Abszolút kedvencem.
J-MAN Creative Commons License 2001.09.08 0 0 1580
Ketten lennénk on-line? Ez hihetetlen!
Ez a meccs már +van. Grat!
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1579)
Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.09.05 0 0 1577
Ferguson plays down Yorke row

Daniel Taylor and Dominic Fifield
Wednesday September 5, 2001
The Guardian

Sir Alex Ferguson yesterday insisted Dwight Yorke's future at Manchester United was not in jeopardy despite a training-ground row that has put their precarious relationship under renewed strain.
Ferguson threatened Yorke with disciplinary action after he reported for training almost an hour late on Monday morning.

It was the latest in a series of controversies that have overshadowed Yorke's last 18 months at Old Trafford. Ferguson was incensed by what he perceived as a blatant breach of club discipline.

But United's manager tried to play down the incident last night. "It is one of Dwight's idiosyncrasies. He just forgets the time," he said. "He thought that because it was international week and there were only a few players in he would come in when he felt like it. I explained that timekeeping is important at this club. I don't accept him being late and he accepts that.

"But it is not going to threaten his position here. He has done very well all season and he will continue to be in my plans."

big l Creative Commons License 2001.09.04 0 0 1572
A United Gomesre hajt !
A hírek szerint a Manchester United bejelentkezett a Fiorentina portugál csatáráért Nuno Gomesért. A támadónak egyébként remekül sikerült a hétvégi válogatottbeli fellépése, ugyanis 4 gólt lőtt a portugálok Andorra elleni mérkőzésén.
[BBC Sport]
Alan Shearer Creative Commons License 2001.09.02 0 0 1571
Szerintem Stam eladása, és Blanc megvételi nem előnyös a csapat számára.
Nem értem, hogy egy ilyen nagy csapat miért vesz egy 35 éves külföldi játékost.
Igaz, hogy Blanc-ban még van 1-2 év, de azért idő kell neki mire megszokja a Premier League stílusát.
Azt is sokallom, hogy heti 80 ezret keres.
Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.09.02 0 0 1570
Keane hints at calling it quits

Ian Whittell
Sunday September 2, 2001
The Observer

Roy Keane chose the occasion of his country's most important international match since the 1994 World Cup finals to drop a broad hint that his Manchester United career may be drawing to a close.
Conjecture was rife even before yesterday's qualifying meeting with Holland in Dublin that failure to reach next summer's finals would see the United captain bring a close to his inspirational international career.

But Keane, speaking before the game, has also revealed that he is looking ahead to the end of next season, when his current United contract expires, and does not rule out the possibility of moving on to another European club or even retiring completely.

Keane, never one to sign long-term deals, said: 'Next year there is going to be a new manager. I'll be 31 and in the final year and maybe the time will be right to say, "It's not quite happening at United and I'm not reaching the standards that I set myself." But who's to say I couldn't do it at another top level. I'll be pretty much sure when the time is right.

'I've only got this season and next season at Old Trafford and I won't beat about the bush if I think the time is right to leave United or football.'

Keane, now 30, has been in fine form for the Republic and collected his fifty-fourth cap yesterday: 'It's definitely an ambition to play in another World Cup but I'm 30 now and the next one I'll be 34-35, so there's a good chance this could be my last World Cup.'

Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.09.02 0 0 1569
csak felhoztam Shearernek!:)

jo volt tegnap Beckham&Neville!

(de Gerrard es Owen meg jobb:))

Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.09.01 0 0 1567
Keane: Players had no problem with Stam

Saturday September 1, 2001

Manchester United skipper Roy Keane insists his team-mates had no problems with Jaap Stam before his move to Lazio.

Stam criticised several United players in his controversial autobiography.

But Keane has dismissed rumours of dressing room disquiet.

Keane said: "People shouldn't believe some of the stories going round. I had no problems with Jaap, he's a very nice lad and he was popular with the other players.

"But I have too much respect for Sir Alex Ferguson to worry about his departure. He is the manager and he makes the decisions."

Mirrmurr Creative Commons License 2001.08.31 0 0 1565
Stam szintjét szerintem sem éri el Blanc. Mellesleg: Az Auxerre-tõl és a Barcelonától is le akartam igazolni, követtem egész Európán át. Sokan öregnek tartják, de gondoljanak bele, Steve Bruce és Bryan Robson mekkora szerepet játszott ennyi idõsen a klub életében! Az ilyen átigazolások évekkel képesek meghosszabbítani a futballista formáját és pályafutását" - mondta Sir Alex Ferguson, a United menedzsere, aki a Lazióhoz szerzõdött Jaap Stam pótlására vitte Blanc-t az Old Traffordra.

Na most akkor: hogy is van ez a hosszú távra való tervezgetés? Emlékezzünk csak, Rivaldo öreg volt már a maga 28 évével! Igaz, ő nem védő, hanem támadó középpályás-csatár. Ráadásul esztétikailag sem tudok gusztustalanabb jelenetet elképzelni a focipályán, mikor Blanc megcsókolja Barthez kopasz koponyáját:-(((( Broáf!

wererabbit Creative Commons License 2001.08.31 0 0 1564
Bocs, hogy beleszolok, de Blanc szerintem nem eri el Stam szintjet. Most fog eloszor jatszani Angliaban (35 evesen...), meg sokkal fiatalabb francia jatekosoknak is gondot okozott beilleszkedni, megszokni a jatek ottani ritmusat. (pl Pires, neki egy egesz ev kellett)
Igaz, hogy tapasztalt vedo, ez kell a MU-ba... de hatul lukas ez a csapat, en ugy latom.
Persze minden a palyan dol el. Sok sikert, de kevesebbet, mint az Arsenalnak! :)
Előzmény: Barthez (1563)
Barthez Creative Commons License 2001.08.31 0 0 1563
Legyen igazad, hogy Blanc jobb Stam-nál.
Blanc mégsem tekinthető hosszú távú igazolásnak.
Max két éve lehet, aztán abbahagyja.
Előzmény: Youme (1562)
Youme Creative Commons License 2001.08.30 0 0 1562
Silvestre után egy újjabb Inter hátvéd az MU-ban. Szerintem jól jártatok vele. Egy nagyon kemény alapozáson (by Hector Cuper) van túl a 35 éves védő. Ha a védelmet irányítani kell, kevés jobb van nála. Stam-nál tuti jobb (inteligensebb) játékos. Néha már-már Beckenbauer zsenialitása tükröződik a játékán.
Előzmény: Kola (1561)
Kola Creative Commons License 2001.08.30 0 0 1561
Megérkezett Blanc:
Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1558
United see Hofland as new Stam

Danny Taylor and Paddy Agnew in Rome
Tuesday August 28, 2001
The Guardian

Manchester United have begun talks with PSV Eindhoven to sign their defender Kevin Hofland as an immediate replacement for Jaap Stam.
Sir Alex Ferguson has instructed United's chief executive Peter Kenyon to find out whether PSV, Stam's former club, are willing to sell the 22-year-old Hofland now rather than, as had been expected, at the end of the season.

Early negotiations have gone positively, according to sources in the Netherlands last night, even if PSV's valuation of Ł15m differs slightly from United's. The Premiership champions are likely to make a firm approach.

Hofland has three caps and partnered Stam in central defence when Holland beat England 2-0 at White Hart Lane earlier this month.

It is believed United already had a deal in place to sign Hofland at the end of the season after asking about the defender when they agreed the Ł19.5m deal for Ruud van Nistelrooy in May.

United have meanwhile targeted Laurent Blanc as a stop-gap replacement for Stam. It emerged yesterday that the deal for the former French international, who will be 36 in November, was being put together before Lazio mounted their successful Ł16.35m move for Stam.

Kenyon said: "I can confirm we are interested in signing Blanc. Hopefully he will be with us Tuesday or Wednesday. We know we have to be quick because we would obviously like to have it completed before the Champions League deadline [on Friday]."

Any deal is expected to cost United no more than Ł1m and could even be a free transfer.

However, Ivan Campo's agent yesterday claimed that the Real Madrid defender was also on United's shortlist.

Meanwhile a bemused Stam was unveiled by Lazio yesterday after his whirlwind transfer from United and made it clear he was not happy with the sequence of events that had unexpectedly dropped him in Rome.

Faced with a barrage of questions about the background to his dramatic departure from Old Trafford, Stam used phrases such as "not very nice" and "not happy" to describe the fortnight preceding his move to Italy on Sunday.

The thrust of the questioning was: did Ferguson sell him because of his recently published book Head to Head which made mildly adverse comments about his United team-mates and suggested an unethical approach by Ferguson when he signed him from PSV Eindhoven in 1998?

"You would have to ask the club that. At this stage I don't know what to believe. The last two weeks have not been very nice for me. I wasn't happy. I played well at Manchester United for three years and then, within two weeks, you're not wanted any more . . .

"Sir Alex called me aside and he told me that he wanted another defender and that he could see no solution for me. He also told me that there was an offer from Lazio and that the club had accepted it. I'm not a player to sit on the bench, I want to play and I want to play at the highest level and Lazio obviously believe in me; that's why they paid out all that money".

At one stage the exasperated Lazio director Massimo Cragnotti appealed for no more questions "about Mr Stam's private life", but to little avail.

"I have no regrets about writing the book," Stam insisted. "Go and read the book yourselves. It is not an autobiography but rather a book about football. It's not a book accusing anybody of anything. The paper which published the extracts made a mess of it, put bad headlines on it and then, as you know, people only read the headlines."

When the point was made that it seemed strange he had just been sold after signing a new five-year contract the 29-year-old responded: "I don't know. Ask the club."

big l Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1557
Én gusztustalan tartom azt amit Stam-mal csináltak !! Blanc csak gyengitené az MU-t !! Szerintem .......
Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1556
hat szerintem igaza van Fergusonnak. ilyen jatekos nem valo egy profi csapathoz. Blanc pedig csak ideiglenes megoldas.
Előzmény: Mirrmurr (1552)
crack Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1555
Megkergült ez a Fergie? Ezrópa egyik legjobb középhátvédjét kirúgja, hozzá pont egy olyan romboló típust, amilyen angliában egy klubnál nélkülözhetetlen. Blanc? Na ne röhögtessetek. Ide egy 30 év körüli ember kell. Kíváncsi vagyok ki fogja helyettesíteni...mert hogy a Johnsen nem jobb nála, az tény. Amúgy Ronny fan vagyok, ne értsetek félre.
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1554
Olyasmik hogy annak idején Fergi törvény ellenesen vásárolta Stam-t, a játékosokat a Bl-ben szabadrúgások, büntetők, kiharcolására eljátszására szólította fel. A könyben kritizálja a csapattársakat pl : Nevill testvérek plusz egyéb öltözői titkok stb.
A könyv megírása elött senkitől véleményt, engedélyt nem kért.
Előzmény: simita (1553)
simita Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1553
Szerintem az BOSS-t most csapta meg eloször a vég közeledtének szele. Kicsit tyúkpernek érzem azt, amit csinált.
Kellenének a jó hátvédek, mert a múlt év ezen a csapatrész miatt ment el (BL). De a Blanc már öreg ahhoz, hogy 38 bajnoki, remélhetöleg 19 BL meccset kibírjon. Azán még ott vannak a kupameccsek és a franciák elökészületei a VB-re. Lehet, hogy sokan ellenzik, de azért a Cannavarro vagy a Nesta lenne mégis csak a tutti.
Mirrmurr Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1552
Sajnos nem tudom, mi lehet abban a könyvben, de tény, hogy most Fergie jókora baklövést követett el. Azon lehet vitatkozni, hogy Stam a legjobb védő-e a posztján vagy sem, az viszont tagadhatatlan, hogy mindig a legjobb tudása szerint játszott, és a szívét is kitette a csapatért. Blanc helyettesítse Stamot? Röhej!
Az egyik nagy kedvencem távozott a klubtól, de azért továbbra is

Hajrá, Manchester!

Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1550
nem nyilatkozat miatt volt, tenyleg a konyv miatt, bar ezt Ferguson tagadja. most viszont tenylegminden Stammal van teli.

olvassatok a Guardiant.

Előzmény: Törölt nick (1548)
LaCk0 Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1549
A volt, de már leszedték a cikket.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1548)
LaCk0 Creative Commons License 2001.08.28 0 0 1547
Stam ügyben azt olvastam, hogy Stam és Ferguson összebalhézott, mert Stam valami olyat nyilatkozott, hogy rosszat tesz az utánpótlás nevelés szempontjából ezek a Ferguson féle módszerek, ugyanis Stam elmondása szerint Ferguson azt mondta a játékosoknak, hogyha hozzájuk érnek a 16-oson belül, akkor nehogy állva merjenek maradni.
big l Creative Commons License 2001.08.27 0 0 1545
Hackett !!!
Mit szólsz ahoz hogy Stam a Lazioba igazólt ???
Vmi nem stimmelt vele az MU-ban !
Mighty Mike Creative Commons License 2001.08.27 0 0 1544
Villa show up frailty of Ferguson defence

David Lacey
Monday August 27, 2001

It looks like being a close-run thing between Manchester United balancing their books and Sir Alex Ferguson balancing their team. As close perhaps as the own-goal by Alpay Ozalan in stoppage time that spared the champions defeat yesterday and deprived Aston Villa of their first Premiership win over United in five seasons.
Though United deserved a point, if only for the quality of Juan Sebastian Veron's football, they again had to chase a game through defensive shortcomings.

The fact that at this moment Ferguson sells Jaap Stam, one of the best centre-backs in Europe, suggests either that United have an exceptional replacement lined up or that the club's plc is pressing to recoup some of the Ł47m spent on Veron and Ruud van Nistelrooy.

Probably a bit of both, although if Stam's replacement turns out to to be the 35-year-old Laurent Blanc, once an outstanding libero but now past his best, Old Trafford supporters may feel mammon has been better served than United's chances of making a bigger impact in the Champions League this time than in the past two seasons.

Ferguson said that the decision to let Stam go was his alone and would help fulfil the need to change elements of the team that marked time last season despite completing a championship hat-trick. Changes have been needed, but this is like trying to put on sail and change tack by chopping down the mainmast, even if he did write a book criticising his team-mates. All United's defence did yesterday was recall why Stam had been signed in the first place.

Had Aston Villa taken one of several chances they created after Darius Vassell had given them a fourth-minute lead they would probably have won, a result that would not have flattered them.

John Gregory's close-season signings have given his squad greater depth and the attack has more scoring potential. Yesterday Darius Vassell, a stocky, bustling Brummie who caught the eye last season, preyed on United's Stam-less central defence while the Colombian Juan Pablo Angel was tireless in his efforts to link the play up front.

In midfield the combination of Lee Hendrie's vision and George Boateng's willingness to match Roy Keane, Veron and Paul Scholes physically gave Villa parity for much of the game. Scholes's frustration showed in a nasty high tackle on Boateng 20 minutes from the end and he was fortunate to stay on the pitch.

Fortunately for Villa the Dutch midfielder was able to resume and his presence became even more imperative towards the end as Veron promised to save and possibly win the game for Manchester United through his ability to pick out Van Nistelrooy through thickets of defenders or deftly switch the point of an attack with long passes from one flank to the other.

Veron's best ball was the lob over the heads of the Villa defenders four minutes after half- time. Van Nistelrooy was left clear but with only Peter Schmeichel to beat wafted his shot over the crossbar.

Only Schmeichel? The phrase still looked a contradiction in terms yesterday as the 37-year-old Dane proved as awesome in goal for Villa as he once was for United. Schmeichel's point-blank save to keep out a volley from Keane in the 88th minute appeared to be the crowning moment of a Villa victory until Alpay, under pressure from Ronny Johnsen as a corner from Ryan Giggs on the right swung towards the near post, inadvertently chested the ball into his own net.

By that time United had reached the point of desperation. They had lost David Beckham with a groin strain and for all the efforts of Veron, Keane and Giggs - another of whose breathtaking dashes was ill rewarded six minutes before half-time when Van Nistelrooy turned his pass over the top - did not look like breaking down a Villa defence in which Mark Delaney was superb.

Villa 's goal was inspired by Hendrie's slick pass out to Hassan Kachloul on the right. With Gary Neville drawn out of position the Moroccan squared the ball low for Vassell to turn it past Roy Carroll, in goal for United because Fabien Barthez had a hamstring injury.

After 36 minutes Angel beat the offside trap and when Carroll blocked his cross-shot Kachloul should have scored from the rebound. Instead Wes Brown was able to block a delayed shot to keep United alive.

Gregory was clearly devastated at "throwing two points away in the manner we did and at the time we did it". Ferguson raged at the fourth official when he indicated four minutes of stoppage time, insisting that it should have been 14. Considering United won the 1999 European Cup in three, this seems eccentric.

Stam books shock Ł16m Lazio move

Daniel Taylor
Monday August 27, 2001
The Guardian

In the Netherlands it is known as gezellig . It means to live in a tolerant, relaxed atmosphere. But as Jaap Stam begins his new life with Lazio, the Holland defender will reflect that he may have forfeited his right to gezellig at Manchester United the day he went against Sir Alex Ferguson.
Stam was in Rome last night after finalising a Ł16.35m transfer to the Stadio Olimpico that is likely to precipitate Laurent Blanc, the 35-year-old France international, into signing for United from Internazionale this week.

An extraordinary weekend for the champions will culminate in Blanc entering talks with the club's hierarchy this morning, while Stam prepares to be unveiled at a news conference at Lazio's Formello training ground.

"All I can say is that I did not want to leave," he said last night. "This is as much a shock to me as to anyone. I'm completely taken aback because I was settled at United and I signed a new five-year contract earlier this year.

"I was even having a new kitchen fitted at my home. But now I must look to the future. When a club agrees to sell you it is clear that it may be time to move on."

Officially, the word from Ferguson was that Stam's departure, one of the most remarkable transfers of recent years, had nothing to do with the publication of his recent autobiography. "You can trust me on that one," he said. "It is a football decision."

Ferguson added: "It's nothing to do with any of this nonsense that you've read about. I can assure you. I've said that to Jaap. I would never let a thing like that fudge an issue or cloud my decision."

However, to anyone outside the club it will be seen as a remarkable coincidence that Ferguson, in his final year as manager, is willing to jettison a player who had previously been the mainstay of his defence.

"Maybe it is time for us to change," said Ferguson. "It was my decision. I've explained to Jaap that after everything he's done for us I wouldn't want to see him on our bench. It was never an easy decision to make but I have given it a lot of thought. It's something I think is worthwhile."

Whatever his motives, it will be construed as a significant gamble by Ferguson, particularly with the opening phases of the Champions League just over a fortnight away.

Several attempts to sign Blanc have failed during the past 18 months, mostly because of his reluctance to leave Serie A, but Ferguson is confident of getting his man before the Champions League transfer deadline on Friday.

It is conceivable, however, that it may be only a temporary measure before a younger model is ushered in. Negotiations have taken place about an end-of-season deal for Kevin Hofland, the PSV Eindhoven centre-half who partnered Stam for Holland against England, and if Ferguson is feeling really adventurous he may approach Parma for the unsettled Italy international Fabio Cannavaro.

"The type of money that Lazio are paying means it is a good opportunity to bring in someone else and alter the back four," Ferguson added. "We would expect someone to arrive this week."

Despite Ferguson's refusal to discuss Stam's autobiography, the bewildering speed with which the 29-year-old has been torpedoed leaves more questions than answers.

The autobiography contains a number of minor disclosures, most notably that Ferguson "tapped up" Stam before signing him from PSV for Ł10.75m in 1998. The defender also criticises several of his Old Trafford team-mates.

However, the biggest revelation was that an angry Ferguson, by his own admission, had no idea Stam was releasing a book - something that had been widely known throughout the media for the past six months.

The manager's ire alerted Lazio and the Italians moved quickly after Stam, having had an uncharacteristically shaky start to the season, was dropped for United's 2-2 draw at Blackburn last Wednesday.

Sergio Cragnotti, the Lazio chairman, initiated talks with United's chief executive Peter Kenyon at the Champions League draw in Monaco last week and, after agreeing the fee, a delegation from Rome met Stam in Amsterdam yesterday to agree a deal worth an annual salary of Ł2.3m.

Stam will partner Alessandro Nesta for the biancocelesti, and his new coach Dino Zoff, believes it is 50bn lire well spent. He said: "We know he is one the best defenders in the world, with an international reputation."

Kola Creative Commons License 2001.08.27 0 0 1542
Olvasom a mai Sun-t, és kiderül, hogy Stam egyáltalán nem akart elmenni, Ferguson döntött így:"Ez teljes egészében az én döntésem volt, mert Jaap helyére mást szeretnék beépíteni a csapatba." Azzal indokolja, hogy nem akarta volna, hogy a cserepadon üljön.
Blanc mellett az MU hosszú távú tervei között szerepel a PSV védője Kevin Hofland és a Parma védője Fabio Cannavaro.
Beckham sérülése miatt lehet, hogy nem játszhat szombaton a német-angol meccsen.
Youme Creative Commons License 2001.08.26 0 0 1541
Olasz részről hivayalosan is bejelentették!
Előzmény: Törölt nick (1540)
Youme Creative Commons License 2001.08.26 0 0 1539
Eladtátok a Lazio-nak Stam-ot. Helyére meg úgy néz ki az Interből megy Blanc.
Kola Creative Commons License 2001.08.26 0 0 1537
Igen, hivatalosan Alpaynak adták

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!