Aragorn83 Creative Commons License 2010.04.30 0 0 59
Ime egy kis segítség hogyan tanítsunk angolokat

magyarul (a jobb oldali mondatokat hangosan tessék

kimondani, az angol kiejtés szabályai szerint!)

Where's the rabbit? = Hole a new see?

I have two cats. = One kate much come.

It's cold outside. = He dag one keen.

I have six pocket knives. = One hut bitch come.

T-shirt in holes = Luke ash tree cow.

The pony is slipping. = Chew seek a cheek cow.

I have sixty-two goats. = One hut one Kate catch


Seagull egg = Sheer I toy ash.

There are two men over the bushes. =Kate fare fee

one a bock Ron tool.

I like you! = Beer luck!

Mother's calling you! = A new soul!

There's a shredded crow on the iron.= Tape at war

you one a wash on.

Egy kis nyelvlecke:

Pacific Csaba = Bekescsaba

Saturday Place = Szombathely

Have Six = Hatvan

Very Bad Iron = Szarvas

Legless = Labatlan

Mizs Of Louis=Lajosmizse

Saint S=Szentes

Red One House=Veresegyhaz

Wish Of Balaton= Balatonakarattya

Little Hold It =Kistarcsa

Nutty D=Diosd

Turkish Valentine=Toeroekbalint


Froggy Goes R=Bekasmegyer

Saxon Pile Fucked It = Szaszhalombatta: )

Eugene Nutty = Diosjeno

Her Lip = Ajka

Reach It = Erd

Your Peanut = Mogyorod

Big Smithy = Nagykovacsi

Hey Water = Heviz

He Would Push You = Tolna

Castlecastle = Varpalota

Noble Customs = Nemesvamos

Veered Grass = Martfu

He Would Steal = Csorna

His Problem = Baja

Archbishop Wild Garden = Ersekvadkert

My Big Problem = Nagybajom