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Titre du document / Document title
Double Identity : Orpheus as David. Orpheus as Christ?
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
Résumé / Abstract
Over a century ago, a spectacular. mosaic of Orpheus enchanting animals with his magical lyre was discovered in Jerusalem. Since then, scholars have looked to other ancient depictions of the mythical musician for guidance in determining if this image is actually an early Christian representation of Christ. Jas Elsner revisits this famous mosaic and demonstrates that although pagan imagery, often found its way into Christian or Jewish contexts in antiquity, sometimes things really are just as they appear.
Revue / Journal Title
The Biblical archaeology review ISSN 0098-9444
Source / Source
2009, vol. 35, no2, [Note(s): 2, 34-45, 68 [11 p.]]
Langue / Language
Editeur / Publisher
Biblical Archaeology Society, Washington, DC, ETATS-UNIS (1975) (Revue)
Localisation / Location
INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 25366, 35400018731738.0020