Initram5 Creative Commons License 2006.02.23 0 0 975
Ezen a fórumon egyszer már szóba hoztam a WiFi-t. Majdnem kövezés lett a vége. Most megint bedobom a témát, remélve, ezúttal inkább öröm lesz az eredmény. :)
"LONDON: The City of London Corporation is all set to have Wi-Fi network in place covering the entire city (The square mile). The project is being undertaken by the corporation in partnership with a private Wi-Fi firm, The Cloud. It is expected to be implemented in full in the next few months.

The Cloud, which will install the hardware and equipment, will make use of street furniture like the lamp posts and street signs for the purpose.

The network will make the city Wi-Fi-enabled and workers as well as visitors within the square mile will be able to make use of wireless devices to access the internet on streets and in open spaces. The project will support high speed internet access, email, music and video downloads and voice over Wi-Fi services."