exmv Creative Commons License 2005.08.03 0 0 78

Angolul jól értők figyelem!


I say yes, you have my permission. There are only a few requirements. Each
one of the articles must include my name, the copyright notice and the claim
"Used with Permission." The Hot Times on the High Iron name must also be
used. There can be no editing of the article to eliminate anything that may
not be agreed with. In other words, if you you diasagree with something I
say, you cannot edit it out or sanitize it to your own opinion or belief.

 I understand that somethings may not translate well or really at all and
you may have to make amends there. I understand and accept that.

 Let me know when you get the first one finished and send me a copy. I'd
like to see it in Hungarian.


Volna kedvetek dolgozni egy kicsit? Lefordítani a termést és közzétenni valahol?