jorewas Creative Commons License 2004.12.09 0 0 4358
Hello! Tudna valaki segíteni,hogy mi a teendőm ezesetben, mert még nagyon kezdő vagyok, és igazából nem értem,hogy mit akar tőlem a bidpay, de kicsit kellemetlenül értintett ez az üzenet: We apologize, but we are unable to process the order you requested. It failed to meet our validation requirements. As a responsible merchant, BidPay® reviews all orders and attempts to determine the legitimacy of the order. To protect the integrity of our validation process, we are unable to provide detailed information regarding the disapproval of your order. This information is specific to this order only, it does not mean that future orders will be cancelled. When placing an order with BidPay, we do not "charge" your credit card unless the order is successful. We simply "authorize" the card for the amount of the order. If the order is not approved, charges are not applied. Depending on the policies established by your card's issuing bank, it may take 7-10 days for the funds to be available for other purchases. If you are using a debit card, the funds may leave your account balance, but will return once the authorization expires. Thank you for using BidPay. We look forward to serving your online auction payment needs in the future. Sincerely, BidPay Légyszi segítsen valaki!