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The largest single driver of the increase of gas demand in the US, Yergin noted, the new fleet of gas-fired electric power plants "Gas consumed in the [US] power sector is set to grow 5%/year over the next few years, overtaking industry as the biggest consumer of gas in North America."

LNG also will play a much larger role in the US market in the coming years, Yergin said. "It's not an either-or question. Both substantial new North American production and supplies from the world market, via LNG, will be necessary to relieve the pressures in the market."

CERA expects LNG to emerge as the second largest global energy business "with construction of as much capacity in the next 8 years as the global LNG industry has built in the past 40."


Ha a kettő adatot,és azt hogy a áramtermelés jelenleg az usa földgáztermelésének cca.20 %-át adja,úgy arra a következtetésre jutunk hogy pusztán az áramigény kielégítésére a jövőben keményen csőkkenteni kell a földgázfelhasznáást.Mondjuk az olaj intenzívebb hazsnálatával.