Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.04.29 0 0 219
Uh, no. D-T has the lowest ignition temperature around; that's why the
controlled-fusion people are starting with it. If 3He made things easier,
they would use it -- there isn't a lot of it around, but they don't need
much for experimental work.

D-D is next up the scale, but it too produces lots of neutrons. 3He-D is
third in line, and it's the one people are interested in 3He for; it is
*nearly* aneutronic
(you still get some neutrons from D-D side reactions).
I haven't heard of a useful 3He-H reaction, although I suppose it's

Truly aneutronic fusion tends to involve reactions like 11B+H, which is
a lot more difficult.


Natehát,a lényeg az lenne,hogy a 3He-D reakcoó ugyan a harmadik az energiasorban hőmérséklet szerint,viszont a legkevesebb neutront állítja elő(majdnem neutronmentes).

Előzmény: ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy (218)