Tájékoztató Iroda Creative Commons License 2003.07.10 0 0 31
Szegény hülye "TRASHY LOOK", ez most a legnagyobb baja? Vagy csak azt hiszi, magát áltatva? Miközben ez valójában csak tünete egy még meg nem értett feszültségnek, azaz annak, hogy ki lesz rúgva?

Benny 'cost' Lopez her Vogue dream

Fashion people have long memories

Firing her former manager Benny Medina has cost J.Lo more than just money. Jen is blaming Benny for costing her the front cover of US Vogue. 'She seems to think that Benny was once snubbed by [Vogue writer] Andre Leon Talley, and consequently refused all requests for J.Lo to be in the magazine,' says an insider.

However, nothing could be that straightforward in the life of the amply-bottomed one. Jen did a shoot for Vogue in 1999 but a Vogue source explained editor Anna (nuclear) Wintour thought the Latina lovely looked too trashy. 'Jennifer was styled by all the top stylists, she was suppose to be the Millennium Girl and it was going to be huge. But nothing happened. Anna didn't call because she had decided Jennifer 'wasn't Vogue material''. Upset at being destined never to grace the front cover, Lopez is reported to have called Wintour in person, but her calls were never returned.

Vogue spokesman Patrick O'Connell said, 'From the beginning we said it was a cover try and that it might not work out. As it happened the sitting didn't come together and we weren't able to run the pictures. The pictures just didn't work,' he said. 'If Jennifer did call Anna, she couldn't have got the message because she would have called her back.'
