evodia2010 Creative Commons License 2022.09.03 0 0 28762

A leírásokban ott van, hogy melyik mekkorára nő, meg hogy poly- vagy monoembrionic.


Seeds: There are two distinct seed types among mango cultivars. Mangoes originating on the northern plains of India, in Florida, Israel and South Africa generally have seeds with a single embryo and are called monoembryonic. The single embryo is the result of cross-pollination, a sexual process, and combines the traits of the male and female parents. Seedlings of monoembryonic mangoes will differ from the parent tree. Mangoes originating in Southeast Asia generally have seeds with multiple embryos, and are called polyembryonic. One embryo is of sexual origin, while the other embryos come from the maternal tissue and are identical to the mother tree. Polyembryonic cultivars have traditionally been grown from seed in many countries.


Boltban árult fajták (Keitt, Palmer) mind nagy növésűek, valószínűleg a magoncuk is az.

Néha van Ataulfó bio mangó Lidl-ben, talán az kisebb növésű, de az sem törpe.

Anger kertészetnél Keitt és Osteen volt. Én az utóbbit vettem.


A mangóbetegség ami könnyen előjön itt.


Előzmény: csoer (28761)