parsifal hendrix Creative Commons License 2018.04.25 0 0 4617

                                                      Book of Deuteronom



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An “extraordinary” discovery by an eagle-eyed scholar has identified the shadowy outlines of passages from the Bible behind an eighth-century manuscript of the Qur’an – the only recorded palimpsest in which a Christian text has been effaced to make way for the Islamic holy text.

Christie’s believes that the manuscript is likely to have been produced in Egypt, which was home to the Coptic community, at the time of the Arab conquest. It said that the fragments “resonate with the historical reality of religious communities in the Near East and as such are an invaluable survival from the earliest centuries of Islam”.

French scholar Dr Eléonore Cellard was looking for images of a palimpsest page sold a decade earlier by Christie’s when she came across the auction house’s latest catalogue, which included fragments from a manuscript of the Qur’an which Christie’s had dated to the eighth century AD, or the second century of Islam. Scrutinising the image, she noticed that, appearing faintly behind the Arabic script, were Coptic letters. She contacted Christie’s, and they managed to identify the Coptic text as coming from the Old Testament’s Book of Deuteronomy – part of the Torah and the Christian Old Testament.

“This is a very important discovery for the history of the Qur’an and early Islam. We have here a witness of cultural interactions between different religious communities,” said Cellard, who is attached to the College de France.

it’s the only example where you have an Arabic text on top of a non-Arabic text. And what’s even more fascinating is it is on top of passages from the Old Testament … It shows the contact between communities in the first centuries of Islam; it’s very relevant.”

parsifal, rambó csónakjából kiszálván , nem birván a radzeere történő várakozást, bement a legközelebbi földalatti könyvtárba, és ott turkálódván talált egy mahábhárata részletet, ami az isa por és homu vogymuk  szöveget tartalmazó 

lapra másoltak.érdemes volt kiszállni, sóhajtott elégedetten, megrendülten és visszament mert hallotta a lerészegedett marlowe -t énekelni a radzeer legénységével

Hollander: Die Frist ist um (2) (Simon Estes)