parsifal hendrix Creative Commons License 2018.03.11 0 0 4544

                                          Schubert Lieder - Dietrich Fischer Dieskau & Sviatoslav Richter (1978)



julia roberts egy kihalófélben lévő, ősrégi bécsi családnál volt schubert estén. abban a szalonban ahol hajdan schubert

zongorázott. schiele miatt jött bécsbe. egy schiele gyűjtőnek hozott egy megsemmisültnek hitt ritka-ritka-ritkaságot.

cserébe egy eltünt ferlinghettit igértek. ott volt ph is. ő tulajdonképpen sharon stone-t imádta (régen persze sophia lorent és claudia cardinale-t) de az utóbbi időben rájött, hogy takán mégis inkább julia. valahogy odakeveredett chuck is, akit nem utált ugyan, de 3O éve legalább nem nézte egyik filmjét se 5 percnél tovább. de a róla szóló vicceket csipázta.

Az elmúlt években kiderült róla, hogy már kétszer meghalt, csak a halál nem mert eljönni érte. Amikor Bell feltalálta a telefont, már volt két nem fogadott hívása Chuck Norristól. Tudjuk, hogy nincs evolúció, csupán egy lista olyan élőlényekről, akiket Chuck Norris élni hagyott. Néhány fiú bele tudja pisilni a nevét a hóba, de Chuck Norris a betonba is. Chuck Norris egyszer olyan gyorsan kelt fel, hogy látta magát aludni.

3 nap múlva julia és ph. együtt utaztak vissza londonba.

On Saturday Tate Modern opened its doors for the first weekend of what promises to be one of its biggest shows ever, as well as its first solo exhibition devoted to the great Spanish artist . The show – Picasso 1932: Love, Fame, Tragedy – concentrates on this especially productive time in his life, in which he made her image repeatedly.

“He was an obsessed man, to produce so many pictures over one period,” said Jeff Irvine, 57, from Belfast, who was visiting the gallery while staying with friends. “I studied his paintings at school, but it is great to see some of the less well-known images, showing what he was trying to get at. This has filled in some gaps.”

Tate Modern’s show crowns a spring of renewed worldwide focus on this period of Picasso’s work.

On Saturday particular attention was paid by many to a painting never shown in Britain before: the renowned study of Walter called The Dream, or Le Rêve, which also serves as the poster image for the show. Picasso, then 45 and married to Olga, a former dancer from the Ballets Russes, had met Walter by chance in a Paris department store and asked her to sit for him. The legacy of that random encounter lives on.

Caroline, visiting the Tate from her home in Amsterdam, stood in front of the portrait for at least five minutes. “It is great. It says a lot,” she said.

While Walter’s name is not so familiar outside the art world, her face is probably better known, in all its aspects and angles, than that of Picasso himself. Her strong nose has been accentuated in a hundred abstract studies and sculptured heads, many of them included in this show. Similarly, the straight blond hair she was sadly to lose in an illness, soon after it had first delighted Picasso, plays a big part in many of the portraits.

ph. tárgyalásokba kezdett, hogy legyen egy kassák - bortnyik kiálítás is. szatmári szilvával próbálta oldani a feszültséget.

bartók-kassák hetek lesznek a wigmore hallal együtt megszervezésben.

Works by Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Csontváry Koszta Tivadar, Virginia Woolf and Edward Burne-Jones will feature in a series of exhibitions at the Tate from next year. The artists join a portfolio of names, from the pre-Raphaelite painters to modern film and performance artists, that will feature in shows across the country’s galleries.

Bacon and Freud will join RB Kitaj and Paula Rego in the All Too Human presentation of figurative painting at Tate Britain

in London, while video and textile art by female stars Joan Jonas and Anni Albers will go on show at the Tate Modern.