Veszpremi Creative Commons License 2017.12.29 0 0 3597

The link you put is the same, as my, but in English, I used the German version :)

Even I do not know exactly the place of Szabadsághegyi jump, but it must be near there, where the map shows, I suppose (Jánoshegy nowadays).

Not easy to find anyone, who knows something about Hungarian ski jumps, but will try.

As the site shows with photos

Pécs has also some "ruins" of the former ski jump.


About Lillafüred I found another article:

It says, that

"Bükkszentkereszt felé, a libegő felső állomásától délre található a műugrósánc maradványai".

This means, that direction Bükkszentkereszt south of the upper station of the lift (libegő) there are the ruins of the ski jump.


In this topic there is an other interesting post: "Bár kerítésen kívül, de a Normafánál a Vasas síház mögött ott a két kicsi kősánc (jó renoválandó, da a terep nem nagyon változott)."

It means: 2 other small jump hill ruins can be found at Normafa (Budapest) behind the Vasas Skihouse.

Előzmény: Artur Bala (3596)