Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein Creative Commons License 2017.11.23 -1 0 6645


Amikor meglátok egy ilyen adatot (60 kg bármi, legyen az kard, balta, alabárd stb.), akkor azonnal szkeptikus üzemmódba kapcsolok. Jól látszik, a mesélés során hogyan növekszik az eszköz tömege: 18 kg (már az is rengeteg) -> 45 kg -> 60 kg.

"Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Historical validity

It is highly questionable whether Guan Yu actually wielded the Green Dragon or whether it was merely part of the myths surrounding him. Valid historical texts from his time period made no mention of him or anyone wielding a similar weapon. Because the guandao was known not to be widely used until the Song Dynasty, there is some doubt as to whether the guandao existed during Guan Yu's time. The guandao may not have been very widely used because it was both difficult to wield and heavy (Guan Yu, reportedly, was able to wield it with agility with just one hand, while most people would have trouble using it effectively even with both hands). However, this may be due to the legend of the weight surrounding the blade, whereas in reality, it was much lighter.

According to Chapter 1 of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Green Dragon Crescent Blade was said to weigh 82 catties. During the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms periods, one catty was approximately 220 grams, so 82 catties would have been approximately 18 kilograms (~40 pounds). A weapon weighing about 100 pounds (~45 kilograms), purported to be the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, is on display at the Purple Cloud Temple in China today."

"...amikkel ugyan itt-ott még gyakorolnak"

Hogy lehet egy ilyen 60 kg-os kínai alabárddal gyakorolni??
Mit lehet vele elérni?

Számomra ez pont az a kategória, mint a 5-6+ kg-os felvonulási díszkardok (hosszúkardok, vagy kétkezes kardok). Ezeket jelképként hordozták körbe pl. újkori vívóversenyek (Fechtschule) előtt, vívócéhek felvonulásákor, de senki nem hasznáta őket rendeltetésszerűen.

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