H. Bernát Creative Commons License 2017.09.21 0 0 112437

Az időrend egyértelmű.

1., 895-ben Levente megveri Simenont.

2., Ezután (896-899) Simenon megegyezik a Dnyepertől keletre élő besenyőkkel. 

3., Ezután a türkök hadjáratra mentek, mire a besenyő-bolgár szövetség Etelközre támad (899-900)




DE csak a gumiszobádban.


Mert azon kívül a források ezt igazolják: 




Byzantine–Bulgarian war of 894–896




Following the defeat of the Byzantine army in the initial stages of the war in 894 Leo VI sought aid from the Magyars who at the time inhabited the steppes to the north-east of Bulgaria. Aided by the Byzantine navy, in 895 the Magyars invaded Dobrudzha and defeated the Bulgarian troops. Simeon I called for truce and deliberately protracted the negotiations with the Byzantines until securing the assistance of the Pechenegs. Cornered between the Bulgarians and the Pechanegs, the Magyars suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Bulgarian army and had to migrate westwards, settling in Pannonia.


With the Magyar threat eliminated, Simeon led his hosts south and routed the Byzantine army in the battle of Boulgarophygon in the summer of 896, which forced Byzantium to agree to the Bulgarian terms. The war ended with a peace treaty which restored the Bulgarian market in Constantinople and confirmed Bulgarian domination in the Balkans. "



Azaz 896-ra befejeződött a háború, MINDEN fronton, 896-ban békeszerződés lépett életbe.



A magyarokat érintően:



"While exchanging correspondence with Leo Choirosphaktes, Simeon sent envoys to forge an alliance with the Pechenegs, the eastern neighbours of the Magyars, and in the beginning of 896 the Bulgarians and Pechenegs attacked the Magyar homeland on two fronts.[32] In the decisive battle the Bulgarian army dealt a crushing defeat on the Magyars in the steppes along the Southern Bug river. The struggle was so bloody that it is said that the victorious Bulgarians lost 20,000 riders.[33] At the same time, the Pechenegs advanced westwards and prevented the Magyars from returning to their homeland.[34] The blow on the Magyars was so heavy that they were forced to migrate further west in search of new pastures, eventually settling in the Pannonian Basin, where they established the powerful Kingdom of Hungary.[28][34]"


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Vagyis: bolond likból most is bolond szél fújt. 



Előzmény: netuddkivogymuk (112436)