Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein Creative Commons License 2017.09.19 -1 0 5763


Azért ezt nem gondolod komolyan: "...tizeneves gyerekek kitalaljak, hogy ezzel majd jol megzavarom a masik tizeneves gyereket? A mestereit mar nem zavarja meg..."

Gondolom megnézted Sz332 által linket képet, a kenshi247 blogról. Hol látsz rajta gyerekeket? Ugyanakkor látható az a bizonyos állás.

Pár külhoni észrevétel a 15. Kendó Világbajnokságról.

"The other thing that stood out for me was how bad the Kendo was. Here I'm really talking about the final. It saddened me to see match after match where kenshi with massive levels of skill and experience were fighting like junior high school kids or worse. Far too much rushing in to taiatari and staying there.

Far too much sanpomamori (blocking with the shinai tip pointing at the ground, hands in front of face).

Far too many useless attacks that bombarded the opponent when there was no opening, hoping for a "lucky strike"."

Reactions to 15 WKC in Novara topik (2012)

És még pár csemege ebből a topikból.

"The worst thing however, was more than one Korean kenshi eyeballing the shinpan when they realised the point went against them. One Korean fighter stood almost toe-to-toe with one of the fukushin and eyeballed him for a good 5 seconds before walking back to resume the match. I don't care what the stakes are you're fighting for, and I don't care how many years you've been training or how bad the call was, that kind of behaviour is shameful."

"The Japanese stopped playing nice kendo after losing to USA at WKC13. After that, it became winning first, looking nice second. This is probably the strongest example of that."

Sőt annyira elterjedt ez "métely", hogy külön tiltani kezdték. (Erről majd később.)

És van egy külön topik erről:


Előzmény: dezsoKE (5756)