Simplex-CG Creative Commons License 2017.09.08 0 0 5707



Ez a "a széles, nagy erejű vágások" téma melyik forrásban található?

Én találtam ilyesmit, de főleg a "leychmeister" és "püffel" szavak kíséretében ;)

Pedig Liechtenaueréknál sem volt kosár.

"If someone intends to strike or thrust another who stands in front of him,

no strike or thrust in any other direction or wide swings or many strikes will help.

If he wants to bring it to a quick end,

and yet hesitates and is slow,

he should just leave the Schantze(place of combat)!"

"For example, if someone intends to strike or thrust,

it goes just like if a string would be attached to the sword and the tip or edge would be pulled to an opening of the adversary

- who should be the target for the strike or thrust -

resulting in taking the shortest way to the nearest target as possibly.

That is why the same true fencing will never employ beautiful and wide parries nor large round moves which are just useful to entertain spectators."

MS 3227a

Előzmény: Sch.... (5688)