Bateman Creative Commons License 2017.07.24 0 0 685948

bár ezeket a cikkeket nem te írtad, hanem a Wired, de azért taláűn érdemes belekukkantanod:) pár dolgot kiemeltem. egyébkéánt hemzsegnek az ilyen jellegű tudományos cikkek a piacra készülő új generációs tárolókról és nyilván nem a lítium-ion lesz a jövő.



“In any capital-intensive industry, industry will stand in the way of innovation,” Sadoway says. Existing battery companies have too much invested in the status quo to be much help, he says. Lithium-ion came from outside the established battery industry of its time, he points out; the next battery will have to do the same.

The molten metal battery has long since moved out of the basement lab. In 2010, Sadoway started the battery company Ambri with several of his former students, then moved HQ into a manufacturing facility 30 miles west of Cambridge to the town of Marlborough. Now, Ambri employs about 40 people and is busy building prototype battery packs out of hundreds of the molten metal cells.

Sadoway says Ambri is less than a year away from deploying its first commercial models.


The molten metal battery isn’t the only moonshot battery. It’s not even the obvious front-runner. Other technologies are pushing ahead, quietly and without fanfare, from “iron flow batteries” to zinc- and lithium-air varieties. Aquion batteries have been on the market for nearly three years,





Előzmény: Törölt nick (685945)