Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2017.05.31 0 0 15045

Nem hallottam eddig erről a betegségről, de pár külföldi oldalon utánaolvasva gyógyíthatatlan, csak a tünetei menedzselhetők valamennyire. Ráadásul hasonlít az emberi herpeszre, stresszre előjön. Sajnálom.


Az L-lizinnel kapcsolatban széles a skála a pesszimizmustól az óvatos optimizmusig (vastagítások tőlem). Az biztosnak tűnik, hogy nem gyógyítja meg a fertőzést, csak a fellángolásoknál enyhítheti a tüneteket.


"Oral administration of 500 mg of lysine to cats was well tolerated and resulted in less severe manifestations of conjunctivitis caused by FHV-1, compared with cats that received placebo."


"L-lysine is an amino acid (protein building block) that has shown some antiviral effects against both cat and human herpesviruses."


"Occasionally the use of interferon eye drops and L-Lysine tablets are advised but there is little evidence that these are effective, and they may even exacerbate the disease."


"Orally administered l - lysine has been reported to inhibit herpesvirus growth."


"Some anecdotal reports state that L-lysine, an amino acid dietary supplement, can inhibit viral replication."


"Contrary to popular veterinary belief, these researchers found the results of their study, as well as the studies in cats, offer little scientific justification for the use of L-lysine in the treatment of feline herpesvirus 1 in cats."

Előzmény: Doriniki (15044)